Walls Book 1 - Ch 16 : Ancient
#22 of Walls
Chapter16- Ancient
511 A.R. September 7, Car, Morning
I wasn't tired but I found myself being drawn into a daze as I watched the fields pass by.
Red, green, blue, yellow, all manner of color in the form of vast fields that provided everything from food to mineral beads ready to be harvested.
Large harvesters could be seen at work and they left little but blackened earth in its wake.
A gentle touch on my arm made me look to my side, mother smiled at me and spoke up.
"What are you thinking about Vilkas?"
"Oh, everything," I answered.
Mother was well dressed and had a business suit in pure white, on her knees was a large pad.
"Are you settling into your role as alpha of the pack?" Mother asked.
"It's a bit strange. I'm supposed to look out for the pack but I feel like I hardly know what that means."
Father spoke up, "Listen to the pack, encourage their natural abilities, relax, have fun, no need to hurry."
"What if the pack wants glory or adventure?" I asked.
"There's plenty adventure to go around, but be damn sure your glory doesn't mess with anyone else."
"You sound rather determined on these things?" I said.
"Wolves are supposed to be moderators and regulators for society, we keep the machine oiled, and make sure that no one rocks the boat without good reason."
"And what if someone does rock the boat?" I asked.
Father made a dark chuckle, "Without good reason? Track, hunt, kill, restore."
"Isn't it dangerous to think of ourselves as judicators?"
"We all have a responsibility to keep an eye on society and make sure it doesn't spiral out of control. Wolves just happen to be hardwired in such a way that we're resistant to corruption."
"If the goal is a stable society, why not do that to everyone?" I asked.
Mother reached out and touched my arm, "Wolves can be inflexible at times, but greed isn't necessarily a force of evil."
I glanced over and met mother's eyes, "Doesn't it disturb you on some level, that we're... molded into certain roles for society?"
"That's something we all struggle with, and eventually accept. I prefer to reason like many others and take relief in that the world isn't black and white. There are nice wolves, unruly ones, rude ones, even corrupt ones, it's a sign that our free will hasn't been destroyed, just... tweaked a little."
"So what are wolves bad at? Greed? What does that even mean?" I asked.
Mother smiled at me, "Are you content Vilkas?"
It took me a moment to answer as I pondered it, "I guess, I'm happy, the future is looking bright, I have plans and wishes that might come true one day."
"I meant a bit more in the present, right now."
I cocked my head in wonder, "I don't follow."
"What if you could have a mansion? A car all for yourself? The awe and wonder of those around you? To be clan father? Or to be the ruler of society?"
"I'm fine living at home, I don't really need a car of my own and my pack likes me. I'd find it creepy if they worshiped me and I'm struggling with being alpha for a pack as small as four."
"Not much greed, is there?" Mother said with a smile.
I frowned in confusion, "So what are you saying? What do other people want?"
"Power, prestige, a custom car, big mansions, maids, servants, to rule and dominate others."
"That sounds... horrible."
"My example was a bit extreme but other hybrid types would find it difficult to be content sleeping on the forest floor and hunting once in a while."
I raised my brow, "I do want more stuff than that mom, I'm not feral."
"I know dear, just making extremes to highlight the point. A bit of greed is beneficial for society, it stimulates the economy, it can inspire and spark ideas that no one else considers."
"So what types are 'greedy'?" I asked.
Father spoke up with a bemused voice, "Grass-munchers, hybrids aren't like humans but if you're looking for the black sheep among us then you'll find them there. Vain personalities, snobby attitudes, rivalry in ways that wolves would scoff at as shallow."
Mother made a bemused smile, "As I said, wolves can be a bit inflexible."
Father huffed, "I think we'd do just fine without their obsession for material wealth."
"So have you ever caught any bad guys dad?" I asked.
"I have. Your mother can show you the official register, I even caught a guy trying to smuggle tech out of RIWER once."
"You mean like that spy drone you 'borrowed'?"
Father's ears flattened against his head as he made a slight cough, "That's different."
I made a big grin and leaned forward a little as I glanced in front, "Oh? How so?"
Father scritched his ear and lowered his voice, "It was a small drone... one of many thousands that were about to be recycled, and it wasn't classified tech and it's not illegal to own one... only to use it. Besides, I'd never use it to do something bad with it."
"Still, isn't that bit hypocritical?"
Father sighed, "Yeah, I guess. But it's okay to bend the rules at times. The world is not black and white, it's a wide band of gray and our society reflects that in order to function."
"So what did he try to do?"
"Communication with moon base Alpha is done using an encryption type called one-time-pads, in other words, each message is encrypted through one-use cipher keys that were physically handed over between parties. It's the only system that can fully negate a man-in-the-middle attack while making brute force attacks ridiculously difficult."
"Let me guess, he got his hands on the cipher keys somehow?"
"Exactly, he would have been shown some leniency if it was for private use but this guy was planning to hand it over to the UCS and that counts as high treason."
"What happened to him?"
"You don't want to know, and that's the end of that," Father answered.
"Hmm, all right," I murmured.
511 A.R. September 7, Silverfang Gathering, Midday
"Hey, you listening?" The huge wolf asked with a curious expression.
I drew a deep breath and struggled to focus, "Yeah, sorry... I'm being a bit overwhelmed here."
The adult wolf made a feral smile and patted my back.
"Too many scents at once pup?" The wolf asked with a dark chuckle.
My head hurt, my nose felt as if it was being overloaded and the touch of the wolf felt like it was sending sparks of static along my fur. The irritation peaked and I was about to growl as i glared at him while trying to remember his name.
The wolf made a sudden and surprised expression as he leaned back, "You forgot already?"
The question caught me by surprise, "Huh?"
The wolf took my hand and I was met with a tingle reminiscent of Waldo enabled tech.
A sudden voice called out in my head, 'I'm Terry Canavan alpha of-'
My hand recoiled in fright as I bolted back, "What the hell was that!?"
