Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

Story by IbsinRG on SoFurry

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In the Great Tarasen Empire, there lived a family. Adraco ad-la Adda, his wife, Sem nib-da Vas, and thier young infant, Ibsin. Adraco was a well-known Priest of the Atheslian Temple in Ace, the capital of the Tarasian world, until one man, Balmond Vam-Sheer, accused him of murdering the King. Now Adraco and his family on the run. They are running to find a safe place for not only themselves, but their young son as well, and in hopes of evading Balmond's grasp.

This is the story of my character's past. I own legal binding to this, so all this work is of my own. No distribution or copy or modification without my permission.

Part 1- Adraco

Chapter 1-

In the great Draconian Empire, the majestic land of Tarase, in the Lordship of Sevno, there lived a young couple by the names of Adraco ad-la Adda and Sem nib-da Vas. The year is 1062, in the beginning of the Summer months, and in that year, they were blessed with a baby boy, one whom never thought just how special he was. After the birthing, Adraco was allowed to see his wife. He was a tall Draconian, ranging around 6 feet, build of a fighter yet toned like that of a runner. His scales were as red as blood, neck length raven black hair, and long wings that went from head to toe, and eyes that brilliantly sparkled like crackling embers glowing on a fire. He was well established into society, an Atheslian Priest in the Grand Temple in Ace, (pronounced 'Ah-sah'), as well as a longtime friend with the Assassin Mentor, Gresh il-tem Sasem. His wife and mate, Sem, was an elegant and poised. Her features were almost unmatched, being of one of the most beautiful daughters of a rich landlord far off in the Diamond Islands, the Lordship of the Bluescales. Her hair was long, down to the middle of her back, and the color of green seaweed, her eyes shown like the moon, their color matching that of lagoon blue. Being of one of the most well-known Bluescales, many men wished to have her, not only for her intelligence, but also for her unmatched and stunning beauty, which was she flaunted well, but only around her mate and husband. After the birthing, she was lying in her bed, holding her newborn child in her arms, her hair disheveled, and her eyes tired and weak from the strain of giving birth. Adraco smiled as he walked up to the bedside and sat down near his wife. Sem giggled softly and looked to her husband, "Look Adraco, our own son, isn't he beautiful? Look, he even has your eyes," she said as she held out the child to him. Adraco took the child carefully and held him close in his arms. The baby opened its eyes and giggled, holding out its little claws to him, smiling happily. He chuckled and let the child hold his finger, which the infant looked at and toothlessly nibbled on, his big ember glowing eyes watching his father. Adraco's warm smile faded as soon as he gazed into his son's eyes. As soon as he had, he felt a massive surge of pain deep inside his skull, the ancient power within him stirring as it connected with his son. But, as soon as the pain had begun, it ended, leaving Adraco with a wicked headache and his son crying in his arms.

"What is wrong with you? look, you made him cry!" Sem exclaimed as she wrenched the crying child from his arms and clutched it close to her, the look on her face a mixture of confusion and fear. Adraco simply sat there, staring at his claws. "Aderaso! Answer me!" She insisted. "Iebesen," he muttered. "What?" She asked, now more confused. "Ibesen, that's his name...it's Iebsen." She looked at him with wide eyes, finding her mate's sudden change in behavior very startling. "Aderaso? Are you feeling alright? What exactly when you held...Iebesen? What makes you even think that is what I even want to call him?" He finally picked up his head from looking at his claws, to her. "Because vos yim, (my wife)...I just know." She stared at back at him. "You just know? You just know this, 'how'?" He suddenly got closer to her, his eyes sparking with flame as the ancient power inside him began to awaken. She herself clutched her child closer to her, in fear of what her mate might do. He got close enough so she could see his eyes right in hers and said, "Because...I do." Her eyes widened as she understood what he meant. "By the Goddess Aderaso...does he have...does he have your gift? Is that why his eyes are like yours?" Adraco had gotten up and walked over to the window, the only real light source besides the fireplace. What felt odd to him was how cool the room was, being made of hardened lava from the nearby extinct volcano, it typically holds in heat rather well. He gazed out onto the Sevno ports, watching some of the merchant vessels transporting their goods from all the neighboring Lordships. "Yes...yes, he has the Sevno, (Fire). He holds the curse that I hold, just as my father had before me." Sem had gotten up from her bed, shaking slightly from being so weak, but strong enough to walk over to Adraco with her child and rest her head on her mate's shoulder. "It'll be alright Aderaso. As he grows up, you can teach him how to control it, yes? And in the meantime till then, you can work a little more at the Temple."

