Accent experiment - Good or Bad?

Experimenting with accents in dialogue. not sure if i should even have an accent at all, but i figured i should try and get it down anyways.


Michael and Amanda, Chapter 12

Although he's a snow leopard, he was born outside of catlanna in hawkville, gargia; therefore, he has a gargia accent which always makes michael smile when he hears it.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 73 - Me and my funny accent

We talked about clayton and his funny accent that quickly changed the subject... particularly, about me and my funny accent... 'what do you mean, comprehensible?! i speak perfect renarian!'

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Lovelocked - ultimate unfinished story framework accent core plus r

Ok explanation time. This is quite literally the entire unfinished script of Julie Lovelock. I don't know if I'll ever grow a pair or claw enough time out my eternally busy schedule to finish this, but I did make a promise to make a story one...


Sorcha's Soliloquy

**Sorcha's Soliloquy Story and art by: DankeDonuts []( Illustration features components created by SugarShepsky ...

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Jillian searches for the obligatory infodump

"the master was right... that outrageous accent really does need to go..." frygus murmured, lowering his furry face just a little bit. "wot accent?" the thumpback said. "that fake accent."

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I've seen a few khajiit to break the stereotype mold of accents in skyrim. midnight (12), born a slave in morrowind, has a strong dunmer accent. likewise, dro'amoreth (8), my cousin, has a nord accent. not too strong, but audible.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 09: A Pretty Rad Lad

He's turned on by your accent, really? i found that weird, you know. at least he could be turned on by your voice, but noo, he chose to be turned on by your accent instead." "i know right." tom ate his fried rice.

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The Russian, Chapter 1

€" the shepherd replied with a giggle at the russian accent. when the two furs came out of the water, ivan jumper on jason's back. the shepherd fell on the beach, covering his fur in sand.

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Ch1 fursona high school

Jazz is a big black wolf with white and dark blue accents. tre is also a black wolf but has bleach white accents. tia is a tabby but a black dark tabby and the ironic white accents lower her dark feel. the bell rings and i go to science.

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The bear's plan

He noticed a bear, who was talking, in a southern accent that strangely had a hint of a stereotypical wrestler on a kids tv show infused with the southern accent and i just now realized i typed that twice...

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Character bio sheet

Caretakers--ralph and kelly adams ralph adams- age 35 tan hair/fur main coat color, light beige on underbelly and accents. brown eyes.

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