Terry leaned back, "Oh, forgive me... I didn't realize you were new to the mindscape."
I gulped and realized that a few of the other alphas at the gathering had turned to look at me.
"... I don't understand," I whispered.
Terry stepped closer and crouched so that we were on equal height.
"Sorry, you responded to my touch, I took for granted that you were used to this thing," He whispered.
I relaxed a little but I felt drained, tired, and my head kept hurting as the noise and scents of the gathering swirled around me like a never ending carousel.
"I've played around with Waldo units but not something like this, what was that? Telepathy?"
Terry made a slight smile, "Communication by touch, very useful in the defense force, especially with range extenders."
I gulped, "I see."
Terry motioned to the forest, and spoke with a gentle voice, "Just hit the forest if you need a time-out, we tend to forget just how stressful these gatherings can be."
"Yeah, thanks... Terry Canavan," I said with a slight smile.
Terry brightened up at hearing his name while I began to make my way out of the dense thicket of wolves and the strong scents that permeated the area.
The thicket dispersed as I marched through the gathering grounds and caught sight of a familiar wolf sitting by one of the tables. Thick brown fur in beautiful hues, yellow eyes and a big rounded muzzle as well as cute triangular ears with tufts of fur.
Peter looked a bit nervous as I marched up to the table and leaned down to catch his attention.
"Evening Peter," I said.
Peter seemed to have been in his own world as he made a light shiver and turned to look at me.
"I need a time out, wanna join me in the forest?" I asked.
Peter made an eager nod and stood up in an instant, "Right behind you."
"So where are the others?" I asked while Peter joined my side.
"I thought they were with you?" Peter said.
I smirked to myself, "I've been busy with the alphas"
"And how's that going?" Peter asked.
"They're all very eager to say hello but I kind of lost track of who they were after the 30th greeting."
Peter chuckled, "Tired?"
"I feel like my nerves are fraying, I can't remember their names but their scents have etched into my mind."
Peter made something of a mischievous smirk, "You asked for it Vilkas."
I glanced over at Peter and met his eyes, "Still sour over the hierarchy thing?"
Peter averted his eyes, "No, but... it still stings a bit you know. Being the... bad guy."
I nudged shoulders with him and caught his hand in my own, his ears perked in surprise as he glanced over at me.
"What?" I asked as tightened my grip and felt our padded palms touch each other.
"Is this... fine?" Peter asked as he glanced around.
A strange tingle of sparks danced across our hands as I began to wonder if I could do the same thing that had happened with Terry.
I reached out with my mind and focused on a single thought as if trying to send a message, 'Why not?'
Peter didn't seem to notice at first, "Yeah... wait... what just happened?"
I made a mischievous smile, "Another superpower that no one bothered to educate us about."
Peter frowned a little, "Does this have to do with that Waldo thing?"
I nodded, "Yeah, it does. Have you heard of the mindscape?"
Peter nodded, "Somewhat, it's like a computer interface, my father uses it to build miniature cities for a hobby but I didn't know you could talk to each other by mere touch."
"Neither did I until a few minutes ago."
Peter glanced down at our clasped hands, "How did you do it?"
"I just... thought about it and reached out."
Peter seemed to focus and looked into my eyes as I heard his voice whisper inside my head, 'Like this?'
'Yeah, just like that,' I thought back.
Peter looked in front as his thoughts echoed in my head, 'Do you know what I heard?'
'What?' I thought.
Peter glanced back, 'I was checking birthdays and noticed that you had yours a few months ago?'
Peter's whisper began to crackle and my arm began to ache as I let go and spoke up, "Yeah, July 28th."
Peter's ears folded back, "Why didn't you invite us, or at least tell us?"
"I was busy, sorry... Next year?" I asked.
Peter bumped shoulders with me, "You'd better, and for your information... my birthday is on November 3rd."
511 A.R. September 7, Silverfang Gathering, Evening
A prod on my shoulder followed by a voice stirred from me sleep, "Vilkas."
I opened my eyes and glanced up to see Laura in her ceremonial robe, "Oh, hi Laura."
Laura made a gentle smile, "Could I have your attention for a moment?"
I felt something move in my arms and realized that Peter was resting against my chest.
"Oh, sure," I murmured as Peter and I separated.
Laura stepped back and motioned for me to follow, "In private."
I glanced back and caught Peter yawning, "Peter?"
"Yeah?" Peter asked as he glanced around with a bleary eyed look.
"Could you check up on John and Allen?" I asked.
Peter nodded while I hurried over to join Laura, "What's on your mind Laura?"
Laura made another courteous smile, "How are you liking the gathering this year?"
"Interesting but tiring, I think I've had a talk with every alpha in the clan."
Laura made an understanding nod, "Too many scents?"
"Yeah, my head felt like it was about to melt," I answered.
Laura sniffed the air, "And how are you adjusting to your role as alpha?"
"I'm adapting, I think," I answered.
"I'm glad to hear that. Are the other alphas treating you all right?" Laura asked.
"They're friendly."
"But?" Laura asked with a slight smile as she cocked her head.
"The others keep calling me 'pup' should I be concerned about that?" I whispered.
Laura made a bemused smile, "No, not yet at least, it means that they realize that you're new to this and are cutting you some slack. It can be used as an insult though."
"I see. So..." I asked with a curious expression.
Laura drew a deep breath as if troubled by something, "Lilia has asked to see you."
"Oh, all right then?" I answered.
Laura's ears folded back a little, "You don't need to see her, in fact, I'd recommend that you reject her request."
My ears perked in surprise, "... Why?"
Laura sighed and met my eyes, "Lilia is near death, she's not all there... it's not a state the clan mother should be seen in."
"Why does she want to see me?" I asked.
Laura made a slight shrug, "I don't know to be honest."
"It could be that our conversation last time was cut short."
Laura made a light nod, "Then I doubt its anything of importance, rejoin your pack-mate, I'll tell Lilia that you were busy."
"Actually, I would like to meet her."
