Chapter 1: The Raid

One guy, i guess the head slaver and a right ugly beast at that as he was a wolf-hyrbid of some sort sporting thick, leathery wings, and an evil scowl, with a large scar down his face, said "well slave, you gave us quite a bit of trouble.

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Strangers After All: Part I

The trip to Myrtle beach had been an of-the-moment decision. Deacon and I just wanted to get away from our dorms and go somewhere since most of our fellow students had gone home for break. The sand tickled the bottoms of my bare feet as we walked...

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Aaru - Chapter 23 (Meeting the Oracle)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* CHAPTER 23 \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Three sharp knocks roused me from my slumber. With an annoyed grunt I rolled over and looked at the source of the noise. I shook off my sleepy daze and opened the door. On the other side...

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Project X | Chapter IX: Clairty

Chapter IX CLARITY _Ex_ _ _ Right when I met Hunter, I thought I couldn't trust him since he was a part of the outside world. I changed my perspective of him once he took me out on what he called a "shopping spree" a week later. Maybe I had...

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Salem Rose Host Club: "The Performance."

"Hello?" I mewed timidly, taking apprehensive steps down the hall. I stared around anticipating Cooper to leap out and scare the shit out of me again, but I saw no one. And this hall went on forever--door after door after door. This building had to be...

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