Pitch Episode 18: To Catch a Heart

"a leprechaun? you mean a real leprechaun?" i questioned in disbelief. "yes, and your former peers have been tasked with capturing it." "but why?" "it's a leprechaun," she said as though the answer was obvious.

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 1: The Grin Becomes Ye

The leprechaun's voice taunted before it became ominous... "tis not wise to escape your punishment early, boy-o..."

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Thunder #17

"the friendship of the leprechauns would be of value, and we can offer the same in return.

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Invane: Vixblock

Two, leprechauns do not exist. end. of. story." a whine responded from haziyo as he frowned, but nevertheless complied with the rest of us.

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The story of Faeone (Thunder Prequel)

"what about leprechauns?" "leprechauns are quite the opposite of unicorns and believe in nothing." gulthar again regarded the crystal ball.

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 3: The Grin's Fate

He slid the laptop around and showed the entry her found on mythic-net for leprechauns.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eight

leprechauns aren't real." i smirked. "he said to the magical clown girl." "you haven't told him _anything?"_asked jade skeptically. ethan turned to look at her. "what are you supposed to be, then?"

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All the colours of the Greybow

And all the colours of the greybow black and white and in between looking through a lifeless screen living in all the colours of the greybow i'm numb to the world around me gone are the sights around me under all the colours of the greybow no leprechaun

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eleven

The leprechaun asked, pointing. "he went into that cloud of fog a couple minutes ago." "okay, but where is he _now?_ did he ever come out?" panic started to rise up in me.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eighteen

The other is to appeal to his, uh, leprechaun-y side." ethan looked at me. "you mean gold?" "bingo! leprechauns pull magic out of gold just like klaons draw it from laughter." "they _eat_ it?" "no, they just have to be holding it.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Ten

Being a leprechaun, not one of the most physically intimidating races out there, there was nothing else he could do. "jade," i said, grabbing her by the shoulder, "get up." "just leave me here," she whispered.

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a tale of two mushrooms

You gave me those stories of knights, those stories of dragons, those stories of fairies, sprites, and leprechauns. you gave me dreams of a place far away from where i was planted.
