A Silent Soul- Chapter 27

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#30 of A Silent Soul

Chapter 27! ;D

Hey there fuzzbutts, it's time for the next installment of A Silent Soul! I know I said that this would be up late last week but this chapter kinda took off on me and I may or may not have ended up writing like 4000 words or so on accident >_> not that you guys are complaining!! This is more than likely the most important chapter to date thus far so please please make sure to let me know what you think in the comments or PM me with your thoughts, I love to hear it all!! Hope you guys enjoy the extra long chapter, and as always I'll see you at the bottom of the page!! :D

Elijah's POV

Eyes bloodshot and red from lack of rest I feigned sleep for the sixth time as Jasper groaned and jumped out of bed. He rushed to the toilet to empty his stomach of the rancid liquid he'd been drinking all night as he eventually devolved into dry heaving. It was nearly four in the morning and I knew it would be a couple of hours still before he was fully functional.

Hearing the toilet flush I shut my eyes again as the gray mass crawled into bed beside me once again. Once he was still I bit my lip and decided to roll over to face the wolf, acting as if I were doing so in my sleep. Making sure my breathing was at an even pace once again I ever so slightly cracked an eye open only to have to bite back a gasp as I watched Jasper's broken expression bore into me, a quiet whine eliciting from him as he stared sadly at me. Guilt was clearly written across his face but in his still drowsy stupor he failed to notice my wakefulness.

I shut my eyes once again, still feeling his gaze burning a hole through my forehead before finally releasing the breath I'd been holding as I heard the quiet snoring signaling that he had fallen back asleep. Sighing deeply I pulled the blanket closer to me, craving physical attention more than ever as I tried to force myself back to sleep. My exhaustion eventually got the best of me as I dozed off into a light sleep once again, fitful dreams threatening to keep me awake the entire time.

POV Change: Jasper

I groaned softly as I slowly found myself back in the waking world again, the early morning sun sending painful piercing rays of sunshine through the window into my light-sensitive eyes. My mind swam confusedly for a few moments, trying to recall the night before. Still fully dressed with the taste of vomit stale in my muzzle I froze, the rest of the night slowly fading back into my memory as horror spread across my face.

I flipped around on the bed to face the shifting weight in bed next to me, the broken look in the husky's eyes only confirming my thoughts. He was seated with his legs tucked up to his body, muzzle resting on his knees as he halfway acknowledged me.

"Elijah... I promise what happened last night was completely wrong and never should have happened. I was drunk, she was well... cute and we just started dancing and just kept having drink after drink and before I knew it I was... you know the rest. I still love you and only you, there was nothing to it, no strings attached." I explained myself, growing worried when the husky's gaze never wavered even once as he stared at an exact point just past my head. "Elijah...?" I asked concerned, watching as his cold silvery gaze finally shifted to meet my own dull green eyes.

"Who started it?" He asked hoarsely, his voice strained as his tired eyes drooped miserably. I realized the husky had had little to no sleep whatsoever, my betrayal and the constant bathroom trips likely the cause. This of course made me feel even worse about my next statement.

"I did." I paused, taking a gulp. "I was drunk and I started feeling her up and the rest... you know, of course." I confessed sadly; he deserved to know the truth. He nodded his head slowly and sighed. I couldn't tell if he was simply deep in thought or trying to fight off sleep. I felt like absolute hell, the hangover hitting me hard alongside the deep guilt and regret that was tugging at my heartstrings as I watched my loving boyfriend struggle with his emotions. A low whine pulled me from my own head as he stared sadly at me, causing my heart to ache even more as the tears welled up in his eyes.

"It hurts Jasper... it hurts so much." He pushed the words out, able to see the effort it took to speak fighting back tears. I wanted to reach out and pull him against me but I didn't want to risk scaring him away in his current condition. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked sadly, causing me to vigorously shake my head no in response.

"No absolutely not Elijah, it had nothing to do with you I promise. That was completely of my own doing and I feel horrible about it. I never wanted to hurt you, and I know no amount of apologies can make it up to you but I'm going to start now I promise." I pleaded his forgiveness, not that I deserved it.

"How do I know you won't do this again Jasper? What's stopping you from going to the next party and doing the exact same thing, or worse? You could have gotten her pregnant, your life would be ruined! What can you say to me that can make me trust you again?" He demanded harshly, his anger getting the best of him.