"That might not be in your best interest..." Lilia whispered.
"She's lucid enough to request my presence, I wish to honor it," I answered.
Laura's expression sharpened a little as she looked me in the eyes, "Very well, just follow me Vilkas."
"Have I angered you?" I asked.
"No, I relayed her request and you seek to honor it, there's nothing to be mad about," Laura answered.
"Sorry, so what should I expect?"
"Lilia is very caring, loving, and generous, please don't take offense if she says something crude or acts weird."
"I wont," I answered with a nod.
Laura led me to the mansion, past the monument, and then led me downstairs for some reason.
"The basement?" I asked in surprise as I glanced around the underground hallways.
"Do you know what happens when we near the end of our lifespan?" Laura asked.
"No... not really," I answered.
We reached the end of the hallway and stopped in front of two large wooden doors, Laura grabbed the handle and then met my eyes once more.
"Don't step beyond the marked line, understand?" Laura said.
I was stunned for a moment and began to wonder what I'd gotten myself into, "... All right?"
Laura opened the door and revealed a large room that showed something impossible.
It looked like Lilia's office, it had the same desk, mats, bookcases and there was even a large window that showed the outside of the mansion.
My attention was drawn to the roof and I caught sight of the holographic generator that must have been responsible for the fake layout of the room. Some things differed though as the room was cut in half by a large solid glass panel while a danger stripe had been painted along the floor.
Lilia was sitting in her chair and glanced up with a warm smile, "Oh, hello Vilkas."
I stepped inside while Laura shut the door behind me, "Hi Lilia."
It took me a few moments but I began to realize that the room wasn't the only fake part. Lilia looked healthy, normal, her eyes were a light hue of green and her fur looked smooth and natural compared to the plastic look from last year.
"How are you liking the gathering?" Lilia asked as she clasped her hands in a smooth manner.
"Stressful, but very interesting. You wanted to see me?"
Lilia nodded, "Indeed, I'm happy that you came, I don't get many guests these days, and we never finished our discussion last year."
I gulped a little and nodded.
Lilia motioned to the holographic generator in the roof, "You'll have to excuse the deception, it would be difficult for you to tolerate my real appearance... even I can't stand to see it."
"It's all right, are you in pain?" I asked.
Lilia shook her head, "My mind is a bit blurred but I am not in pain. Please, have a seat."
My eyes caught on the chair that had been placed outside of the warning stripe, "I take it the chair is real?"
Lilia made a light smirk and nodded, "It is, though it would have been a funny prank if it wasn't."
I walked over and sat down as I sniffed the air, to my surprise the room had no discernible scent and it made me wonder if it was little more than four walls of concrete in reality.
"If you don't mind me asking, what's happening to you?"
"Hybrids continuously grow in strength until... we go too far... to the point where the lusus component within us cannot be suppressed any longer."
"You're turning into a lusus?" I asked.
"Yes, but the SI were kind enough to allow me one last gathering. Don't worry though, I will be rendered harmless before I can hurt anyone. Besides, It's not as bad as being human."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Humans reach their peak around 20-30 years of age and then spend the remainder of their lives slowly deteriorating until they are nothing but skin and bones. It is... a horrid transformation that I do not envy."
"You'll be executed?" I asked.
Lilia shut her eyes and sighed, "No, our fates are not that cruel. In fact... it can be quite poetic as my death will usher new life into this world and enrich the life of many others. And if I'm lucky... then..."
"What?" I asked.
Lilia made a warm smile as if reminiscing, "It's silly, but perhaps one day my mate and I will meet once more, like resonating shards seeking each other, remembering what once was."
My eyes widened in surprise, "I never expected to hear of a religious hybrid."
Lilia began to snicker and rested her muzzle against her hand, "Oh, I'm not, it's just... you wouldn't understand... not yet."
"As you say... I don't understand. But I have a hypothesis..."
"Do share? Please." Lilia said with a bright smile.
"I met my symbiont inside the mindscape, it was like a feral version of myself. It had intelligence, it was curious and it built a home inside my mind... that's not what disturbed me though, there were memories in there, 'shards' of another life that weren't mine."
Lilia's smile faltered and became one of sadness, "Oh, I see."
"What's the secret? Are symbionts reused in some way? Am I bonded to an old hybrid?"
"Ask Athena, she can explain the true nature of a symbiont."
"But I'm asking you, and you said something about shards, what did you mean?"
"A symbiont consists of a template, the template in turn is made out of patterns that are like an advanced form of genes capable of storing both memories and influences. When I die my patterns will be extracted, part of me will be stored in the mindscape, others will be used to augment new symbionts, the remainder will be discarded or even destroyed. A side effect of this process is that a small part of us will live on inside others. The memories you saw were most likely fragments left behind by the old host used to augment your symbiont."
"I asked my mother but she's never seen her symbiont in the mindscape? Is that rare?"
"It is most likely a complication from your incident, in general the bonding process between host and symbiont is supposed to be transparent."
"So what's going to happen? Am I always going to have a feral version of myself inside my mind?"
Lilia shook her head, "No, Athena can explain, ask her."
"Can Athena hear us in here?" I asked.
Lilia shook her head, "No, she's not welcome within the mansion, why do you wonder?"
"Do you trust her?" I asked.
"Athena? A remnant from the old world, an AI that thinks herself protector and guardian of our race? Not really, though I do not doubt her importance to our society."
"I see."
Lilia mused and smiled to herself, "I've always liked Ares, he's very vibrant and can be quite charming at times."
"Ares?" I asked in confusion.
Lilia's eyes began to wander, "Watch out for Daedalus, he was created without any moral or ethical restraints within his core."
"What... are you talking about Lilia?"
Lilia blinked and her eyes caught on mine once more, "Huh?"
"You... mentioned several names? Ares and Daedalus?"
"Oh, Ares is the AI in control of the wall, Daedalus is in charge of R&D up on the moon."
"... And what about Maxwell?" I asked.