Adraco stayed with his family till nightfall, when a messenger came in and handed him a note, with the symbol of the Elder Council stamped into the seal. He thanked the messenger and tore open the letter, scanning it over. Sem had woken from the sounds and looked at the seal. "The Elder Council? What do they want? Yom, (Husband)? What does it say?" After he read it, he crumpled it up and tossed it into the burning fire, the paper burning away within seconds. "Yes, it is. They summoned me to a meeting in the morning. If I can get a head start on getting there, I can be back in Ace by the morning." He began packing some things, going around the room as Sem got up and checked on Ibsin, who was fast asleep in his crib on the side of the room. "But, what about us Aderso?" She asked as she watched him grab things and put them into a small satchel, which he finished packing and slung over his shoulder, and then put on his Priest's shawl. He gave her a loving kiss, then kissed Ibsin's head, who woke up and pawed at his father's face, making Adraco smile. "I love you both so much, and I'll be back tomorrow, the servants here will be able to take care of you until then." And with that, he departed, heading towards the docks, hoping to catch a ship to Ace.

Chapter 2-

As he rode the merchant vessel he had happened upon earlier in the morning, many of the crew kept silent as he walked about the deck, not wanting to speak ill of an Atheslian Priest. As he leaned against the railing, and gazed out over the ocean, the Capitan approached him and spoke with him on his journey to Ace. When they arrived at the Ace docks hours later, he thanked the Captain and the crew and set off into the large sandstone city. After some time of walking around, he managed to find the large legislative building of the Elder Council, the massive pillars and archways only adding to the already ominous feeling that welled up in Adraco's gut. 'Why would the Elder Council request a meeting with me? Of all people, why me?' He thought to himself as he walked the long, dark halls of the inside, his boots clicking slightly on the hard floor. What also struck him as odd, was how he had not encountered a single soul while walking around in the building, not even a single person. He continued walking around the halls, hoping to find his destination as described in the letter.

He eventually came into a large rotunda, a large oak chair and table set in the middle of the room, and stacked bleachers of solid oak set facing that. And sitting on those bleachers were the Elders, the oldest of the Draconian race, wise and all-knowing. As he came near the large table, one of the Elders, an old Whitescale stood up and gestured towards the large table. "Thank-you Fate, (Father) Aderaso for coming so swiftly. We appreciate your timeliness in this...troubling matter." Aderaso nodded silently and took his seat at the table, the Elders rising above him on the bleachers, almost feeling intimidating to him as he looked upon them, some he even recognized. One was Sem's father, Grev, a very wise and intelligent Bluescale. The sound of a gavel broke the silence, and a loud voice echoed through the large room.

"Order in the Council!" At the top of the bleachers, behind a desk, sat the Head Councilman, an old Blackscale. He leaned forward a bit, his dark emerald eyes poised on Adraco. "Now then...I, Belamande Vam-Sheer, Head Councilman of the 25th Elder Council, now call this meeting to order. Fate Aderaso, you have been summoned here for trail against crimes concerning the Crown." Aderaso looked at Balmond confused, "What are you talking about?" Balmond rammed the gavel a few times after Adraco spoke. "Order! Fate Aderaso...you have been rightfully accused of the assassination of King Bulga only a few days ago. how do you plead?" When the rest of the Council heard the accusation, it sent them all in an uproar, muttering and whispering to one another. Balmond rammed the gavel again to silence them. "I ask again Fate Aderaso, how do you plead?" Aderaso sat there in the chair, glaring at Balmond from down below. "I say I am innocent on the pretense of myself being with my wife during her labor hours, as well as my profession. Being a Priest, I am bound by rules. And one is not to harm another living soul." Balmond reclined in his seat as he gazed down at Adraco. "Of course you are Aderaso...you're a well-known Priest in most of the cities. And of course you're a loving husband and father," he smirked. Adraco's eyes went wide, "How did you know of that?" Balmond grinned his fangs and leaned forward in his chair. "I know a lot of things Aderaso...just like that how you are an Assassin." Adraco slowly rose from the chair, his claws rested upon the table, his eyes glaring daggers at Balmond. "The Order is made for the protection of the King. If I was one, why would I want to kill the one person I swear to protect?" Balmond shrugged in his chair and gazed at Adraco. "Perhaps to rise in the seat of power? Who is to say? All I know is, is that your 'Order' is nothing but a hive of thieves and murderers..." he hissed. "I did not kill him! I swore to protect him, my Brothers and Sisters as well!" Adraco shouted, slamming his fist on the table, the Council going silent as he did. One of the Councilman, an old Greenscale leaned in his chair and pointed at Adraco saying, " If you and your Order swore to protect the King from any such harm, then, where were they when he was killed, hmm?" An elderly Whitescale nodded, "I agree Councilman Fesho." All lot of the other Councilman muttered to one another in agreement as Adraco gazed from one to the other, hoping to find sympthay for his situation, but found none. He looked to Councilman Grev, Sem's father, but all the man did was look to the floor, not wanting to meet Adraco's gaze.

