The rain...

The rain... the rain is peaceful... the rain is sanity itself.


Speech 6. Rain

Wet and cold, and when it hits my face it sometimes reminds me someone is crying on top me, so i will stay out and soak in the rain, just so that the rain drops are not alone.


She Brings The Rains

And unforgiving drought but she is calm and paitient in her wait she gives them time to repent their mistakes then when she's pleased she brings the rains


Around the Bend Part I

rain fell relentlessly, causing every fur on campus to run for shelter, whether it be in their dorms, the library, or the main office. class had ended early due to the downpour, and soon a flood warning was issued.

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survival of the packs

chapter 1 purity and hope \*the day I get told about the poachers attacking my friends this happens on a wednesday "purity will you come here please" says the leader (my mum), "why" I say. "JUST GET YOUR BUTT HERE" she's shouting now. "coming,...


survival of the packs

chapter 1 purity and hope \*the day I get told about the poachers attacking my friends this happens on a wednesday "purity will you come here please" says the leader (my mum), "why" I say. "JUST GET YOUR BUTT HERE" she's shouting now. "coming,...


Against a Tree (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the blue jay huddled in against the base of the tree, surrounded otherwise by bushes, rain torrenting, and the stuttering rumble of thunder.

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rain could tell loki was having a hard time but knew he'd only get i'm the way if he tried to help. "rain, i said run!"


The Rain

The first thing i remember, was the rain.the rain was pounding down on me. the sound filling my ears as i lay on the cement. i coughed as some water got in my mouth. i couldnt see from the rain and the darkness.

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The Rain

It's raining, its been raining here for a while now. floods, that's what happens when it rains too much. homes, lives, futures, all washed away by what some would call 'purging' waters.

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Coffee Time!

Nothing, but a lot of raining, but now its sound was making him all sleepy. cracking sound was made. his fur fluttered for a little bit and his body shivered out of coldness, as he started to hear raining sounds much more clearly than before.

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