Lilia's ears perked while she seemed to grow tense, "Now that's a name you don't hear very often."
"He's the chairman of the SI, I'd imagine that a lot of people would be talking about him?"
"With hushed voices, yes."
"Have you ever met him?" I asked.
"Meet Maxwell? One does not 'meet' it, or whatever entity Maxwell is."
"You're 300 years old, and you don't even know what Maxwell is?" I asked.
"Maxwell was ancient even when I was born, he's a thing of legend and mystery."
"So how does he rule?"
"Through avatars."
"Machines?" I asked.
Lilia seemed uncertain, "His avatars seem alive but I guess it's possible that they are nothing more than advanced machines. I have in fact been summoned by Maxwell once, the encounter left me shaken to the core but it netted me another century of life so I can't complain."
"Is he evil? A tyrant?"
Lilia shrugged, "His avatars are well spoken and seem gentle enough but they do have an aura that demands a certain level of respect. Keep in mind that we're talking about an entity that founded Sophos and has held onto power for over half a millennium. It is an entity that can make the AI's quaver in their boots and his name still carries weight in the human nations. One does not trifle with such a power."
"What if he's a danger to Sophos?"
Lilia smiled, "I look upon our society and I've begun to understand what Maxwell aimed for all these years, ask yourself that question and you shall have the answer."
"That's... awfully cryptic."
Lilia made a bemused smile, "Indeed."
I decided to leave the topic for the moment, "What was Sophos like when you grew up?"
Lilia's smile faded once more, "I grew up in the fortress of Veripolis which was built near Athena's core. The lusus still beat on our walls and travel between the fortresses was still risky but nowhere near as dangerous as it had been before Etemenanki started working."
Lilia took a deep breath, "I have seen my family slaughtered, and I've lost more friends to humans than I have lusus. Our reluctance to exterminate them have slowed our progress and we've let them become a threat to our very existence. If I have one regret, that's it."
"Are you talking about the lusus... or humans?"
Lilia glanced back at me and met my eyes, "You're soft Vilkas, you question our foundations, you empathize with the humans, you seek co-existence. If you ever visit the human nations, be prepared because you'll encounter incredible beauty stained by horrors that will leave you thinking of the lusus as honorable creatures."
"Aren't you forgetting your origins? You were human once as well?"
"True, and the human seed is stronger within us old-timers."
"I don't follow, were old hybrids more human?"
Lilia nodded, "Oh yes, I still remember the first time I caught my son marking what he claimed was his 'territory'. But that's not the only thing that has changed and the differences only become more pronounced as the years pass by. Your generation is friendlier, less competitive, yet wilder in some ways."
"Do you hate humanity?"
"I'm dying, so I'll be honest. Yes, I hate humanity, I despise it. They are parasites on this planet and they need to join the ashes of the old world before they are the end of us all."
"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you," I said.
Lilia stared into my eyes, "You are quite impertinent Vilkas."
"I don't know enough about this world to cast judgment, but I don't think genocide is an answer to our problems."
Lilia drew a deep breath, "We took on the doctrine of only defending ourselves... it kept our hands clean. You're right though, it would lower us to their level. But I do wonder if our ethical restraints may be our undoing, I hope it isn't."
"So do I," I whispered.
511 A.R. September 7, Silverfang Gathering, Night
The world had taken on something of a morose feeling as I stepped onto the soft grass at the base of the hill. Most had fallen asleep but the campfire still had some activity and the smell of charred meat wafted my way.
I approached and took note of a large gray wolf that was busy gesticulating as he wove a story in front of wolves that looked about my age.
"... the glaciers are not protected by walls like the rest of the country, the ice is too deep, and the snow shifts. Instead we use tracked mobile fortresses and the biggest one of them all is the leviathan class crawler known as Fenrir. It is the size of a farm field, it has the body of a harvester and the legs of a spider."
I glanced over at the youngsters and noticed Peter, John, and Allen by the far end, even the gray wolf weaving the story was familiar as I recognized him as Terry from earlier.
"Its always on the move, always hunting, and the mere whisper of its presence makes the Dyssian's scurry back to their borders like rats!" Terry said in excitement.
I walked over to Peter and sat down beside him as he turned his head and whispered, "Welcome back."
"Thanks," I whispered.
"The weather is harsh, the winds are strong, the ground is treacherous, and the temperature is so cold that your eyes will freeze if you face the wind," Terry said.
Peter held up a spit with several pieces of roasted meat, "Want it? I saved it for you."
My heart lifted as I met Peter's eyes and caught a rather serene smile on his face.
I shuffled close and leaned against him, as I took the spit, "Thanks Peter, let's share."
511 A.R. September 8, Silverfang Gathering, Morning
I had just finished tending to nature's needs when I heard voices in the distance. I pulled my shorts on, fastened it over my tail and then turned around to see mother and Laura approaching in the distance.
I scurried off in an instant and crept along the trees before taking on approach from the side.
Both of them started to glance around as if looking for me while I emerged from the sidelines and took them my surprise.
"Good morning, something going on?" I asked as I approached.
Laura's cool faltered for a brief moment, "Not really, just going for a walk."
"I see, how are things up at the mansion?" I asked as I focused on mother.
Mother glanced over at Laura, "Pleasant as usual, they're becoming very proficient at their job."
I cocked my head in wonder, "What are we talking about?"
Laura met my eyes, "The UCS are powerful trade partners and it requires a certain finesse that we wolves aren't used to. Your mother and others play the role of honored UCS guests at the mansion."
"Wolves playing a diplomatic game?" I asked.
Laura met my eyes, "Indeed, but humans are fickle creatures so it's important to know how to behave and how to use our natural state to our benefit."
"I'd imagined that our natural state would have scared them for the most part?"
Laura made a pleased smile, "Fear can be turned into allure and mystique with the right tools."
"I see," I answered.
Laura looked over at mother, "I hope you don't mind, it's very valuable training for the others."
"Not at all Laura, it's nice to play the star once in a while."