"Well then, I believe the Council is all in agreement then," Balmond grinned. "Aderaso ade-la Adede," he said, looking at him from above his perch in the bleachers, "I hereby sentence you to be hanged at the neck until dead by crimes against the Crown. Guards," he motioned by waving his claw and a small group of guards entered, circling Adraco. He just stood there, his eyes closed , his claws digging slightly into the table-top as heard the sound of the gavel, as well as Balmond's voice. "I hereby call this meeting of the 25th Council to an end, take him to a holding cell so we may decide what to do with him at a later date." One of the gaurds nodded and went to take Adraco by the shoulder. As he did so, in a flash, Adraco had grabbed the man by the neck and twisted his head till a sickening crunch was heard, and the lifeless body fell to the ground in a heap. The other guards looked wearily at the body, then at Adraco, whose eyes were solid fire from his power becoming active. "Well? What are you waiting for? Take him away!" Balmond ordered as many of the Elders stood to see what was going on. Another guard rushed at Adraco, trying to swing his sword at his neck, but he grabbed the guard by the arm, and his Hidden Blade that was put away under his sleeve sliced the guard's neck open, making him choke and cough up massive amounts of blood before falling to the ground in his own blood. The last guard stood there, trembling in his boots before Adraco grinned and took off down the hall, as fast as his wings and legs would take him. "Catch him! Bring him back here at once!" Balmond shouted at the guards who ran into the room and then after Adraco.

Chapter 3-

Adraco soon found himself back outside, and as soon as he did, he took to the rooftops, finding them easier to traverse than the crowded streets. As he ran along the roofs, he kept his eyes on the streets below, making sure no guards would see him. As he did, he saw Sem wandering around the market with Ibsin in her arms. He stopped and leaped down, walking up to her, and pulled her into a nearby alleyway, making her drop a piece of fruit she was holding.

"Aderso? What?" She asked before being pulled into the alley. "What are you doing here?" He asked hurriedly, keeping an eye outside the alley. "What am I doing here? I'm here to let our son see where his father works, and don't worry about me, I'm more than strong enough to be walking around now. Might I ask what you are doing here? I thought you were in a meeting with the Council," she asked as she bounced Ibsin a bit in her arms. "I-it didn't go as well as I thought..." She looked at Ibsin, then at her mate in a flash. "What do you mean, 'not as well as you thought'?" He sighed and stepped back into the alley, holding her by her shoulders, Ibsin looking at his father happily, his toothless smile grinning at him. "Sema...we need to leave here, to get somewhere safe. We're all in terrible danger." She looked at him confused, shaking her head. "What? Aderaso...you're not making any sense..." he took her claw and dragged her along into the crowd. "I don't have time to explain. I need to take you somewhere that I know is safe, and then from there, I can figure out what to do..." he pulled his wife and child through the streets of Ace, guards everywhere looking for him. Adraco only hoped that if he arrived to his destination, that those inside would grant him and his family sanctuary from the dangers that roamed the streets for him.

Chapter 4-

Within an hour, Adraco and his family arrived at a massive sandstone arch, with a wooden door beneath it, symbols carved along the front of the arch indicating of what lay beyond it. Sem noticed the symobls and stopped outside the door as Adraco walked inside it to a large wooden portcullis. "Sasemaso? We're going...to Sesemaso?" She groaned disapprovingly and followed Adraco inside, walking into a large courtyard that lied in front of a massive Keep. She gazed around cautiously, holding Ibsin close to her.

"Why did we come here? You know how much I despise these killers..." she muttered to him as he looked around, hoping to find a friend. He soon recognized his friend, standing near the fighting circle and shouting tips and hints to the Recruits. He walked up and clapped his claw on the man's shoulder. "Good to see you Advo, (mentor)," he grinned. Mentor Gresh turned around, smiling cheerfully as he shook Adraco's claw. "And it's good to see you too Bate, (Brother) Aderaso." Gresh was in his mid-thirties at the time, his yellow scales a brilliant sun-gold, his eyes that of shiny brass. Gresh stopped, his smiling fading as he saw Sem. "Sema...always a pleasure" he nodded to her, not wanting to approach her and make her more uncomfortable than she already was. "I see you finally made her yours my friend," he chuckled. Gresh put an arm around Adraco's shoulder and turned him away from Sem, who huffed and contently kept Ibsin amused by talking to him. "But tell me Bate, (Brother)...this is not the only reason you came here, yes? To show me your yim, (Wife) and sto, (son)? There must be another reason..." he eyed Adraco carefully, used to the usual antics of having to help his friend out of most problems over the years. Adraco nodded and sighed, "You must help me Advo...the Council has framed me for the assassination of King Bulga..." Gresh shook his head in astonishment, "What? Wht would they do that?" Adrao brought his gaze up from the ground to his mentor's. "Because...they believe we are nothing but a group of thieves and killers, words from Head-Councilman Balmond." Gresh let out a low growl of hatred and gave Adraco a light shove. "And you have the audacity to come here? Right to our stronghold, and lead them right to us?! You have single-handedly compromised our Brotherhood!" Adraco looked at him out of shock, his mouth gaping slightly as he was at a loss for words. "You need to leave here at once, before they find us all!" Gresh shouted at him, not caring for the sights he was getting from the guards and Recruits. "B-but Advo.." Adraco tried to say, but he was cut off by Gresh holding his claw up. "No! I don't want to hear it! Just take your family and leave!" Adraco growled and stormed off, taking Sem's claw and pulling her behind him as he walked out of the castle and off into the city once more.

