Baxley and The Black Paw Chapter 1
#1 of Baxley and the black paw
Baxley's adventures with the black paw
Chapter: 1
Chicago, Illinois
Baxley ducked within his crater from the gunfire of the enemy. He wore urban army fatigues with a black paw patch sewn on the right arm bicep of the jacket. The patch was outlined in purple while the paw itself was black. Baxley and his squad of two furs and three humans, not including him, were pinned down by the rebel forces across the river.
General Shepard, a grey furred wolf, was standing up firing a desert eagle in the rebel's direction. "Get your asses up and fire at those fuckers", he barked. Baxley poked his head up from cover and fired a few rounds with his M16 assault rifle. He ducked back behind cover as bullets whizzed above his head. "We need to take this part of the city; now move forward", said Shepard. Baxley looked over his squad.
Nick, an arctic fox, his friend and partner on most stealth missions was crouched in the crater clutching his Thompson machine gun and smoking a cigar. "You alright, Baxley, you're shakin' like mad", he chuckled. Baxley smiled at him a little. "I just don't want to die here because of the general's craziness", he replied. "What you call crazy he calls smarts", said a cat soldier beside Nick. He had brown and black stripped fur and yellow eyes. "Well if I were him I'd call in an airstrike", barked Baxley as an explosion went off nearby.
"The rebels have an anti-air gun, so air support won't be available until we take it out, Corporal Baxley", said General Shepard who heard the conversation. "So, you can either take your squad to flank the enemy and take it out or you can sit here and complain about getting your assess handed to you on a silver platter." Baxley turned to the wolf and nodded. "Alright, I can do that, sir."
The black fox gathered his squad and went over the plan. "Okay, so the plan is to flank the enemy and take out the anti-air gun for possibly air support. I want three men to in front and in a triangle formation while another three behind them, but in reverse triangle formation so it makes a diamond. Keep the formation tight; I don't want to lose anyone here."
The rest of the squad nodded and checked their ammo and supplies. Baxley reloaded his gun and attached a red dot sight. He looked over his two sidearm five-seven pistols. Baxley grinned and turned to his squad. "Is everyone ready", he asked. "If so, then let's move out." Nick picked one of the humans and the cat fur crouching beside him and took the lead. Baxley was left with the rest of his squad covering the back.
The squad jogged down the street and then turned right, towards the direction of the rebel forces. Baxley was scanning the buildings surrounding them for any signs of an ambush. Nick led them down a couple streets and alleys. He called a halt and the squad took cover behind some broken down cars. "Status report", said Baxley into his headset microphone. The channel was private so no one else could listen in. "About ten foot mobiles up ahead and two trucks with a machine gun on the backs of them", came Nick's reply over the radio. "Okay", replied Baxley. "Mike, find a window and set up shop with that sniper rifle of yours and take those two gunners out"
Mike, the brown and black stripped cat, gathered his stuff and followed orders. Baxley peeked out from cover to look at situation. The men were sitting around talking and discussing battle plans. "Wow these guys are really laid back", whispered the soldier next to Baxley. "Yeah, they're acting like a war isn't even going on", murmured the black fox, absentmindedly fiddling with his boot knife. "I'm in position, sir", said Mike over the radio. "Roger that, you have clearance to engage", whispered Baxley as he peeked around again.
"Roger that; engaging", purred Mike and within a few seconds one of the gunners was lying on the ground as a shot rang out. The men grabbed their weapons and scattered, looking for cover and the shooter. Baxley smirked. He knew that Mike and the rest of his squad knew how hide themselves well from people in any scenario. Baxley remembered his jungle concealment assessment when he was 12 years old. Now he was 14 years old and leading a squad into battle as a mercenary squad leader.
Nick nodded to Baxley who nodded back at him. "Alright men, let's get some", said the artic fox as he broke from cover shooting at rebels. The rest of the squad followed, Baxley sweeping the area for any men trying to escape. Baxley killed a few men and was running into a coffee shop when an armored truck came driving down the street ahead of them. "Shit, they must've radioed for help", said Nick. "Mike kill that driver and slow them down", yelled Baxley into his headset microphone as he shot at some men running down the street. Baxley ducked behind a desk as he was shot at.
"Nick, where is this anti-air gun at", asked Baxley into his radio. "I'd say about four blocks past that truck", replied Nick who was dragging a soldier who had been shot in the leg. Baxley shot a few rounds and ran out of the coffee shop, into the street and behind a broken down car. "Roger that; how's the situation going up there Mike", said the black fox as he ducked some gunfire. "It's going well up here; I'm seeing that most of the rebels have been killed", replied Mike over the radio.
A human soldier came up to Baxley's side. "Corporal, why do we call them 'rebels' when we're the ones fighting for freedom", he asked. "Private, I have no idea; Corporal Nick gave them that name", replied Baxley, firing at some men trying to rush them. "Oh, well could we give them a different name", said the man. Baxley sighed. "You can call them potatoes for all I care, soldier." The man nodded and shot a man trying to flank them. "There is only one hostile left and he's mine", said Mike. Baxley heard the shot and saw the man fall against a van, blood covering his chest.
"Okay, regroup at my position men quickly; we only have 30 minutes to control that area four blocks ahead", said Baxley, looking at his watch. The black fox reloaded his gun and looked around at his surroundings. Bodies lay everywhere on the street. The team regrouped in a matter of 5 minutes. "Okay, everyone here? Good. Now, for the plan of action", barked Baxley. "They probably know we are coming so they will have a defensive perimeter surrounding the anti-air gun and such. I want all able bodied men to follow me to the site." The soldier who had been shot in the leg grabbed his gun.
