An Old Friend

An Alegeharian Novel The Modern Era Chp. 3 An Old Friend Lego was coughing and waved around trying make the smoke dissipate before opening his eyes having to look up practically about to fall on his back, in front of the Tescorosso was a giant red...

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Baxley and The Black Paw Chapter 1

"the rebels have an anti-air gun, so air support won't be available until we take it out, corporal baxley", said general shepard who heard the conversation.

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Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)

His attentions, lazily darting about over the camp's rows of tents and structure, were drawn with abrupt certainty to the stuttering blur that was a stealth badger sprinting into visibility somewhere amongst the anti-air cannons.

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Situational Awareness (Welded Sunset)

~ a stillness fell out over the construction yard as the misshapen blobs of colors shuddered into recognizable objects and anti-air cannons that were not present fell silent.

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The Nature of Warfare

If exposed ground units are not sufficiently protected with aerial and ground anti-air defense, they easily and rapidly could be absolutely pulverized from the air from bombers or missiles.

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space special ops

"/ it suddenly comes rushing back to me now. we came in on fast drop ships and preformed a low altitued jump. after getting on the ground, we took out an anti-air gun. from there, we started to make our way back to the front lines, when we were ambushed. the

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With smooth motions, the multitude of anti-air artillery and mini-gun turrets sprung to life, swivelling and locking targets. with unison born of being computer controlled, they fired as one.

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The Dragons Wrath

"okay guys here's your mission: a bunch of enemy units have been bombarding our fleet with those anti air guns, your job is to take out those guns and as many enemy soldiers as possible. understood?" "yes maam." "good. dismissed."

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DragonZ Chapter 20 --End of Act III--

Above in the skies, the dragonflies and masiaf met little resistance but had more than enough anti-air fire barraging them.

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World in conflict: CH7 The 7th Sentinel Battailion

Did you at least take down some of the anti-air emplacements? yankov: yes we were able to take out almost all of the anti-air but we were over run after that...

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