Chapter 5-

After leaving the Assassin Order, Adraco had taken his wife and child to the Ace Dockyard, but found no ships in line. "The ships...they're all gone, why did we even come here? Where are we going?" Sem asked him desperately, noticing then how much danger they were really in. Adraco kept looking around and saw far off from the docks, was the ship he had arrived in only a few days before. "There!" He pointed as he spotted the ship. "That ship, they might be able to help us!" Sem looked out to where he was pointing and saw the ship as well. "But, it's so far away now. How are we going to get to it?" Adraco let his arm fall as the question hit him. "I'm not sure..." Then as he thought all was lost, he heard a loud call from below the docks. "Ahoy there Aderaso!" The two looked down the edge of the docks, and saw a sailor in a longboat, waving to them. "Aderaso! The Capitain sends his regards, and wishes to help in any way he can!" Adraco blinked a bit. "But...how did he know of all this?" The sailor shrugged a bit before waving for them to get onto the boat. "That I'm not so sure of Fate...you'll have to ask him that yourself when we're aboard, now come on!" Adraco nodded in agreement and helped Sem and Ibsin onto the boat and then hopped on himself. Within a few minutes on the silent boat, they were aboard the merchant vessel that Adraco sailed on earlier only a few days before. As soon as Adraco was pulled aboard, he fell to his knees, grasping his head in pain. Sem was pulled up a few seconds after and ran to him, holding Ibsin close to her still.

"Adraco! Sho? What's wrong?" He didn't move his gaze from the ship's deck as he saw flashes flutter through his vision. "A...a vision..." he said through the pain. "What do you see?" Sem asked, fully aware of her husband's power and what it could do. "I see...I see...death...death and destruction..." he stood up, facing Sevno, which laid off in the horizon. "On Sevno," he exclaimed and turned to Sem, holding her by the shoulders. "Sevno is going to sink into the ocean!" She nodded slowly, trying to make sense of what he just saw. "Was there anything else?" He thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Yes...there was. Gresh, he was holding Ibsin...then, something odd happened. I-I thought I saw Ibsin, but...grown up, and in the Order..." he looked to his wife confused. "We still need to reach Sevno in time vos yim, (my wife)...it's crucial that we do. I'll have a word with the Capitan," Aderaso said as he gazed out over the railing before heading up to where the Capitan stood, watching over his crew at the helmsman's station. As Sem stood there holding Ibsin, who was quite content with trying to play with the dangiling ropes, she suddenly could feel her heart begin to race, and the world began to spin slightly, making her dizzy and place a claw to her head. She staggered a bit, and the First Mate, who was the one who brought them aboard, noticed her and went to her side. "Are you alright Phri Adede, (Madam Adda)?" He held a claw to her to help her regain her balance. "Yes...reg-sey favso..(thank-you very much). I'm fine...thank-you..." he nodded, "Alright then. If you do need any help, please do not hesitate to tell the Capitan. He's a good man, he is." Sem nodded in agreement and walked up to Adraco, who smiled to her and held her close while he continued to speak to the Capitan about how to make the ship go faster so they could reach Sevno in time.

Just as they were nearing the island, a large warship came alongside, equipped with a full legion of Ace warriors and guards-men. A tall Redscale, wearing an Officer's uniform stood in front of them all at the railing and shouted through a megaphone. "Stop this ship immediately! In the name of the Elder Council, you are harboring a criminal!" The Capitan turned to face the larger ship and shouted to them. "And what makes you believe we holding such a criminal aboard? We are just a merchant vessel, bringing goods to and from Sevno! And right now, we are on a deadline, we must reach Sevno without any interruptions right now!"

