Origins of R.C.
Origins of R.C. The Beginning of Someone Special A long time ago, there was a young fox cub. He was a very unique fox cub considering that there are very few foxes that are black and white. What makes it interesting is that there were hardly any that...
Zed's life story
There's more to him than it looks. He comes from the southern pacific ocean in eastern Australia. He went onto college when it was close to graduation and he hasn't heard anything from his home. He took a visit down there to check on his family even if...
How I Learned To Use Distraction and Annoyance Positively
Written By Vexen Have you ever felt it was absolutely necessary to do something that would get you into a medium amount of trouble, like annoying the staying power out of a parasitic con artist? Often your children will know if a temporary resident...
A Pirate's Life: Story of Blackjack
V=k7lwu6kqijc&feature=relmfu a pirate's life: story of blackjack as the sun beat down on the large wooden ship known as blackjack, the shouts of war, and violence
Walls Book 1 - Ch 16 : Ancient
# Chapter16- Ancient ## 511 A.R. September 7, Car, Morning I wasn't tired but I found myself being drawn into a daze as I watched the fields pass by. Red, green, blue, yellow, all manner of color in the form of vast fields that provided everything...
A Colorful Life Story - poetic story
This is a story, very personal to me. It's the history of me and how I came to be. I'll try to keep it brief for the audience and myself. There are many things that I don't wish to share. I shall begin with my parents. An odd pair if there ever...
Inudoshi's Life Story Part 3
**Chapter 3: The Confrontation and an Old Friend.** Inudoshi watched as his father paced back and forth with an angry look on his face. He looked both furious and confused with the situation he was now in" You... Failed... You failed!!" He...
Inudoshi's Life Story Part 2
Not According To Plan.. Inudoshi sighed as he made his way through the woods. He didn't like the idea of killing others especially those who are innocent. Hakima sensed Inudoshi's change in emotion and felt it was his duty to make sure he was...
The Time of My Life Story Series Character Sheet 2
#7 of the time of my life story series season 1 (original) character sheet for upcoming characters: 1. name: james dihansen species: anthro wolf gender: male height: 6 feet 0 in. weight: 192 lbs.
Savage City; Day One: Happy Tuesday
Savage City Day One: Happy Tuesday By Xan Steel (Legal Stuff: The Zootopia world and characters belong to Disney and Disney Animation Studios. The story and it's setting belong to me, so please enjoy this work of fan fiction. Also a word of...
**Cockles** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _ _ I didn't know why he was mad at me. My father, rough around the whiskers with a coat hiding most of his black, feline fur from view, stood at the water's edge, the...
My Test for whats wrong with the color pallet???.
**my life story:** hi citizens of the world and the internet and here is my life story, my name is tonitrui lupus 1st off yes i am a wolf humanoid walking on 2 legs and a very massive guy always had known since i was little at age 4 a 150 pound 5' foot tall