All the colours of the Greybow

I sit, alone in a crowd, Watching as the world spins round In all the colours of the Greybow. My laughter is as hollow as my tears As hollow as my unknown fears And all the colours of the Greybow Black and white and in between Looking through a...

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A Dull Dragon - 6

#6 of a dull dragon story and all characters (c) 2006-2007 yancarlo ramsey. please do not redistribute without written permission. this is a work of adult fiction. if you get caught reading it, don't blame me.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 34: Dull Glints of Light

Octo still remembered that day. Giovanni was happily running in the backyard, a ball of yarn in his hands. He was chasing his little brother, trying to get to him as hard as he could to take that ball of yarn. They spent the afternoon running all...

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The Same Old Routine

dull grumbling is heard as the hand flings back the covers, revealing a cascade of blood-red scales blanketing a muscular draconic form, the crimson blending into a dull yellow color on his underside.

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Surprise Drive - Prologue

dull, grey, metallic bits covered every inch of their being, with the only exceptions being the numbered plates melded into their chests and the skull-like encasing over their faces.

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Songs of the lion king Charters Part 4

No dull talking in the sky "you! yes, you behind the rock, stand still simba!" zazu leave them cubs alone hey! zazu! leave them cubs alone!

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"i'm here to see mr zarotti" john answered in a dull voice, not showing any signs of emotion. "what business do you have with him?"


A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (1)

Alongside your muffled breathing you hear a dull hum._ _luckily, your body functions as it should.

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More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl

Lexiharin found the movie was thoroughly entertaining, even the more calmer parts of the movie were watchable without a dull boredom.

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FnaJ 3 (part 1)

#7 of fnaj 3 night 1 is a little dull, still not as dull as night 1 on fnaf 3 **_fun with jack in the box_** i was in a hallway with two doorways on each side of the hall. at the very end of the hall was a box, enveloped in shadows.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 38

Ander followed the trail until the screams faded away completely and the pale light of the basecamp was no more than a dull, orange star at his back, flickering beyond the black bands of the forest.

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