Wheels and Gears that Turn

#1 of wheels and gears that turn boredom caused creative writing. i stare at the blank paper and it stares back. it stares back as mocking as my sibling's can be.

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Wheels and Gears That Turn

My eyes unfocused as i try to get the gears in my brain to turn and the lazy gerbil to get running on the wheel of ideas.

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The Wheel of Transformation

-"So, Noah, what can I help you with?" Douglas said with a toothy smile -"Well, I need money..." -"Of course you do, everyone that comes here does." Noah was getting second thoughts about this. All his life he had been told to go to school...

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Rebuilding fences with wheels

He shakes his head, as if to try and drive those thoughts away and says to himself as he idly drums on his sparco brand steering wheel with his dark cerulean clawed thumbs "ugh... the season i could have had.

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Sleepover at Jake's

Did jake need training wheels? friendly doubted it, but he realized then he was worrying too much and looked ahead. timothy had actually gained some significant distance. "come on slowpoke, i'm the one on training wheels, not you!"

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Big Brothers to Little Sisters

As tanya pressed the power button on her trike however, her wheels spun. tanya looked puzzled as her gaze drifted from the older cubs down to the rear wheels of her trike.

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The Wheel and The Lady Ch:1

#1 of the wheel and the lady: suit of swords in this part we introduce jargon, a self obssessed otter with supernautral abilities. and he's having a really bad day, but will it have a happy ending? thanks for reading!

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Wheels and Papers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ At the sound of the bell and whistle, the fox groaned audibly. Looking up from her book to the subway car around her, fellow passenger's expressions generally matched her feelings. She tucked her book into her satchel while the car rattled into the...

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Friendly's New Friend - Chapter One

The raccoon's bike had a pair of training wheels, which kept him balanced, but did nothing to help him get out of the mud. friendly felt sorry for him. "training wheels are for babies!" laughed one of the other kids.

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Sleepover at Timothy's

Cried timothy, pedaling harder but just making his back wheel spin. friendly - whose bigger bike didn't have such a problem with the mud since he didn't have training wheels, could ride through the mud with relative ease.

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