Of Skyscrapers and Taxi drivers... Chapter 1: Cats, Snow, and a Doorman
Such was a typical winter night in the city of downtown chicago. a grey, white, and black feline walked among the many who crowded the streets, her paws padding softly in the snow. her eyes were as deep as the ocean and just as blue.
Downtown Skirmish
#2 of operation: liberation the sun began to rise as we crossed a bridge, heading into downtown newnan from the direction of newnan high school. i hated newnan when i was growing up here; now, i hate to see downtown in ruins.
Savage City; Day One: Happy Tuesday
Nick and judy decided to walk to his mother's place near central downtown in a ritzy section for the elderly. it didn't take long to get there as the sidewalk traffic was light on this beautiful tuesday afternoon.
Night of Terror (dream)
I sent them downtown. it was just me and sam. so i decided to take a drive downtown. we would take the other fire engine.
Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 7
downtown zootopia. the underground. rick: oh....thanks very much captain, that's sooo reassuring. scene shift scene location: the palisade stadium. downtown zootopia.
Nona: Chapter Two: Whispers in the Dark
Katelyne was walking home from school down the steampunk grey atmospheric streets of downtown nona with her friend daniel. the streets had a fresh blanket of snow but the snow was yucky grey downtown.
Chapter 6: Monday
It only took five minutes to get downtown, which would be the technical term for main street, mayfield. downtown consisted of one main road between rows of red brick buildings, built in the style of their contemporaries in the early 1900s.
Stopping Dragonien
He stood up and started running along, 'accidentally' crushing half of the remaining vehicles under his feet as he moved closed to downtown.
Chapter 2
Usually, downtown would be bustling with anthros, all walking around to the nearby shops or just going for a stroll.
GoM-Ep13-The Problem-
"hey everyone, we need to get downtown as soon as possible because of a magic related problem" brian had said, a bit nervous. finn has put a hand on his shoulder "hey you all heard the man let's move!"
Dynasty: Origins, Act 02: Colored Crimson
I then started the truck, heading into the direction of downtown tonoko. once we arrived in downtown tonoko, it was a bit of a sight for sore eyes. i had only seen most of tonoko, especially this portion, through my eyes as a cryptic soldier initiate.
A Letter Home
Where the gun is located has a lovely view of the downtown and north shore of the inlet, with ships and boats large and small crisscrossing the water.