Commission: The Green Shoes

The night was not a night to be traveling, not a night to be caught outside as the heavy storm raged on. A flow of heavy rain poured down from the sky to cover the land in it's heavy fluids drenching all that were unfortunate enough to venture out into...

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Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 13

If you're electing to join us late from scratch then you'll want to aim for at least 4000 words total.

Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 34

" * * * this subchapter used to be about 4000 words longer.

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 27

I know i said that this would be up late last week but this chapter kinda took off on me and i may or may not have ended up writing like 4000 words or so on accident \>\_\> not that you guys are complaining!!

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 5) Mean Gene W24

You will be, after reading this chapter of "murder at the speed of life" (ca. 4000 words) as always, this story is sfw, except from language and references to drinking. (but you can't have a novel noir without cheap bourbon.)

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LLST #8 ~ Hot Shot

#8 of lost legends side tales [ summary: ] a traveling duelist gets more than bargained for in the town of val'en. [ ~4000 words ] i've been hopping on and off of this for over a year, and i honestly spent a lot of time thinking i'd just give up trying to

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