"I lov-"

"That's bullshit Jasper and you know it! If you loved me you wouldn't have gone out and done something so stupid! I trusted you to be able to go out and have a good time, and what do you do with that trust? You threw it aside like you did with your clothes because it was blocking you from being the real you." He exclaimed coldly, the hackles on his dark gray back rising with his anger as he lifted his head from his knees. I felt my frustration begin to well up inside, the ugly head of my unkempt, bottled up rage striking out.

"Well maybe if you would get off your high horse and let me fuck you already I wouldn't have to go out looking for a quick lay!" I shouted angrily, the side of me I tried to keep hidden quickly taking over as my vision went red. I stood up from the bed as Elijah's posture shifted from submissive to aggressive, legs fanning out to a cross legged position on the bed as he shoved his face closer to mine.

"Oh, so that's all I am to you just your little fuck toy then? What were you going to do, just use me and toss me aside like you did with all of your other little play things? You're disgusting." The husky spat hopping up from the bed as well. I felt my paws tighten into fists as I barely restrained myself from lunging across the beds and putting my hands on him, willing myself to calm down but with no success.

A low menacing growl formed in my chest, rumbling deep in my throat as I watched the momentarily bold husky quickly shrink back down to size, fear in his eyes as he slowly back towards the door. I realized my mistake too late as he rushed out the door, the slamming sound being my final trigger. A snarl ripped through my throat and I lashed out at the nearest solid object being the small lamp on my nightstand, smashing it against the wall.

I angrily knocked the small table over as well before delivering a rage-filled punch to the unforgiving cinder block wall, the cracking sound of bones breaking not even registering to me in my anger-induced frenzy. I panted heavily as tears streamed down my gray cheek fur, the combination of my terrible hangover, the heated argument and the incredible pain radiating through my favored left hand forced me to slump against the wall, sliding to the ground as I tried to calm down.

Gasping in pain, I opened my mangled paw to inspect the damage, the distortion seemingly causing it to ache even more the longer I looked at it. Sighing in dismay I felt my fury dissipating, leaving me physically and mentally exhausted against the wall. I was shaking on both the inside and out as I looked back on the frightening moment, disgusted that I let myself go so bad.

The look of fear in Elijah's eyes was burned into my memory as I stared miserably across the room at the door where he'd left. The adrenaline having worn off the full force of my injury was beginning to hit hard as I realized I needed to get help. I was in no condition as hungover and emotionally unstable as I was to try to drive to the hospital, and I didn't feel like explaining to the school's clinic as to why I'd taken my anger out on a wall.

Going through my list of friends I cringed multiple times as I ran names through my head. Drew... likely still passed out. Dan and Zan... working. I frowned and winced in pain as I continued until one name in particular stuck. Sebastian...? He's Elijah's friend so hopefully he hasn't gotten to him before I have, but he's all I have right now, I thought to myself.

Nodding I slowly found my legs and managed to pull myself back to my feet. Grabbing my phone I shoved it into my pocket while nursing my injured paw against my chest before setting out to meet up with the hopefully still neutral bobcat. The sunshine was excruciating as my head throbbed mightily in response. I shielded my eyes the best I could, keeping my broken hand pinned to my chest as I made my way in the direction of Sebastian's dorm.

The bright blue sky overhead was quite contrasted to the dark storm that surged in my own head, grief and misery along with anger at myself for letting myself go as bad as I did. I nervously padded up to the bobcat's door and paused before knocking, hesitating slightly.

Taking a short shaky breath I move to knock at the door only for it to open slightly, Sebastian's bright feline eyes peering out at me through the cracked doorway. The bobcat's sharp hearing likely picked up on my shaky breathing from outside the door.

"Jasper? Is everything alright?" He asked quietly, his eyes shifting from my desperate face to my injured paw. "Nevermind, we need to get that some ice. You can explain later." He exclaimed pulling the door open. I stepped inside and stood awkwardly as the quiet feline whipped deftly around his room, gathering various items in the process.

I couldn't quite tell if he was worried or anxious to give away that he knew about anything yet, but if he did know he was doing a great job at making it seem like he didn't.

"Here, get yourself cleaned up. We can talk once we're finished." He instructed, guiding me towards the bathroom. I'd received a new pair of clothes to replace my vomit and alcohol-scented ones, as well as some rubbing alcohol to clean my bloodied knuckles. I changed quickly into the surprisingly well fitting clothes, discarding my own to the floor.

