Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears

"why would anyone want to steal something that simple, but leave the golden masks behind? king tut alone is worth millions" smythe shrugged. "a collector, no doubt.

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Evil Sometimes Wears A Suit

The last thing the cat saw was that golden mask with a twisted smile upon it, almost as if it was laughing at all his pain and suffering, and then everything turned to darkness.

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Last Night Under The Stars

Silvery threads of moonlight reflected of rei's golden mask, the armor as always resting within arm's reach.

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The Second Promise: Chapter 4, The Wrong Questions

The face was concealed in a golden mask, leaving only the amber eyes visible. staff ending with an ankh rather than an orb, it pulsated every few seconds. "evidently you can change the gender though." kyrik blinked a few times. "why?" "better security.

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Death's Blood Ch. Four: Paving The Way

He comes toward me, now clad in my blue suit, brown vest, white shirt, and golden mask, and perches on my right forearm, his three feet holding tight.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.4 - The Unbelievable

The dog was suddenly crushed, a large bronze reptile slamming dowm from above with a silver b on his belt, and a golden mask with shining fins from his ears. "wha-what the fuck?!"

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 90

"huh, wonder what these..." he asked, pausing and jerking back when the orb flashed before slowly dimming away, revealing a golden mask now floating in its place.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.6 - The Empire Strikes Back

He hugged her tight, and kissed her pregnant belly before taking his golden mask. sanjin followed his friend into the night, but not before oodaka grabbed his arm and pulled him in.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 38

The feathery wings were opened, already free of the choking touch of water, puffed out and healthy, her golden mask glowing under the moisture paired with the reddish hue of the stones. she looked absolutely divine.

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Death's Blood Ch. Sixteen: Insurance and Woe

As if reading my mind, she continues, "you came to me with your golden mask, telling me that you are to be death incarnate. you spent years moulding yourself into a warrior, to become death to those who deserve no mercy or kindness.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.5 - The Heroes of Ryukyon

Said the one in the golden mask. "you know these islands belong to all who make it their home!" "make it their home?!" the weasel snapped. "these fucking foreigners keep takin' our houses fer themselves?!"

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