Fire Branded Leather: Smooth As Butter

Story by wwwerewolf on SoFurry

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#12 of Fire Branded Leather

Will has enough in his life to be happy. A stable job as assistant fire chief, good friends, and enough money to keep his food bowl full. What more could a dog ask for? Expect perhaps someone warm on those cold Vancouver nights.

It all came from an ad in the newspaper, "Are you willing?" He was.

Fires are breaking out all over the city and Will is run ragged. His days are soot stained as he fights to keep the city from burning to the ground and his nights reek of sweat and blood as he learns the ways of a new passion.

The flames burn higher as Will discovers there is more to this life then being a dutiful mutt who follows the orders of his superiors.

And then she places a collar on him.

Thanks for FyrDawg for commissioning this and being absolutely great to work with!

And thank you to the awesome people who helped me edit this:

-Fallacy / GamingWolgBeta




Please be aware that unlike my previous works this story will contain adult scenes and situations. I will mark those chapters appropriately.

Chapter 12: Smooth As Butter


Cold and dark.

Far more ran through Will's mind as the blackness engulfed him, but those were the few coherent thoughts that fought their way to the surface.

His one arm was wrapped around the two children, his other around Davies.

Looking far above, he could see the night stars. The surface of the ocean lay between them, shattering the image into a thousand wavering shards.

Will let out a breath. The ice cold of the Pacific filled his lungs.

And one by one the stars went out...

A touch of warmth sparked in Will's body. Just a touch, a single point. He could hear a voice, he could hear screaming. But it all came from seemingly a thousand miles away, as if from the far side of the continent.

A heavy weight forced itself into his chest, fighting with the cold that gripped him.

With a gurgling cry Will fought to cough. His lungs were heavy, full.

All that came forth was a froth of water from his chest, forcing its way from his mouth and nose.

A moment later he pulled in a long, deep breath.

And launched into a coughing fit.

Someone rolled him onto his side, Will gratefully felt the water slowly drain from his chest with each breath.

"What did I tell you about me having to save you again, my pet?" a voice whispered, inches from his ear.

Turning slowly, Will forced his blurry vision to clear.

Anne crouched before him, face placid.

"Mistress..." he whispered. "I'm... I'm sorry."

A soft smile parted her lips.

"William," she whispered, "I chose you because you help people." She drew a hand slowly up his chest. "Why would I ever prevent you from doing what you are here to perform?"

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