Tales of the Stars Chapter 11: The Village of Strega! The Last Star-User comes!

Story by Emil Castor on SoFurry

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Nuko slowly woke up when she had heard someone say "Wake up, cat." She looked up to see the black cat that had talked to, he then crouched down and said "You seem familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on it." Nuko looked at him more closer and replied "You look like someone I meet before too." He then chuckled and asked "Well anyway, I need to talk to you for a second if you don't mind." Nuko chuckled and turned her head and said "I wouldn't talk to you even if my life was at stake." The black cat got back up and pointed to Shiro and Diana and then said "Then how about your friends over there?" Nuko looked at them and then saw two wolfs right behind them with swords near there necks. Nuko pierced her lip and let out sigh and looked back at the black cat and said "Fine, just don't hurt them." The black cat shook his head and snapped his finger, the wolfs then stepped back from them. The black cat then crouched down and then untied her, he then got back up and said "Come now." Nuko shook her head and then got up, after that, she the walked out of the cell and out of the prison.

"Please sit down." The black cat said. Nuko shook her head and then sat in front of the black cat, he then smiled and said "It's nice to meet you, miss." Nuko gave him a smile and said "Just call me Nuko." The cat looked at her with a surprised look and then said "Nuko? I think I've heard that somewhere." Nuko got confused and asked "So, what's your name?" The black cat stopped thinking and looked at her, then saying "Oh, my name is Taupy." Nuko got surprised and then started to think, saying, "Taupy. . .I've heard that name, but form where?" Taupy looked at her and gave her a smile and said "So, Nuko, it's so nice to meet you, but I liked to ask you a question." Nuko looked at him with a surprised look and asked "Oh, what is it?" Taupy smiled faded and asked "Why are you here in the first place? Are you and your companies spies?" Nuko smiled faded when he said that, she then looked to the ground and said "Actually, we are on a mission." Taupy got surprised and asked "What is this mission?" Nuko looked back to him and said "We are here to find our friends, find the last of the Star-Users, and defeat the World-Users, and finally stop the world war!"

Shock came to Taupy when he heard that, he looked to the ground, and then chuckled, finally, he looked back up to her and said "It seems like you're a nice girl, Nuko. I think you've found something you were looking for." Nuko got surprised and asked "What is it?" Taupy then took off his bandanna and show a glowing black star, saying, "I'm the Dark Star-User, Taupy." Nuko was shocked, but then calmed down and smiled, then saying "So your. . . The Dark Star-User?" Taupy shook his head and got up, moving to her, and sat next to her and said "It seems like we both want to stop the war, so I would like you to make a promise with me." Nuko looked at him and asked "Sure, what is it?" Taupy looked to the ground and said "Um, once this is all over, I would love to see if, we could go on a date?" Nuko blushed brightly, looking to the ground, she said "Yes, I would love to go on a date." Taupy looked back up to her and was also blushing and said "O-Ok! Then let's kiss on it." She blushed even more, but looked at him. Taupy looked at her and touched her soft face, moving near her, they both then kissed each other. Nuko blushed and looked away from him, while Taupy just looked at her with his blushing face, he then remember and said "Oh yea, I should get your friends out of the cell." He then got up and walked out of the tent

Nuko looked around and saw that there was mostly boys that girls in the tribe, she then looked at her clothes to see that in was all in tatters and burnt spots, suddenly, she felt someone tugging on her shirt, she then turned around to see a young fox boy having clothes in his paws, he then show them to her and said "Here!" Nuko looked at the boy and saw that he wanted to help her, she gave him a smile and took the clothes and saw the boy walked away.

Dose Nuko and Taupy know each other? Is this really the last of the Stars? You'll have to find out in the next Chapter!