Resident Furry: The Beginning ( Revised)

Hmm.." he glanced to the side and walked off stopping at a door walking inside finding himself in a morgue.

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Two Friends [Chapter 4]

Line, or they just wanted to walk fast.

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The World of a Husky - pt. 1

So do you want to walk home or wait 'till practice is over." "i think i'll walk home." "you can keep me company then. i have to walk home, too." skyler smiled and nudged leo.

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Chapter 3: FAMILY TIES

They continued to walk on in silence. they came upon the intersection where kalan were split from the others. he walks down the hall his parents and the others had walked before them.

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The World of a Husky - pt. 2

He let go and walked out of the house. he ran next door to skyler's house. he walked up to skyler's door and raised his paw to knock on the door, but... he couldn't. he lowered his paw and started to walk away.

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The begining

We all smiled as we walked to katsu's house me and sparta stood at the gate while yuukan walked down the porch a few mins later yuukan and katsu walked down the porch katsu yelled back bye mum!

That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 7: Stuck Together No Matter What... (part 2)

. after 30minutes of that seth walked into the loockerrom and took a quick shower then walked out.

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Summertime nights

She grinned and started to walk. just somewhere, to get some fresh air. she looked on the sky as she walked along the dirt road. there was someone taking some fresh air, too; a male cat with a black fur.

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The orphaned Riolu chapter 1

I hope," sparks said "well i better get going" sparks then hugged riolu and walked away and started doing errands for his parents, riolu then walked to the southern fences and almost gets hit by a bubble beam, riolu then walked back to the house and found


Back for a reason.

I walk toward the...._what is it?_...and start to walk down it, the small rocks cling to my bare feet. i keep walking past some light and onto a smooth hard surface it feels slightly warm as i walk along it.