The Officer from the large ship nodded and an archer pulled back an arrow and let it fly, the arrow striking home in the First Mate's chest, killing him instantly, his body falling down onto the deck. The Capitan looked shocked, then turned angry and glared at the Officer from the opposing ship. "You just killed an innocent man!" The Officer laughed softly, "And I will gladly kill more if you do not hand over the man the Council wants." The Officer looked over the people on board and smiled as he saw Adraco holding Sem and Ibsin close to him protectively. He nodded to the archer, who pulled back another arrow and aimed it at Sem and Ibsin, Sem looking frightened. "No!" Adraco shouted and stepped forward. "I'm the man you're beloved Council is looking for! Take me away, but please don't hurt anyone else!" The Officer smirked and motioned to some milita, who hopped aboard and grabbed Adraco and took him over to the other ship. "Aderaso! Please, no! Don't leave me!" Sem shouted as she leaned a bit over the railing, trying to reach for him. "No Sem, you must stay with Ibesen. If he can't grow up without a father, then at least he can have a mother to look to. Everything will be alright my yim, (wife)," he smiled to her. She held back from crying as she ran to the other end of the ship, trying to see him still as the ship pulled away. "Aderaso! I love you Aderaso!" He perked his ears up at hearing her and stood up on the railing, seeing her still, "I love you too Sema! Take care of our son." The guards near him saw him standing and yanked him back down, and the ship fell out of view, heading back to Ace.

Chapter 6-

"We have to go save him! We have to!" Sem exclaimed in panic as she turned to the Captain. The Captain stood there, void of emotion and shook his head, sighing. "We cannot my dear. He is being taken back to Ace for the crimes held against him. We cannot interfere, for if we did, we would be jeopardizing our own lives as well as your son's. Now, is that what you really want? he did ask you take care of him, yes?" Sem stared into nothing as she let the Capitan's words filter through her mind. "But...but what of my father? He is an Elder, he had to have some say in my husband's trail?" The Capitan shrugged, "That I have no words for my Lady. But we must carry on, for his sake, as for your son's," he said reassuringly as he put a claw on her shoulder and moved her away from the railing of the ship and towards the helm.

"We are nearly there now, see?" He pointed past the ship, out towards the horizon, and there was Sevno, the Island of Fire. "We will dock in the evening. It will give you plenty of time." Sem looked at the Captain confused, "What do you mean?" He became startled as he realized he spoke of something he shouldn't have. "He hasn't told you...has he?" Sem became suspicious as she turned the Captain to face her, her lagoon blue eyes glaring daggers at the man. "Told me of what?" She said sternly. "Even though your husband has only known for the few hours we spoke when he traveled from Sevno to Ace, we got to know one another quite well. We told one another things...things that people would be killed for even hearing." She shook her head, not understanding any of what the man said. "What are you saying? My husband is Priest of the Atheslian Order. he is well known throughout the Staditi, (Lordships)." The Captain sighed once more and looked Sem in the eyes, his as strong as hers, but with compassion. "He promised all his life to never let you know, to understand. It seems fate has other plans for you and your son, since what I tell will not matter in a few hours." She gasped and stepped back from him. "What are you saying? Tell me what you mean!" he picked his head up, his gaze still strong on her. "He is an Assassin, and has been like his father before him, as it was and always has been. Just like I know that your son will become one as well." Sem shook her head franticly, "No...no, it can't be true. No, I won't let my son become a murderer!" She took off down the steps of the deck and into the cargo hold, hoping to somehow escape what was just said to her. As she laid upon some crates in the hold, clutching her infant son, she wept in fear of what just might become true.

After a few hours of restless sleep, Sem awoke to the cry of land, and the thudding sounds of footfalls above her. She quickly got up and held Ibsin close, who rested peacefully in her arms as she went up on deck. As she reached the top deck, her mouth dropped open in pure horror as she saw a truly awful sight. All of the crewmen were standing at the bow of the ship, muttering to one another as they gazed out at Sevno. The island's long extinct volcano had awoke, and was spewing ash and flaming rock all over the island, lava pouring from the top of the mountain, burning everything in its path. When Sem saw what the others saw, she raced up to the helmsman, where the Captain was.

"We can't go there Captain! The volcano...it's erupting! Why is erupting?!?" Sem asked in a panic. The Captain stood motionless, his eyes staring out at the now-dark, and smoky island. "Do you not remember your husband's vision? We are all dead...it seems we are forsaken by the Goddess...and so, we must give up our lives for the hope of a better Afla, (Afterlife)." Sem looked at him puzzled, "Are you insane? You were the one who told me we had to continue, and now you want to give up? I say no, sir, and we move on!" The Captain glared at her. "You wish to take MY ship into port THERE?" He snarled, pointing at the burning island, "Be my guest....at least that way we can all die." Sem huffed in frustration stormed onto the main deck to wait for the docks. She only knew of one thing that she had to retrieve, something that would remind her of her husband, for she knew it was already too late to save him now, being as far as she was from him. She let a single tear fall down her young face as she clutched Ibsin to her, nuzzling softly against him as they neared Sevno, the island's smoky clouds and singing heat growing as they neared.

