A Short Story about Foxes 2: details and characters
#2 of A short story about foxes
I got bored again. I'm gonna use this series to showcase my writing process and make it better. Last time was plot and a few details. This time, more details and some charictar developing. If you just wanna read a story, skip to the latest one.
If any of you are Christian, keep in mind that I am too. But what kind of religion is like "We love all people. Except you. You aren't natural." So I support gay rights, and even if I don't agree with the decision to be gay, I still don't exclude them from my life. Some people are different. It's called "Stop being the anti-gay group and maybe- just maybe- you won't be so hated." So don't take offence when I say "disgustingly Christian."
That being said, quite a few, if not most, Christians probably love them some gay/lesbian porn.
There were two foxes, a fennec and a grey fox.They were the best of friends. One, they fennec male, was named Jorge (nore the normal Jorge, but George with a J. His parents were imagrants from Egypt and were just getting the hang of English) The other, the grey female, was named Shima (She-muh). They had an argument about gay rights. Jorge was against them. He had been raised desgustingly Christian. Shima was for them. They are their rights, after all. The right to get married. They fought and Jorge won, as even though he was smaller, he was more muscular, being a fennec. Shima shot Jorge in the knee during archery classes after work during the summer- 'accidentally'. He was hospitalized for a week. They made up. They lived long and prospered. The end.
Oh, and that arrow to the knee prevented him form being a football player for the Buccaneers. To bad, too. Tampa sucks at football. The end (For real this time)