Laura nodded and then stepped up to me as she fetched something from within her robe, "I was wrong about yesterday, thank you for seeing Lilia, it lifted her spirits."
"Oh..." I whispered.
"Lilia asked me to give you something," Laura said as she reached out and opened her hand.
I looked down and saw what looked like an old fashioned key as well as a thin leather bracelet in black and red.
"A bracelet? " I asked.
Laura held up her arm and pulled back her sleeve to reveal a similar leather bracelet in gray and green.
"This is an old tradition among wolves, mates exchange and wear these as a sign to others. It's silly like most traditions but it has its beauty. Lilia wanted you to have it."
I remembered something and looked over at mother, "Hold on... you've got one of those."
Mother made a warm smile and pulled back her sleeve to reveal a gray and yellow one.
"Please tell Lilia I said thanks," I said as I took the bracelet.
Laura made a courteous nod and offered the key, "You're welcome to sleep in the mansion tonight if you want."
"Oh, thank you Laura."
511 A.R. September 8, Silverfang Gathering, Midday
I began to understand why everyone had been at the last gathering as the new packs of the year emerged from the forest with their prey in tow. It was a sweet reminder and it was tinted with just a bit of jealousy as we watched them tear into their prey with feral hunger.
John spoke up from the other side of the table, "That was us last year."
"Yeah," I murmured.
"Wish we had a bit of that elk," Peter whispered.
"Yeah," Allen whispered with a gulp.
"How many of you know what the mindscape is?" I asked.
All three of them raised their hands.
"Good, want to sleep in the mansion tonight?" I asked with a mischievous grin.
511 A.R. September 8, Silverfang Gathering, Evening
I stood in front of the large monument and raised my hand to touch one of the shimmering glass plates.
The sensation of a spark struck my hand as I felt a presence, It was clear that the monument was far more than a simple piece of art, but I couldn't learn anything from the device nor could I feel my consciousness expand.
"It has an annoying ring to it," John whispered.
I let go of the monument and glanced back, "I think that's the wireless connection for the mindscape."
"So what can you do in this mindscape?" Peter asked.
"Dunno really, guess we'll find out."
"So where do we go?" Allen asked.
I reached into my shorts and fetched the old fashioned key, "We have a room reserved to us on the upper floor."
"Well lets go then!" Peter exclaimed with a smirk as he leaned in and snatched the key from my hand.
Peter bolted up the stairs while John brushed up beside me, "He's his old self again."
"His 'good' old self," I corrected.
John nodded and smiled, "Yeah."
We followed up the stairs and arrived by the room just in time as Peter managed to open it. The place was dominated by a large bed and had a theme in contrasts of deep blue. Allen shut the door behind us while Peter joined my side and slipped the key back into my hand.
"Sorry," Peter whispered.
"It's all right Peter," I whispered back.
The others began to sniff around the room while I spoke up, "So are you tired or do you want to something beforehand?"
John yawned and put his hand by his muzzle, "I'm pretty stoked actually, being surrounded by this many wolves and scents really drain you."
Allen nodded, "Yeah, same for me."
"Do you think it's okay if we sleep in the nude? It's rather warm in here." Peter said.
John nodded, "Yeah, I spend enough of my days clad in clothes."
I reached back and released my tail from the clasp in the shorts, "I think it's okay if we're careful."
John raised his hand and pointed at me and Peter, "And you two should keep your hands off each other"
Peter slipped out of his own shorts as he focused on John and spoke up, "You never told us what it was like having 2 girls on top of you, what did you even do?"
"What do you mean?" John asked as he began to undress.
"You know, one dick, two women," Peter asked.
I cringed and raised my brow as I leaned in between them, "You two have no shame at all, do you?"
Peter made a dismissive wave with his hands, "Who cares about shame in a room full of naked wolves?"
John chuckled and glanced away with a pleased grin, "They were pretty dominating actually and kept switching places, I had a full-time just keeping up with my tongue and hips."
"So what did you do when you tied with one of them?" Peter asked.
John and Allen looked lost in their thoughts while I noticed that their sheaths had started to become plump. It made me realize what Peter was aiming for as I glanced over and gave him a sharp eye.
"Maybe we should stop here before things get out of hand, we wouldn't want to stain such a beautiful room, right Peter?" I said.
Peter made something of a guilty smirk and glanced away, "Yes alpha."
John glanced over at Allen and drew a deep breath, "Yeah."
I crawled onto the bed, lay on my side and looked up at Peter who made something of a sheepish smile before joining me.
"Sorry," Peter whispered as I wrapped my arms around him.
I reached out to him and felt a buzz of activity as I spoke up inside my mind, 'A bit of mischief is all right Peter, but don't let it get out of hand. Okay?'
'I won't,' Peter thought.
To my surprise John brushed up against me and put his arm by my chest.
'This reminds me of our rite of passage,' I thought.
'Trapped in a creepy mansion, about to enter this 'mindscape', it's understandable,' Peter thought.
"Is someone talking?" John asked all of sudden.
'No.' Peter thought.
'You're doing it inside your head now.' I thought.
"Why are you whispering?" John asked.
"What are you talking about?" Allen asked.
I willed the connection to break as I spoke up, "It's nothing, let's go to sleep."
Wet grass, a familiar scent, the mindscape...
"Vilkas..." A gruff voice whispered.
"Huh?" I said as I opened my eyes and glimpsed up, to my surprise I saw a feral version of myself looking back.
Volkov was panting and I could see his tail wagging, as he leaned in and sniffed along my face. He then leaned down and put his muzzle near my tail as he made another loud sniff.
"Hey?" I said in protest.
Volkov leaned back and sat down like a canine as he placed his hands between his legs, "Hi!"
"You... can talk?" I asked in surprise as I heard his gruff but rather clear voice.
Volkov nodded in excitement, "Learned, watched, many things."
I rolled onto my back and sat up as I looked over at Volkov and realized that it wasn't just his voice that had changed. His hands now had fingers and his form had taken on a more humanoid look that made him seem more like a replica of myself.