Chapter 7-

As soon as the ship docked at port, Sem was off the ship and heading down the docks. As she clambered through the panic filled streets, people running in fear while others huddled in corners, hoping to somehow escape they fate they've been dealt. Ash was falling from the sky, covering everything and everyone like a thick blanket of gray snow. Sem continued on through the streets of the city, her destination close at hand.

When she arrived at the building, she was almost hesitant to go inside. She gazed up at the large black building, its ornate decorations and windows covering its sleek edged design. She let out a sigh of frustration as walked towards the building, the home that she was in nearly a few days before. She opened the door, and was surprised to find how everything was still in perfect condition, that nothing had been looted. She quickly went deeper into the house, and opened a thick wooden door on the far end of the room, the hinges and borders all rusted with age. She carefully set Ibsin down on a nearby table as she struggled to pry the massive door open, creaks and groans coming from it before it was wide enough to slide past. When she had it open, she picked Ibsin up and went inside, lighting the torch that was set onto the wall at the door. She walked further inside, her footsteps light as she was cautious of what could be down where she was. She muttered softly under her breath of how many steps to take, of where she had to go, just as Adraco had told her the day they were certain of being mates. It was his secret, he had told her, a secret that he couldn't tell her, but one she could only guess of.

Her mind flickered back to the present, as she stopped after exactly fifty-eight steps and went down a large stone corridor, the dull firelight from the torch casting eerie shadows on the walls and out in front of her. She soon came into a circular room, a bright light shining down from above onto an ornate marble altar. As she neared it, she saw what appeared to be robes of some sort, along with a small cache of assorted weapons. She looked at it all, her anger flaring as she remembered the Captain's words in her mind of what her husband was. She let her anger subside as she gathered up the robes and weapons into a pack and ran out, back outside to the ship.

When she arrived back outside, the land was covered in a thick blanket of ash, the sunlight now gone from the thick clouds that blocked its rays of light. As she was making her way back to the docks, she heard some loud screaming, people running and shoving past her in mass panic. She turned slowly, her eyes going wide as she saw huge flaming rocks coming down from the sky heading right for the city. She let out a scream of panic just as a huge rock smashed into a building near her, sending dust and debris all over the street. She covered Ibsin in a linen blanket and held him tight to her as she dove this way and that, trying to evade the flaming rocks and debris it sent out. As she ran through the streets, she saw a few unlucky people fall to their knees, but only too late to get up and get crushed by debris from buildings. She eventually made it back to the docks just in time as the ship was beginning to pull away from the docks.

"Wait! Wait! Please, you have to help me!" She shouted, hoping someone would react and help out. She continued to run as fast as she could, her chest burning from the ash as she pushed on. She let out a yelp as she tripped on a broken portion of the dock, her pack and Ibsin sent sliding across the docks. She let out a gasp as she scrambled to get back up but let out a cry of pain as a large rock from a building landed on her leg, crushing it beneath its weight. She started to sob as she saw ash and fire become more intense, her child crying out loudly, the pack sitting beside the infant. As she laid there, unable to move, she saw a pair of boots walk up to her child, scoop him and the pack up and walk towards her. She carefully lifted her head, and saw it was the Captain. There were tears in his as he looked upon the wounded woman. "P-please...please help...me," she stammered, the pain almost too great to bear. The Captain opened his mouth to speak, shaking his head, "I am sorry. I am...so...sorry. There is nothing I can do..." Sem became more upset and started crying louder, ash already beginning to cover her blue scales and green hair. "Please....please..." she pleaded between sobs. "The island is sinking Phri Adede...and already my ship is taking leave. I cannot save you or your son, without sacrificing the other. I am sorry for the loss of your husband...as well as the loss of your own life," he turned to walk back towards the ship. "May the Goddess watch over you Sema nabe-de Vas..." he muttered as he walked back to the ship, leaving her trapped under the heavy stone. "Please! In the name of the Goddess, please!" She shouted, over and over, though the Captain continued to ignore her and got on board the ship. As she watched the ship pull away, with her son on board, along with the pack that she had retrieved earlier, she continued to weep and set her head down upon the cold wood of the dock, knowing then and there, her fate was sealed.

In Ace, Adraco was being taken right to the Royal Courtyard to be hung. Many people stood along the edge of the roads, watching the procession of the well-known Priest walk to his death. As he walked past the gate of the Palace, and into the Courtyard, he saw the hangman's noose, and in turn saw his fate. He said nothing, no one at all spoke a word as he walked up the steps to the noose. As another Priest recited his last rites, and the executioner asked if Adraco had any last words, he looked up and saw Balmond standing on a balcony, smirking devilishly, and of all things, wearing the crown of the King. Adraco growled hatefully and shook his head to answer the executioner. He let his gaze fall to the floor of the wooden platform, and as he felt the rough rope go over his head and tighten around his neck, he picked his head back up, and his eyes widened as he saw Sevno.

