Wheels and Gears That Turn

I stare at the blank paper and it stares back. It stares back as mocking as my sibling's can be. The idea of writer's block is bad enough without the medium that you are to work your magic with teasing you for your insufficient progress. My eyes...

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A Short Story about Foxes 2: details and characters

I'm gonna use this series to showcase my writing process and make it better. last time was plot and a few details. this time, more details and some charictar developing. if you just wanna read a story, skip to the latest one.

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Where I've Been...

I kept them there because they were easily accessible and they allowed writing and editing tools that made the writing process a whole lot easier.

A Split Heart: Part 1

He hadn't wanted to interrupt the writing process and had been holding it for a while. unfortuntately for him, the sound of him closing the door covered the sound of another door opening. \* the old grey wolf sighed as he entered the house.

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Under the influence Pt. 1 (Draft/Feedback Wanted)

I'm still very new to this whole writing process, so any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. the introduction will likely be deleted and later incorporated into the main part of the story.

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Max and Rita: Lilith's Wrath Chapter 2

I wasn't going to make this a comedy but weird stuff kind of happens during the writing process. i had no control over creating jessica she just sort of popped into existence.

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Clarity - Chapter 7: In Molasses

If there's one thing i've grown to love about the whole writing process, it's taking these times to both gently move things along and focus on what makes characters tick for a bit. it can slow things down a bit, often for the better when handled well.

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Commission Terms and Info

You may do so at the original agreed word value at any time in the writing process to extend the 'budget' of words allotted in the work. please make it clear you desire an extension before the publishing point.

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 14

Something clicked in the middle of the writing process and he just couldn't find it in him to stop before finishing. the essay turned out to be lengthy and, as arden saw it, very deep and provocative.

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Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A

I don't know--what's your writing process, if you will?** depends on the type of chapter, quite frankly. for chapters where the dialog is the most important, i start with that (remorseful vampire zerobi).

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 9

There's not a whole lot to my writing process i guess. usually i just write whatever comes to mind, then decide if it'll work in the song or not." king explained, smiling solemnly. "that's amazing! you're so talented, king!"

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Split Of Fate - II - The Dragon’s Funeral

With this part starts the utter chaos about my writing process; completely without a plan! i just started to write what came to my mind and it turns out that, as before, my subconscious spoke, pouring my fears, phobias and desires into the plot.

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