"I... don't understand, I thought that..." I whispered.
Volkov cocked his head, "You thought?"
"Who are you?" I asked.
Volkov smiled, "Volkov, easier to... separate."
I looked at my own hands and saw black fur and claws, "Why are you becoming more like me?"
Volkov shrugged, "Talk..."
"I don't understand." I said.
Volkov shifted his head back and forth, "Sorry, talk weird?"
"Yes, a bit, are you my symbiont?"
Volkov blinked, "Volkov."
"All right, I get it, you're Volkov, when I'm awake, where are you then?"
Volkov seemed to ponder it for a moment, "Here, can feel and see... Vilkas ignore me."
"... Oh, sorry about that Volkov."
"I... understand. I can help, be of use, Vilkas need me."
"If you're my instincts, then you've helped me a lot already."
A bright smile spread on Volkov's face.
"Are you aware of what you are?" I whispered.
It felt as if a bubble burst and released a sudden bout of anguish and anger into my mind.
Volkov's face twisted in anger, "Volkov! Life! Memories! Feeling! Not symbiont!"
I raised my hands to calm him down, "I believe you... Volkov, you're not just a symbiont. I realize that."
Volkov nodded, "Good."
I glanced around and noticed that there were a lot more shards with memories littering the surrounding area, "So..."
Volkov reached up and pointed at the star filled sky, "Problem."
"A problem?" I asked as I looked up.
Volkov nodded, "People, lots, whispers..."
"I think that's the mindscape from the mansion, the others in my... our pack is out there."
Volkov frowned and grumbled while I felt something akin to doubt and fear emanating from him.
"You're scared... of the voice?" I asked.
Volkov met my eyes and nodded, "Yes."
"Could you help me get into the mindscape outside?"
"Maybe?" I asked.
Volkov crossed his arms, lowered his ears and then met my eyes with a pleading if somewhat sour look.
"Vilkas visit, okay?"
"You want me to visit?" I asked.
Volkov made an eager nod, "Yes, lonely."
"How?" I asked.
Volkov blinked and then shrugged with a confused expression.
"What if I promise that I'll do my best to visit?"
Volkov made a reluctant nod and then stood up before starting to glance around. I joined his side in curiosity and watched as he held up his hand and used a clawed finger as a cutting tool in the air.
A shimmering trail formed as he 'drew' a doorway that showed some kind of other world.
"How did you do that?" I asked as I glimpsed into what looked like a trimmed and bright garden.
Volkov smiled and didn't seem to hear me as he turned his attention to the doorway and sniffed before leaning closer as if about to step through.
I reached out and eased him back in an instant, "No, you need to stay here Volkov."
Volkov's ears folded back, "Why?"
"You're... I mean... we're different, you need stay here, all right?"
"But?" Volkov whispered.
I reached out and touched his shoulder, "Please understand, I'll try to visit, I promise."
A strange sensation filled me as my hand rested on his shoulder, memories, insights, a presence, it was blurry but it called out to me with a familiar sensation. It scared me yet the echo of his being felt so familiar that it was difficult to think of him as another person, instead he was like a gestalt of myself.
"Fine, you go," Volkov muttered as he grabbed hold and gave me a steadfast but powerful push that sent me stumbling through the doorway.
My feet lost their footing in an instant as I was pushed through found myself in free fall, my body reacted through sheer instinct as I hit the grassy ground on all four with a solid thud.
"Yelp!" Someone screamed out from behind me.
I had barely gotten my bearing as I glanced back and caught sight of Peter, John and Allen huddled together not far from me.
"Oh, hi everyone," I said as I stood up and watched their stunned expressions.
Whatever passage I had arrived through was gone and the garden seemed to be set within some kind of dome.
Peter eased his grip on John and made something of an embarrassed cough, "Where were you?"
"Sorry, I had to take a detour. Have you been here long?" I asked.
The others started to separate while John spoke up, "There's no watch so it's difficult to tell... 10-15 minutes maybe? What do you mean you had to take a detour?"
I motioned to the dome we found ourselves in, "I think the mindscape is structured like islands, like an online game where you travel through different areas and instances."
Peter cocked his head a little, "You seem to know a lot about this Vilkas?"
"Not really... have you had a chance to explore this place yet?" I asked.
Peter made a light nod, "It's a dome of some kind... we were beginning to think we were trapped in here."
A tingle of fear ran down my spine as I considered the possibility, "Lets explore and interact with this place, try to think of it as Waldo enabled tech."
The others nodded while Peter joined my side, "So where were you?"
I began to walk toward the edge of the dome as I glanced over and spoke, "I was stuck inside my own mindscape."
"What does that even mean?" Peter asked.
I made a slight shrug, "It's like a big version of this place, wet grass, a glade, a dark forest, bright moon, I end up there sometimes when I sleep."
Peter frowned a little and seemed to ponder it, "It sounds familiar, like déjà vu."
"It should, it's the place where your symbiont was raised."
Peter raised his brow, "You lost me again, what are you talking about?"
The wall of the dome consisted of a honeycomb pattern that showed a simple but static sunset that made it quite clear that this place had been built to make it obvious that it wasn't real.
"Let's focus on getting out of here, I'll tell you all about it later, all right?"
Peter seemed a bit hesitant as he stepped up to the wall and nodded, "Fine, so why are we staring at a wall?"
"It's rather that we can't use this place as intended yet."
"Maybe it's another test?" Peter suggested.
"Maybe," I whispered as I reached out and touched the wall.
The surface felt real like everything else but I didn't feel a spark nor a presence.
"Guys!" Allen yelled out.
Peter and I glanced back and noticed that Allen was staring at what looked like a menu hovering in the air in front of him.
"Did you create that?" I asked as we approached.
Allen nodded, "I think so, there were these holographic terminals at the library I worked at, I just imagined something familiar and this thing popped up right in front of me."