Uncapping the acidic mixture I held my limp paw over the sink, grimacing at the damage. I knew at least a few bones had to be broken and it would likely be a while before the appendage was fully mobile again. I began to slowly pour the cleansing alcohol over my paw wincing heavily in response as the stinging shot through me.

Once satisfied I opened the door holding my foul-scented clothes, unsure what to do with them. Sebastian frowned and grabbed a plastic bag for me to put them in, tying it off to trap the scent within. The bobcat tapped his foot in thought momentarily before reaching under his bed to retrieve a small first aid kit. I had to suppress a small smile as he pulled out a roll of gauze and I held out my paw for him to begin wrapping. Only then did he stop to truly survey the damage, a displeased look spreading across his calm face as his ears twitched.

"You realize you're definitely going to have to go to the hospital for this right?" He commented as he began rolling my knuckles in the white cloth. I nodded distractedly in response, the argument from earlier replaying once again in my mind.

I couldn't shake the look of fear in his eyes, the pain and anger clearly evident as well. One stupid mistake later and now I was paying the price... okay, maybe more than one. Just as I felt as though my thoughts were going to overwhelm me Sebastian's muted voice shook me from my daze.

"What happened?" He asked simply, worry clear in his voice. I immediately began shaking my head not wanting to relive the painful experience, but the genuine concern pooling in his eyes caused me to bite my lip and direct my gaze to the suddenly far more interesting floor. I felt the hot tears begin to sting at my eyes as I clenched them tightly shut trying to hold back the emotion, my voice cracking as I spoke brokenly.

"He hates me..." I whispered out, my body shuddering as I crumpled against one of the bed posts, the floodgates opening against my will as tears forced their way past my closed eyelids. Sebastian rested a paw on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me in one of the rare times I cried.

As much as I hated my anger issues, it was always the emotion of choice when I needed to blow some steam quickly. Crying simply took too long and required too much effort, whereas with my anger I could let go and get things over with as quickly as possible. The negative effects usually came fairly soon after, my current situation a perfect example of what happened when it got out of hand.

"I hurt him so bad... he gave me his trust and I smashed it into a million pieces." I confessed miserably, reliving the moment almost as painful as when the realization hit the first time. The bobcat remained wordless, and I quickly consumed the silence by recalling what had happened the previous night as well as explaining the events from earlier.

Sebastian's calm gaze never faltered, ears perking occasionally in response to my story. The silence that came after I finished was particularly nerve wracking as I watched the bobcat analyze every piece of information that I'd given to him, nodding occasionally as he let it all sink in as well. I nearly let out an involuntary whimper from the anticipation, swallowing it at the last second as he spoke.

"Where is he now?" He asked simply. I blinked for a moment in surprise before answering, his calmness somewhat disturbing.

"He ran out the door. I don't know where he went, I don't remember anything after the door slammed, everything just went black and next thing I knew my hand was like this and I was sitting against the wall." I explained to him. I decided to leave out the fact that I did remember what happened, fearing scaring the bobcat away as well.

He nodded in response and sighed once again deep in thought, leaving me once again to my own devices. I picked at the slowly reddening gauze as my adrenaline finally tapered off leaving a dull throb in the appendage. I frowned in agreement with Sebastian's earlier statement, I would definitely need a trip to the hospital, or at the very least a visit to the college health center.

"I really can't tell you what to do in this situation Jasper. My best advice right now would be to go get that taken care of," He paused and pointed at my injured paw. "And go get some rest. Best case scenario this whole thing blows over, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen. You two are going to have a serious talk and you've got damage control to do." He stated firmly before standing to walk me to the door.

I nodded lightly and followed him, thanking him for the help before making my way towards the health center. The building itself was quite large, not just your average school nurse. I was hoping I hadn't done too much damage and wouldn't need any type of reconstructive surgery, but with the amount of pain radiating from my paw I feared the worst.

Stepping through the sliding glass doors I explained my situation to the receptionist up front who handed me a clipboard for me to fill out. I frowned glancing down at my injured dominant left hand, doing my best to fill out the information with the unpopular appendage. A minute of unorderly scribbling later I sheepishly handed the clipboard back to the woman who's eyes widened before giving me a look and telling me to take a seat.