"No! Please! My wife, she's there! Sevno! The island, it's going to fall into the ocean, you have to listen to me!" He shouted, struggling against the rope, most the people laughing lightly at his shouting. "You must believe me! Look for yourselves!" He gazed upon the audience around him, some shaking their heads in disapproval, others trying to hold back from laughing. The laughing stopped as a tremor was felt beneath the feet of the people, causing them to all look out over the horizon. Most started motionless out over the sea, as others either panicked or screamed as they all witnessed Sevno breaking apart. Massive waves sprayed along the sides of the island, smoke and fire from the volcano could be seen as it too was being taken back into the sea. Within a matter of moments, the shocked and panicked audience stood in utter silence as the remainder of the island sunk beneath the waves, the clouds slowly retreating and the horizon retuning to a long, dismal ocean. Almost all at once, the crowd turned to look at Adraco.

Balmond turned quickly from where he stood, after too seeing the island disappear. He looked at Adraco with an almost menacing stare. "You have no idea what I have in store for this Empire Aderaso..." he said to him from above. "Kill him!" He shouted, waving his hand, which in turn the executioner nodded, his claw already on the lever. The crowd became rowdy and restless as they saw Adraco was right, and he wasn't to be killed. But just as some of the crowd got through the soldier's line, the lever was pulled, and Adraco fell, his lifeless body hanging limp by the rope, swaying slightly in the breeze, the chains rattling ever so softly. The crowd had fallen silent and dispersed almost immedatley afterwards, and Adraco's body was taken down and tossed into the ocean, the body bobbing as the waves carried it away from the main land, and off into the distance.

Chapter 8-

On the ship, the Captain held infant Ibsin, who was asleep and totally unaware of his mother's disappearance. "This does not bode well for us. It is a sign of worse things to come..." the captain muttered as he walked away from the railing, the ship settling soon after the island's destruction. "What of the child sir?" A sailor asked as he made his way onto the main deck. "I plan to take him back to Ace. I only hope there is someone there that can take him in." The sailor stammered, wanting to say something, but kept his mouth shut. "Do say what you wish sailor, I do not approve of men keeping their tongues unless otherwise." The sailor nodded, "Aye sir, thank-you sir. I only wish to say that, there are no orphanages in Ace sir. Most are down at Yuto, (Water) Islands sir, that would be another few days travel, and I don't think the child would survive till then, being without proper care and all." The Captain thought about the man's words for a moment, taking it in. "Hmm, I suppose you're right. We'll keep in course to Ace still. I think i might know of one place. A man the Priest told of when I spoke with him." The sailor saluted, 'Aye sir," and left the Captain holding Ibsin in his arms.

A light rain had begun to fall as the ship sailed back to Ace, and became heavier as the Captain walked through the dismal streets towards the Assassin's Keep. he banged his fist on the door, hoping someone would answer, even at the late hour. After a few more pounds on the door, a grumpy-looking sentry opened the door, staring at he Captain. "Please...is your Advo there? I must speak with him." The guard opened the door a bit wider, "Yes, he is. And whom might you be? Is...is that a child?" The guard asked as he noticed a squirming bundle in the man's arms. "Please...I must speak to him,' the Captain demanded. "Alright...alright, come on in," the guard said quickly, ushering the man inside the Keep and soon leading him up to the Advo's room.

Advo Sasem was wide awake as the Captain rushed into his room. The Captain hurriedly set the infant down on the Advo's bed and knelt before him. "Advo...you do not know me, and you might not care, but I need your help. I am in the possession of one of your Assassin's sons, and he is now without any of his parents. Please Advo, I am just a lowly merchant captain who can barely take care of himself, let alone take care of a child. If you can see in your heart, to raise him as you would, as if he was yours. Please...in the name of Aderaso..." the captain said pleadingly. Gresh held up a claw, silencing the man. "Did you say Aderaso?" The Captain lifted his gaze to the Advo's and nodded. "What happened to him? Where is he? Where is his wife?"

The Captain slowly stood, clearing his throat, "Dead...they um, they're both dead." Gresh's eyes went wide as he carefully sat down on a stool near to him. "How?" he simply asked, now wanting answers. "Aderaso was...hunted down by the guards, and taken back to Ace not too long ago. He was hung, accused of killing King Bolga. I fear...I fear he is already dead. As for his wife, I am uncertain. She was trapped on the island before it sank, I saved their child before it was too late." The old Advo nodded slowly and let his eyes fall to the floor. "Oh...I see. I thank-you sir, for...for bringing this child here. You have my word that I will raise him. His father was one of my best, most likely THE best, and his mother was the most nicest I ever met, even if she despised what my guild did. Here," the Advo pulled out a few gold coins and handed them to the Captain. "For your troubles. May the Goddess grant you luck sir." The Captain nodded and left the room, leaving the old Advo and the infant Ibsin alone.

