The Yard Sale

And there was nothing, nothing at all that interested the black cat. two-too twillinger, searched but saw nothing interesting. but since the day turned gray with a heavy mist falling and its associated fog, everyone else had left.

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Ch. 0 - The Black Cat

More like... the black cat.

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The Maryville Amazing Maize Maze

More-so even than the actual black cat anthros that had to live with it day in and day out. quin always had to hold her tongue around them; most of the witches and other occult practitioners she knew were black cats.

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[Commission] Monsieur Louis Bernard's unlucky day

Life. Life is an interesting place, filled with hardships and adventures. Ups and downs, turmoils, lefts, rights, roundabouts and loop de loops. Let's take, for example, Monsieur Louis Bernard. A person, who has struggled with dwarfism his entire...

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Play Me a Song Ch: 3

Chapter 3: After Math I grunted as I was awakened by the blinding light of the sun as it peaked in through my window; I pulled the blanket over my head to block the light, but left an opening to look at my clock. "One in the afternoon." I said before...

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fall writing challenge - friday the 13th

In case you weren't aware by now, i am a black cat. as a black cat, i generally don't have any specific influence on people's lives. i will admit, there is somewhat an effect on my personality on certain days, as well as those who surround me.

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Open RP Scenario: Black Cat Magick

I guess being a witch and a black cat is a bad combination. too many people were afraid of me, though i've never harmed anyone with my magick, except in self defense. that wasn't enough for most people though. maybe that's why i'm chained here.

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Salem Rose Host Club: "The Performance."

She pulled out the salem card, grinned at the black cat on the front, and then flipped it over and read whatever the leopard had written on it.

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Prolog - A New Family

They turned around, to meet a tall black cat. penny smiled as she said "daddy!" she hugged him, and the black cat returned the hug to her. "daddy, this is bernie, he is my new friend! he is so much cool!"

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Tales of the Stars Chapter 11: The Village of Strega! The Last Star-User comes!

Nuko pierced her lip and let out sigh and looked back at the black cat and said "fine, just don't hurt them." the black cat shook his head and snapped his finger, the wolfs then stepped back from them.

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Tammy the Telekinesis Cat (unfinished)

He was stopped by a jet black cat with dark, golden yellow eyes that shone if the mist was thick. the black cat attacked him and took all yopi's power, leaving his body to shrivel up like a dying worm.