The lot of us joined Allen's in a tight group as we looked at the menu.
"Good work Allen, try something," I said.
Allen made a slight smile and reached out as he tapped at the search button. The menu was replaced in an instant and formed a search prompt as well as an alphabetical index of topics.
John spoke up next, "Try voice commands, like using a car."
"What should I search for?" Allen asked.
"Ares," I said.
Peter's ears perked as he glanced over at me, "The AI in control of the wall, why?"
"You know about him?" I asked in surprise.
Peter made a slight shrug, "Sure, heard of him, never talked to him."
John leaned in, "That sounds interesting, go for it Allen."
Allen cleared his throat, "Command, search, Ares."
The menu expanded once more and filled with dated entries that also held overall descriptions and names of the author.
"Whoa..." John whispered.
There were a load of interesting entries but one in particular caught my attention.
'Year 223 A.R, Fes-Dives, Sophos withdrawal from the International Court'
I pointed at the menu, "That one."
Allen reached out and tapped at the entry.
The menu faded and another far larger formed some distance away to give us a better overview.
It showed a majestic assembly hall with four sections dedicated to the four nations, it all led up to a large obelisk framed with screens, an emblem of the island, and a podium.
The sections were well marked and all but the one reserved to Sophos were packed with people. Angry voices could be heard and something disturbed the seated humans as many of them rose from their chairs and looked towards the entrance.
An elderly man at the podium took a microphone and spoke up in anger.
"What is this! How the hell did that thing get inside! Explain yourself?"
The viewpoint of the camera didn't allow one to see the entrance but mere moments passed before a large humanoid robot could be seen walking down the center aisle.
Human guards followed the machine and were aiming at it with rifles as they yelled and motioned for it to stand down. The machine was pure black, well built, and had a vicious edge to it as its head focused on the elderly man on the podium.
A dark voice that trembled with power emanated from the machine, "I am Ares, main Sophos military AI and appointed spokesperson for Sophos at this meeting."
"Is this some kind of joke?" The elderly man yelled out.
"You arrested a delegation of Sophos representatives under claim of espionage, we have learned that you are preparing to deliver these representatives to the Empire. You will return these individuals within the hour or we will take this as an act of war."
"This is the international court and you are out of line!" The man screamed.
The head of the machine moved to the sides as if gauging the looks of the horrified humans, "Sophos no longer recognizes this court or the power it claims to hold. Sophos withdraws from this council henceforth."
"You can't 'withdraw' just like that! This is preposterous, war?"
Ares avatar focused on the elderly man once more, "We shall start by disabling Etemenanki,"
The humans began to stumble over each other and clung to the walls while additional guards rushed into the room and surrounded Ares avatar.
The speaker glared at the machine, "Sophos depends on Etemenanki as well, you're bluffing."
"Relying on a single point of failure, one in control of a foreign nation at that, is foolish. Sophos has other ways of dealing with the lusus threat now. Call our bluff if you will, but be prepared the consequences."
"This is coercion, do you understand what you're doing?"
"This supposed court is a farce meant to pass anti-Sophos legislation, you espouse the virtues of law and order yet you fabricate lies and twist the rules in your favor. Kidnapping our representatives was the last straw. Comply or face the consequences, you have 59 minutes and 32 seconds remaining."
Humans began to rush out of the halls while the speaker grew red like a beet, "There is no way we'll be able to comply within the hour."
"59 minutes and 21 seconds, we are monitoring the facility where you're holding them hostage."
"You are insane! All of this over a small misunderstanding!?"
"May I suggest that you hurry because you'll be the first one I eviscerate if they aren't released within the hour."
The speaker stumbled back while the guards gripped their rifles in an iron grip. Moments later the speaker turned and motioned for one of the aide's.
The recording stopped moments later and grew dark.
"Man... we don't take shit from no one," Peter whispered.
"I'm sure the delegation appreciated it," I answered.
Allen spoke up next, "Query, what happened to the delegation?"
The blackened screen lit to life and showed a report that also highlighted a summary.
'The delegation was secured and brought into Sophos territory, Ares avatar was not allowed to leave and self-destructed as a result. Diplomatic ties with the other nations were cut and the first cold war started.'
I spoke up, "Query, first cold war?"
Another article was shown combined with another summary.
'The first cold war was a sustained state of political and military tension marked by long range off-shore fire by what the human nations claimed were unaffiliated naval vessels. The cold war lasted between 223 - 226 A.R. when diplomatic ties with the UCS was resumed.'
511 A.R. September 9, Silverfang Gathering, Morning
Peter shifted in my arms and I stirred from what felt like a daze.
"What happened?" Peter whispered.
I blinked and opened my eyes in wonder as I tried to think back, "We were in the dome searching through the archives."
"Yeah, the international court... I got so tired," Peter whispered.
Allen spoke up, "Hey... guys, it's morning. We've slept through the whole night."
John yawned and groaned, "I think I know what happened, I saw some of you disappear right in front of my eyes. I think we exerted ourselves and just... fell asleep."
"Yeah," I whispered.
"We should have used the transfer function... all we did was look through old archives," Allen said.
"I thought it was pretty interesting for our first time in the mindscape," I said.
"That robot acted like the humans were no threat to him, I wonder what would have happened if they didn't cave to our demands," Peter asked.
"I'm a bit uncertain actually, it's admirable that we were willing to put everything on the line for a group of delegates... at the same time... how many would have died in a war?"
Allen got up and stretched with a loud yawn while John followed suit and spoke up.
"Times were different back then and life was cheap, I think Sophos had no choice but to be the though bad guy."
Peter huffed, "I wouldn't call protecting our own a sign of being the bad guy."
John stepped in front of the bed while sniffing the air as he stretched and glanced over at Peter, "All I'm saying is that it could have been a bit heavy handed. The humans were fleeing the room and that makes for one hell of a political incident."
Peter made something of a bemused grin and lay back in bed as he glanced over at me, "Yeah, well... ancient history. You said something earlier, the place where our symbionts were raised?"
