Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 1
Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 1
Hiya everyone its Starfire here.........So a few weeks ago I started my story about my fursona, and after much thought and a very convincing Dingo/German shepherd (you know who you are hehe) I have decided to carry on with it.....Fuck it why not.
So this short piece is about how Starfire came across The Fort and called it his new home after the death of Max the Bearded Collie. If you have no idea what I am on about read my first story just follow the link >>>> [](%5C)
Like before give me feedback as I aim to learn from my mistakes and improve on my writing and if there is anyone out there that is going to read this and say "ohh you suck" or "this is totally shitty" you furs can just fuck off really enough said!!
Sunrise 6:00AM Starfire the Wolf/German Shepard is wondering down a long highway not knowing what to do with himself or where to go, the death of his only friend, his protector Max the Bearded Collie is playing on his mind.
As Starfire wonders he thinks to himself *What now.....Do I end it here?* he collapses on the floor then reaches his paw down and takes a hold of his .44 magnum and pulls it out of its holster slowly pulling it up and points it to his head....He groans and growls and closes his eyes......"NO.....Get a hold of yourself Starfire" he shouts at himself throwing the magnum away, he growls and slams his paw to the ground a single tear streaking down his face, he then gets up and picks his magnum up from the ground and places it back in its holster.
He lets out a big sigh as he continues to walk along the lonesome highway; he then sees what looks like a huge wall in the distance so he decides to approach it with caution as he gets within meters to the wall "HEY YOU!!" a loud voice shouts "Take one more step and you're a dead Wolf" Starfire looks around to see where the voice is coming from "State your business stranger" says the voice, he then spots a big brown bear wearing heavy metal armour and pointing a 50 Cal Anti-materiel Rifle right at him, "I mean you no harm" says Starfire, "That doesn't answer my question dose it? So I will repeat myself, state your business or I will blow your fucking head off!!" said the bear with aggression in his voice "I am looking for work and a place to stay" Starfire says back. The bear then lowers his weapon and says "Surrender your weapons by removing them and throwing them down in front of you" the bear then points his rifle back at him, Starfire then takes his magnum from its holster then throws it in front of him, "Ok now the rifle on your back" said the bear, Starfire sighs and removes his rifle and throws it in front of him, "Good now paws behind your head" ordered the bear, Starfire then has no choice but to obey the demanding bear as he is unarmed and helpless. "Ok open the gate Roger" the bear shouted.
The gate then opens and the bear jumps down from his post and walks towards Starfire pointing a Desert Eagle at him "Alright stranger this way...Leave your weapons, Roger will retrieve them and give them back to you when I SAY SO!!".
Starfire is then lead to a small hut within the settlement, the door opens and he then sees a Tiger sitting at a desk wearing a rather clean and formal suit, the tiger looks up at Starfire then gives an angry look at the bear "Nathan! What have I told you about treating friendly traders?" Nathan then says "How do you know he is friendly James?" "Look he is wearing a trader's hat, you know the rules of the wasteland better than me, and anyone wearing a trader's hat is most likely to be friendly" said James as then looks at Starfire, Nathan then growls and says "I am in charge of security here Mayor not you don't forget that" Nathan then walks out slamming the door behind him.
"Sorry about Nathan, he may treat strangers like shit but he does mean well....Please sit down stranger and state your business" Starfire then sits down and says "My name is Starfire and I am looking for work and a place to stay" James smiles then says "Well I think we can accommodate you Starfire, as luck would have it we are looking for someone to help scavenge for supplies and bring them back here also someone who can deliver supplies or packages to other settlements that need our help, you know it's a you scratch my back I will scratch your back situation...So what do you say Star?" Starfire smiles and says "Ok James you have a deal" he then offers his paw to James, James then shakes Starfire's paw.
"So where will I be staying James?" asks Starfire, James then gets up "Right this way Star" James then leads Starfire to a small wooden shack, Starfire then opens the door.
Inside the shack is; a table with one chair, a bed, a metal cupboard and a fridge, Starfire looks around thinking *well it looks like shit but it's a start* James then says "well it may not look like much but it's a roof over your head, I will leave you to get yourself settled I am just going to see Lisa to tell her I found her a new scavenger" James then leaves.
Starfire looks around then thinks *Right I best get my weapons back* he then walks out of his shack and starts to look for Roger who apparently has his weapons. He approaches the front gate and sees Roger the black cat asleep. Nathan the brown bear sees Starfire and says "Yes you may have your weapons back, they are in the safe, I will open it for you" Nathan then walks down from his post then unlocks the safe then hands Starfire his weapons back "I still have my eye on you boy" Nathan said pointing at Starfire.
Starfire then takes his weapons and walks away not saying anything as he didn't want to anger the short tempered bear. He then decides to go and look for Lisa as she may have a job for him.
Starfire approaches what looks like a workshop, he sees a wolf fixing up a suit of armour "Uhh hello" he mutters, the wolf then turns around smiling and says "You must be the new guy, I am Lisa and I believe you are looking for me" she giggles, Starfire blushes a little and says "Y....Yes I am your new scavenger" "Well it's a bit late to go out so come and see me tomorrow I think I have something for you to do" she winks at him. Starfire then nods turning around walking back to his shack to sleep for the night.
Alright this was just going to be a single story but I have decided to break it up in to parts not sure how long it's going to actually be.
So this was my second story and I am still learning a thing or two so please be nice :P
Peace out all,
Starfire :3 xx