"Where the hell do you think you're going private", said Nick. "I'm coming with you, sir", replied the man. He had a British accent which was very appealing to Baxley for some odd reason. "Oh, no you're not", growled Nick. "I am, because I'm a freedom fighter and I want to stop the rule of the man trying to take over the world and demolish our way of life", said the private in a commanding tone. "Look here, boy, fighting because you say you're a freedom fighter and it's your right as a citizen is nothing compared to the hell me and the Corporal went through when we were 12 years old in the jungle running for our lives. If you ask him about it later he'll tell ya." The man nodded. "Okay, but I'm still coming with you." Nick shook his head. "Alright, but be careful and keep your head down." The man smiled and followed the squad down the street.
Baxley was leading this time and scanned even more carefully than before for ambush opportunities. He didn't like the silence and it made him nervous, especially since he didn't know the territory so well. "Sir, we should be coming close to the target area", said Mike from the back of the formation. "Roger that, keep your eyes peeled then", replied Baxley, still scanning the buildings.
The noise of gunfire was getting louder up ahead and Baxley ordered his men to spread out and stay in the shadows of the growing night. He went into an alley to take the area from a different side. Nick and Mike followed while the rest stayed on the street. Baxley called for a halt and pulled out his tactical knife that was attached to his right boot. A black and orange stripped tiger walked past the alley, stopped to light a cigarette, and leaned against the wall. He sniffed and put his paw on his side arm pistol.
"Who's out here? Show your cowardly self", called the tiger. Baxley put his paws in the air and stepped out of the shadows, smiling. "Wow, you have an amazing talent for sniffing out cowards", he said as he slid the knife down his sleeve. The tiger purred. "Flattery won't get you nowhere, fox." Baxley cocked his head. "Will a kiss get me somewhere?" Tiger growled. "No, it will not, in fact it will get you a bullet in your leg", he said drawing his pistol and pointing it at Baxley. The black fox swished his tail from side-to-side and grinned broadly.
"Aww, is that all I get", said Baxley, having fun annoying the tiger. "If you want to die, try hugging me", replied the tiger. Baxley took and step closer and spread his arms wide. The tiger hesitantly lowered his gun, but quickly raised it again. "You have really beautiful blue eyes, kitty", growled Baxley, who was about arm's length away from the tiger. The tiger smirked a little. "Thank you." 'I got you right where I want you', thought Baxley as he grabbed the tiger's arm, disarmed him, and tried to pin him against the wall, but the tiger was too quick and pinned the fox to the wall instead.
"Do I still get my kiss, foxy, even though you obviously tried to knock me unconscious", purred the tiger. "And don't tell your men to try and save you or you will be in serious pain." Baxley nodded and looked to Nick who was still hiding in the shadows. "Go on ahead; I'll be fine." The arctic fox and cat nodded and ran off, leaving Baxley and the tiger alone. "Good men you have there", said the tiger before pressing his lips to Baxley's in a kiss that lasted for about three minutes. Even though the fox was joking about the kiss he found himself enjoying it a little and smiled at the tiger when they broke apart.
"How'd you like your kiss", asked Baxley with a giggle. "It was lovely and I'd really enjoy it if you gave me your number so we can talk sometime; my name's Thomas", said the tiger with a grin. "I'm Baxley and I will give you my number", replied Baxley as he took out a pen and a notepad. After scribbling his cellphone number on it he handed it to the tiger, who smiled and let go of the fox.
"I hope to see you some time, foxy", growled Thomas. Baxley winked at the tiger and walked away saying, "Maybe you will." The black fox went to catch up with his squad and start the attack. "Have fun", said Nick with a smile as Baxley joined them. "Oh, I did and I think their army has lost another soldier", chuckled Baxley. Nick nodded. Mike came over and tapped Baxley on the shoulder.
"Sir, the rest of the squad is in position", he said. "Okay, then be ready for my signal", replied Baxley drawing his two pistols. He crept slowly forward towards a once nice looking trail blazer and motioned for his two friends to follow. Baxley had a good view of the area and could also see the rest of the squad. About twenty soldiers were standing around the anti-air gun with ak-47s.
"Shit, that's a lot of men", said Mike. "I hope I have enough ammo." Baxley smiled at him. "You won't need to worry about that once I give the signal", he said pulling out four frag grenades and holding up his radio. "You ready, private." The man responded back through the radio, "We're ready, sir." Baxley nodded and handed a frag grenade to his two friends.
The black fox whistled, pulled the pins and threw his two frag grenades. The rest of the squad followed suite. The explosion was simultaneous and reduced the ranks of the enemy by nearly past half. Baxley then ran full speed with his pistols raised and firing at the furs and humans trying to compose themselves and retaliate. He ordered the other half of his squad to plant C4 on the anti-air gun and radio everyone when it was in place so they could escape in time.
Nick and Baxley were taking cover behind a broken wall. "Okay, tell me again why we agreed to do this mission", said Nick, firing a few rounds off at the enemy. "Um, because we want to get paid and if we don't stop these guys here then they will try to take over the whole United States", barked Baxley as he was shot in the arm. "Why not just take over their base of operations", asked Nick.
"Command says that we need to take this part of the city before making a move on the leader", said Baxley. "So after this we can go after the leader", asked Nick with a smile. Baxley nodded. "The explosives are in place, everyone get clear", called the private. Baxley thanked him and led the retreat to a safer distance. Once the squad was at a safe distance the private detonated the charge killing the remaining soldiers.
The squad ducked behind cover as debris flew over their heads. "General, the anti-air gun has been taken out", said Baxley. "Roger, Corporal I'll send a helicopter to pick your squad up. You have a meeting with your commander", replied General Shepard before hanging up the radio.