Evil Sometimes Wears A Suit

Story by radarnocturn on SoFurry

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#2 of The Chronicles of Atom City

Nicholas Cray growled as he injected himself with the anti-serum. He had demanded a cure to the lycanthropy coursing through his veins, not a daily injection. The fact that he could activate his transformation at any time with a different injection did little to please him.

What made it all worse was that he had just lost a warehouse of materials and two billion had disappeared from his private bank account. Pavor Nocturnus had made two seperate attempts at his life, and a Dr. Nefar was stealing money and materials from him!

The hyena smoothed back his gelled hair before took a moment to rub his sore lower back and think, to try and formulate a plan. He winced the moment his fingers touched where the lycanthrope from the super-soldier program had clawed him. He cursed at his own stupidity for getting too close to the cage when an idea hit him, and with a devious grin upon his face, he thumbed the intercom and called to his secretary.

"Have my five top employees come to my office, IMMEDIATELY!"

Cray chuckled as the shout would get a squeak out of the poor little mouse. As he waited for the five, he pleasured himself with thoughts of slowly killing that useless wench. He couldn't believe how much of a pain in the ass she was, and how she'd be better off dead.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by the knock on his door and he growled to himself, "Just when it was getting to the good part, slicing that little throat of hers." He looked to the door and sat upright, barking an order to the occupant on the other side.


The hyena watched as Numbers, the formal suit wearing kangaroo rat, stepped through the door, fixing his glasses while he moved. The rat was soon followed by Liquidity, a dolphin in an all blue suit; Papercut, a crane who looked to be from the mail room; Siren, a lioness in a sexy little business suit and too short of a skirt; and Security, a big wolf who looked like he should be protecting the President instead of in a corporate office.

"Ahh, my favorite five, I'm glad you all could make it. I'm especially thankful for your help recently. You saved quite a bit of resources when you stopped the Obsidron project from taking over more than two of our factories, but it still angers me that the damn satelite went rogue and developed a personality of it's own. Now, I have a new job for all of you. I've been having a couple security problems, and I'd like you to take care of both of them."

The five moved closer to their boss's desk, listening as they were given the name of their target, discretely told that they were to do some problem solving and find a solution to their boss's dilemma. Ideas were passed quickly, and the hours passed by just as fast untill they had come to a wonderous murderous solution. It had become dark out and the five devious employees left as they came, except now with a mission of murder.

Cray waited till his secretary had left for the night before heading out the door and to his limo. He needed to relax and knew the perfect way, commanding his driver to the usual place, the edge of the seedier side of town. Once there, he told the burly bear to return in a few hours before setting for a stroll, knowing full well that a well dressed rich man looks like an easy target for would be theives.

Just as he suspected, it didn't take long before someone tried to mug him. A young orange and gray feline in ratty worn clothing stood before him, holding a knife with a shakey paw.

"Gim..gimme your money!"

A laugh slipped from the hyena's lips, shocking the would-be mugger, causing the kitty to tremble even more. With narrowed eyes, Cray watched his prey. This was what he lived for, this was the moment he loved, when the attacker became the victim and he held all the cards. With practiced speed, he lunged, grabbing the tabby's arm and forcing the knife into it's owner's gut. A yelp escaped the cat and he staggered backwards, clutching the handle.

Cray watched his victim's eyes, seeing the shock and fear emerge and immersed himself in the moment. He pulled a golden colored mask out of his pocket and pulled it on before pulling his leather gloves on tighter as he spoke.

"Foolish little kitten, all afraid of a little blood. Look at me, look into my eyes. I want to see your fear, I want to see you cry out for mercy as the tears stream down your face. I want your last gasp of air as you suffer the agony of death, but most of all, I want to hold your life in my paws before I crush all hope and end your miserable existence!"

He laughed again and grabbed the tabby by the collar, yanking him into the dark alley. He played with his prey like a cat with a wounded mouse, enjoying the suffering he brought and the power of life he controlled like a god, able to decide when and how the feline would die.

Screams of pain and terror came from the alley for the first few moments, only to be silenced with the slashing of the voice box and cutting of the jaw muscles. Pain filled eyes watched the hyena as he worked, cutting and slashing various parts of the feline, blood getting everywhere as the trademark smile was carved upon the cat's chest. After what felt like hours of pain and torture, it all finally ended for the homeless feline, blood pouring out his mouth while he gasped for air. The last thing the cat saw was that golden mask with a twisted smile upon it, almost as if it was laughing at all his pain and suffering, and then everything turned to darkness.