As soon as the Captain left the room, Ibsin began to cry and Gresh got up and picked him up, cradling him in his arms, hushing the child back to sleep. "Shhhh....shhhh...it's alright little one. You're in safe hands now. I will make you the best young one, I will make your father's name whole once again. I can promise you that, Ibsin ad-la Adda." And with that, the Advo set about the young child's path in life, a path that the child would undoubtedly never be able to change.

Part 2- Ibsin

Chapter 1-

A young Redscale ran across the parapets of the Keep, dodging this way and that to avoid the guards that shouted at him to get down. As he ran along the walkway, he saw ahead of him a collapsed area of the wall. The rocks of the wall were crumbling down and left a well-sized gap across the wall. The young Redscale grinned as he saw it, thinking of it as a challenge as he ran faster. Just as he felt his feet leave the ground from the jump, he tried his best to flap his wings, hoping they would carry him across the gap, but he felt a cramp begin and he fell, hitting the rocks of the wall and landing on a chicken coop down below. Birds, dust, and feathers went flying everywhere as he coughed after landing on the coop. As the dust and feathers settled, he lifted his head, moving his crimson bangs away from his eyes to see a group of guards surrounding him, not looking all too happy.

"Go on, move out of my way! Come on now, what's the problem?" A gruff voice sounded as it neared where the child lay. A tough, and muscular Greenscale, with a black eye-patch and scar across his nose gazed down at the child with seething anger. Picking the child up by the scruff of his shirt he growled through grit teeth, "You're in a lot of trouble Ibsin ad-la Adda. You and I are going to see the Advo, right now."

As young Ibsin stood in front of the Advo's desk, holding his head down in shame, he could overhear the Advo and the Dudo, (General) spoke of his punishment and wrong-doings. After the Dudo finished speaking and the Advo dismissed him, Ibsin stood quietly, his head still bowed low to the floor.

"You're in a lot of trouble right now, you know that Ibsin? You're only ten years of age, and already you've caused more problems than the Blackscales during the Summer Festival!" The Advo said sternly as he gazed at the young boy from behind his desk. Ibsin didn't say a word, but just nodded as he heard the Advo's words. "This is the fourth time this month that the Dudo has had to bring you to me, do you really want this to be the fifth time? Do I need to remind you of the second time you were brought to me?" Ibsin's gaze shot up from the floor and to the Advo's. "No...please don't!" Ibsin pleaded. "Well, I'll tell you it anyways, and by the mercy of the Goddess I hope you learn something from all this." The Advo said a bit louder and with a sigh as he leaned on the desk in front of himself. "Nearly a few weeks ago, you had gotten out of the Keep, much to my orders for you NOT to do so. Some of the guards saw you wandering around in the fields beyond the houses just outside the city walls. Now, from what I heard, you had happened upon the Dudo's home, and his daughter, Evanya, was there. From what I know of you Ibsin, you are rare among our colors, being of a Redscale born. When Evanya saw you, she was curious and started asking questions. And it seemed then that she might have asked the wrong one, because when the Dudo returned, he saw your claws around her neck, and your eyes solid flame! You could have killed her Ibsin, right then and there, but you didn't. Why didn't you Ibsin?"

Ibsin shook his head, not wanting to answer the Advo's question. The Advo grumbled and leaned over the desk, smacking Ibsin across the face, leaving a pinkish mark on his cheek. "Answer me when I ask you a question Ibsin..." He said , anger laced within his words. "I..I didn't kill her because..." Ibsin trailed off, still hesitant about answering him. "Yes?" The Advo asked, tapping his claws on the desk impatiently. "I didn't kill her because...because I like her...she...she's my friend," Ibsin said with a shy whisper. The Advo looked at him in surprise, then shook his head and sighed. "Well then Ibsin, I don't want you seeing her anymore. Even if she is your friend, you seem to be too dangerous around others. Your father..." "My father?" Ibsin cut the Advo off. "My father? Who I've never known? Who left me here with you? Why? I don't even know my parents! I don't even like it here! I hate it here!" Ibsin shouted at the top of his lungs and ran off into the courtyard, tears streaming down his face. The Advo watched Ibsin from his window above the courtyard, and as Ibsin went over and began practicing his knife throwing with brother Vinto. "That boy...someday he will learn, someday..." the Advo muttered to himself as he returned back to his work, the Keep soon returning to his quiet stillness.