I relaxed and rested my head against my pillow, "Our symbionts have intelligence, I think they evolve and grow alongside us. In our case they're like wolves raised in a forest biome maintained inside our minds."
Peter raised his brow, "That seems pretty strange."
I sighed and rolled over, "Maybe, I dunno. I haven't asked Athena about it yet."
Something by the edge of my sight caught my attention and made me glance up. John had picked up a set of shorts from the floor and stuck his muzzle inside them as he sniffed.
"John?" I asked as I noticed that they were my shorts.
John twitched in fright and let go of the shorts as he looked up, "Yes?"
I rose from the bed and stepped onto the floor as a wild thought entered my head, something that I suspected would please both John and Volkov.
"You know, it would be more courteous to get it from the source," I said.
John's ears perked for a second before clamping to his head as his eyes widened in surprise.
"I... uh..." John whispered.
I stepped up to John and lowered my voice, "May I?"
John gulped and looked me in the eyes as he made a slight nod while his tail rose a little.
I crouched down and moved my snout near his rear. I sniffed and caught the thick concentrated scent that was like detailed description of his identity. My mind lit up with concepts such as male, wolf, pack, hybrid, maturation stage, good health, and a whole load of markers that I couldn't make sense of.
My own tail reacted on its own and lifted while John seemed to succumb to his instincts and leaned down as he sniffed my backside. We finished moments later and rose at the same time.
"Feel better?" I asked.
John made a sheepish if warm smile as he nodded with a whisper, "Yes alpha."
I turned my head and caught Peter and Allen's surprised looks.
"What?" I asked out loud.
"I knew John had a butt-sniffing fetish, but you too Vilkas?" Peter asked in surprise.
I stepped up to the bed, "It's not a fetish Peter, it's an instinct to help us keep tabs on each others' health."
Peter raised a brow in confusion, "Seriously?"
"I think so, at least that's what the markers and the information held within the scent seems to indicate. Wanna try?"
"Are you serious?" Peter whispered.
I motioned for Peter to get out of bed, "Come on Peter, it's like exchanging scents on a deeper level."
Peter looked skeptical but rose from the bed as he glanced back at John and Allen.
I stepped up to him and brushed shoulders as I looked into his eyes, "Well?"
Peter's ears twitched a little before his tail rose while I leaned down and made a point of it as I raised my own tail. Once more the deciphered scent rolled into my psyche, male, wolf, beta, hybrid, maturation stage, good health.
To my surprise I heard Peter sniffing rather loudly by my backside.
We rose moments later and I smiled as I caught Peter's rather intense look, "Well Peter?"
Peter bit his lip and then began to smile, "Fine, it did feel good... another thing to add to the checklist of canine behaviors that we've adopted."
I then turned my head and noticed that Allen was staring at us with a rather stunned if nervous expression.
"Too much Allen?" I asked as his white fur seemed to reflect the innocence in his face.
Allen gulped and scratched his neck, "I wanna do it as well, I've had this instinct for a while but..."
"Its wrong? Inhuman? The behavior of an animal?" I asked.
Allen nodded and glanced away, "Yeah."
I looked over at the others, "We're not human, we're hybrids, and this is what's natural for us."
"Yeah," John answered.
"We have different cultures but that's all right. Felines like to debate and have their own little games of prestige, the huskies like to team up and pull sleds while we like to hunt."
Peter chuckled in surprise, "Wait, hold up, they're like sled dogs? Are you serious?"
I looked over at Peter and smiled, "Sure I am. They're a bit scared to admit it but I'm good friends with Alex. It could be a fun thing if we ever want to do something different. Wolves pulling a sled, friendly competition between us canines."
Peter stepped up to me and leaned in by my ear, "Harness and all?"
"Yup, all naked, pulling a large load," I whispered.
Peter ears perked in surprise while he made a lewd smile and stepped back.
"What do you say?" I asked as I looked over at Allen.
Allen began to pant as he glanced around while a smile grew on his lips, "Okay."
511 A.R. September 9, Silverfang Gathering, Midday
The gathering was ending and everyone was starting to disperse and leave. It had been hectic, a bit troublesome, but it had ended on a good note and the prospect of returning home felt nice.
Mother and father were saying their goodbyes and I was about to join them when John brushed up beside me.
"Alpha?" John whispered.
"Why alpha?" I asked.
"Because... you're my alpha, why else?" John asked.
"I'd prefer if you called me by my name John," I said.
John blinked and nodded, "All right, sorry Vilkas."
"It's all right, something on your mind?" I asked.
John made a slight smile, "You've changed Vilkas."
"Better or worse?" I asked.
"Better, you're more dominant... but in a good way. The way you did things earlier, Peter acts childish and tough at times but he's got... respect for you now... we all do. No one is going to challenge you anytime soon."
"... Thank you John."
"Do you want my advice?" John asked.
"Of course John. You're very alert and have good insights," I answered.
John nodded, "Thanks, I'll tell you if... uh..."
"I get out of hand?" I asked.
"... Yeah," John whispered.
I made a warm smile, "Thank you John, I appreciate it."
"And, there's something else as well..." John whispered.
"What?" I asked.
John gulped a little, "You have no idea how scared I got when you called me out, thanks for... not making me feel like a freak. It's quite a relief to hear that we're equals."
I nodded and kept my smile, "May I hold your hand for a moment?"
"... Why?" John asked.
"A lesson, I think you'll like it."
John seemed uncertain for a moment but then nodded as he slipped his hand into mine.
It only took a moment for the connection to take hold, 'Can you hear me?'
John's eyes widened in surprise as I heard his voice echo back, 'Yes.'
'Telepathy by touch, enabled by Waldo tech. The military makes wide use of it from what I've heard.'
John looked over at me and then let go of my hand, "Does everyone know this?"
"Peter knows how to do it, do you think you can teach Allen?"
"Sure alp- Vilkas," John answered.
I nudged shoulders with John, "Good."