I sat patiently as other furs were called back one by one; a sickly cheetah who's normally golden fur was tinted a ghostly white, an overweight racoon who had been snoring soundly before he was called. I kept my head down for the most part as I waited before the next name was called calling me to glance up again.

"Taylor White, the nurse is ready for you." The receptionist called out, causing a skimpy dalmatian to stand up from her seat in the corner. I went pale faced as I recognized her as the same girl I'd laid with the previous night, and her presence here sent a chill down my spine.

Oh god... what if she had some kind of disease?! I thought worriedly. The spotted dog made her way to the counter, eyes straight ahead never alerting herself to me sitting there before heading into the back area leaving me alone in the waiting area. I sat in silent terror as I realized I very well could have ruined my life with a bit of fun at a stupid party that had already done enough damage.

I developed a cold sweat going through everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. I was so deeply lost in my mind that it wasn't until the third call that I realized it was my turn.

"Jasper McHugh! The nurse will see you now." The receptionist exclaimed with annoyance. I nodded and followed the female golden retriever into the back room. She took my vitals and recorded the data before addressing my hand.

"Okay let's get this gauze off..." She said as she gently began to unravel my bloodied paw, causing me to wince a few times. She examined it for a minute applying slight pressure to each knuckle, a few times causing me to gasp in immense pain. "Hmmm... the two knuckles to the far left are broken without a doubt, but the others look pretty alright... I'll inform the doctor, he'll be in in just a moment." She explained before typing a few more things on the computer and leaving the room.

I glanced down at the two knuckles that had caved in and swelled considerably, grimacing at the ugly sight. The sound of the door opening caused my ears to perk as a tall black labrador entered, adorning the bright white coat of your stereotypical doctor.

"Jasper? My name is Dr. Reynolds, I heard you had an incident with your paw. Mind if I take a look?" I nodded and held the paw in question out for him. He examined it and repeated a similar process as the nurse, commenting on the two broken knuckles. "Well here's the good news. I don't think you'll need surgery." He informed me sending a wave of relief through me. "Bad news is you'll definitely need a cast on your hand to help them heal up, and based on your clipboard I'm going to assume this is your dominant hand." He continued with a frown at the end.

"Yep..." I replied with a sigh, dreading the thought of having to write with my right hand for the next few weeks.

"Mind if I ask what happened? This kind of damage is definitely not the result of an accident, it looks like you punched a wall or something." He commented with a curious gleam in his bright amber eyes.

"Just had a little incident this morning that made me lose my cool, would rather not talk about it." I answered quietly, the doctor giving me a sympathetic look before becoming professional again.

"Very well, we'll apply your cast and I'll prescribe a bit of pain medication as well, I'm sure that can't feel very nice." He informed me documenting the same information onto his computer. About 30 minutes later my hand was immobilized and I was sent on my way, waving my new blue cast at the receptionist on the way out who snorted and looked back down to her work. Sighing I walked through the sliding glass doors only to jump a foot in the air due to the voice that startled me.

"I uhh..." started a small voice to my left, the petite dalmatian from the night before standing patiently off to the side of the entrance of the facility. "I really don't remember all of what happened last night but judging by how that girl acted when she walked in on us, I'm going to assume she was your girlfriend." She squeaked nervously. I let out a dry chuckle as I shook my head in response.

"No not quite... more like a friend of a close friend." I replied numbly. She cocked her head in confusion, but I didn't feel like explaining the story to her. "Listen don't worry about it, it's my business and I'd prefer not to talk about it if that's okay." I uttered dismissively beginning to walk away. To my displeasure I heard her quiet footfall behind me as she followed.

"Are you sure? You really seem really unhappy about the whol-" I huffed irritably as I sped up trying to evade her.

"I'm fine, now please just leave me alone. " I exclaimed harshly. The footsteps behind me finally halted and I glanced back for a moment, regretting it as soon as I did. The spotted dog was standing sadly a few feet back, causing me to sigh deeply and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Okay, okay, I guess we can do coffee or something and I'll try to explain." I caved, regretting my decision immediately as she quickly perked up again, thin tail picking up speed behind her as she caught up to me with ease.

What have I gotten myself into... I droned internally. Could this day just get any better?

*sits nervously waiting for feedback* so uhhhh yeah the thing happened ._. pls dun kill me I'm too young to die ;^;! Nonetheless I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter regardless of the content, please let me know what you guys think and I guess I'll see you guys in the next chapter bye! *runs away terrified*