The World of a Husky - pt. 1
For those of you that read, 'A Lone Husky' series, I'm sorry I scrapped it, but some of it is in here. The brand names are their own, but the story is 100% my own.
Sorry this chapter is long.
The World of a Husky
Part - 1
The Beginning
The playground was filled with third graders, playing tether-ball, tag, and soccer. Leo was sitting on the jungle gym thinking to himself. He's a ten year old Husky, with white fur on his torso, calves, forearms, and face, and black fur covering his back fading partway down his thighs, biceps, and on the top of his head making a point at the tip of his nose. Leo didn't have any friends, he's too shy to talk to anyone. The only friend he had was in the grade above him, because Leo was held back in third grade and this was his second time taking it. He was a smart Husky, his parents just thought that holding him back a grade was the right thing to do.
Leo sat on the jungle gym all alone. No one liked to talk to him, but there was a group at school that acted like they wanted to be friends. They were the type that would be nice to you only to make fun of you. Which is what they did. Leo invited one of them named Alex to his house and the next day he started to spread lies and saying things about him. Alex was a 'popular' kid at there school, so anything he said, everyone believed.
Alex walked over to Leo with a group of his friends. "Hey, look guys. It's the doll playing faggot."
"I don't play with dolls and I'm not gay, Alex." Leo replied.
"What ever you say, bitch." Alex then pushed Leo off the jungle gym into the dirt. Leo pushed himself up and looked back up at Alex and him and his friends started laughing and then walked away. Leo stood up and brushed the dirt out of his fur.
His twin brother Neo ran over to hm. Neo was Leo's identical brother, his parents also held him back due to the fact that they didn't want to split them up. Even though Neo looked the exact same as Leo, they didn't act the same. Neo was outgoing, athletic, and a ladies man. Neo was older than him by a thirty minutes. Neo felt like he had to protect his little brother all the time.
"Leo are you OK?" Neo asked.
"I'm fine." He continued to brush the dirt from his fur. He sighed and felt like crap, he had a feeling that this bullying would continue.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there."
"You can't be there all the time, Neo. I have to protect myself."
Three years went by. Leo tried to protect himself against Alex, but that only made it worse. He never told Neo, because he didn't always want his brother to protect him, he felt like it was a burden.
Leo walked down the hall of the middle school. It was the first day of sixth grade, and Leo was ready to take control of his life. He wasn't going to be Alex's bitch anymore. As the Husky walked down the hallway he noticed the Cheetah walking his way.
"Why hello, my bitch." Alex said to him.
Leo continued to walk towards him and when he was close enough he punched Alex in the face. "I'm not your bitch Alex."
The Cheetah looked at the Husky, and just by the way he looked, Leo knew that it was a mistake. "That was weak. Just like you." Alex then pick Leo up by the shirt and slammed him into the lockers. The force was so great that the locker dented. "You're going to regret being alive." Alex punched Leo in the face and then he was hit in the stomach. Leo bent over in pain and when he looked backup he saw Alex's paw coming straight for him, claws extended. His claws dug deep into Leo's chest, just above his left nipple. There was three slashes on his chest and they bled immediately. Leo felt the wound with his right paw and then Alex dug another claw into Leo's left cheek. Alex then hit the Husky in the stomach again and Leo slid down to the ground. Alex then kneed Leo in the face making his nose bleed.
Further down the hall a Wolf named Steffan saw the fight going on. Steffan was on the soccer team, he was strong and fast. He charged down the hall and slammed into Alex. Alex fell down and slid across the floor. Stefffan walked over to Alex and looked down at him.
"If you ever go near him again, I will do far worse next time." Steffan had rage in his eyes, but he had never met nor seen Leo before.
Alex stood and looked at Steffan, "You better watch yourself."
"Likewise." Alex walked off and didn't look back. Steffan walked over to Leo who was on the ground. The Wolf knelt down and looked at the Husky face to face. "You OK?" Leo didn't move, so Steffan lifted his head. Tears were running down his face blood coming from his shirt, face and nose.
Leo spit out blood and said, "Thanks."
"You alright?"
Leo wiped the tears from his face and eyes. "I don't know... Who are you."
"My name's Steffan. I'm in the sixth grade."
"Leo, same grade."
"Nice to meet you." Steffan said as he stood up and held out a paw to help Leo stand. Leo stood up and they walked down the hallway. They got halfway down the hallway when Jamie and Neo ran down the hallway. Jamie was their older brother, he was in the eighth grade.
"What the hell happened to you?" Jamie asked. He was a jerk some of the time, but he really did care about his little brothers.
"It was Alex, again." Leo wiped the blood from his nose.
"Come on. I'll call mom, and have her come and get you."
"Thanks, Jamie."
Four years went by. Leo's family moved to another school district just as Jamie was about to enter high school. It was just what Leo needed, a fresh start. Leo started working out and worked on his social skills. Leo and Neo were Sophomores now. Leo had made friends and no one bullied him around. He joined the soccer team and made friends pretty quick.
It was the first day of Sophomore year. Leo and Neo walked into their Geometry class. The teacher noticed them and Leo barely head what she said, "Oh, damn. Identical twins." She gave them a smile and they sat down in the back in the room. Neo sat down in the seat to the right of Leo. Then their Doberman friend Adam walked into the classroom.
"Hey, guys."Adam sat down in front of Neo. The three of them started talking as the room filled with students both Sophomores and Juniors. Leo noticed the last student as he walked in. He was a nervous looking Lion.
He sat down in the seat to the left of Leo. The Husky got nervous and his paws started to sweat. The bell rung and the teacher started to talk. Leo looked at the Lion in the corner of his eye. He had a nice muscular body and short mane. Leo knew he was gay since he was thirteen, three years ago. No one knew, not even his family. He mostly feared that no one would talk to him anymore, and he couldn't put up with that again.
The teacher kept talking to the class for thirty minutes, leaving an hour left. Finally the teacher said, "Well, I don't have any plans for today's class. So you all can just talk and catch up."
"Yes, finally." Leo thought to himself. Just as he was about to talk to the Lion, Adam nudged his arm. "Damn it." Adam started to talk to Leo about a dream that he had. "OK, OK, OK. I don't care!" After about five minutes Neo asked Adam a question. "Yes, thank you!" Leo turned and looked at the Lion who was just looking down at his desk.
"Hi, I'm Leo."
"Skyler." The Lion replied in a soft tone.
"I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?"
"Yeah." Skyler seemed nervous talking to Leo. Skyler was definitely shy.
"What grade are you in?"
"I'm a sophomore"
"Me too." Leo could see that Skyler was starting to warm up. "You don't need to be shy. I don't bite." "Hard." He smiled at that last bit he said to himself.
"I know. It's just that your the first person to talk to me. I don't have friends anymore."
"Why not? All because you moved?"
"No. Well, kinda. I moved from California and well, I don't really talk to my friends anymore." Skyler replied to Leo and then said to himself, "That, and the fact that they found out I was a homosexual."
"Wow. Why would your parents move from California to Ohio?" Leo had a confused look on his face.
"My dad got a job up here. My brother's and I had no choice."
"You have brothers?"
"Yeah, I have an older brother and a younger one."
"Me too! I have a younger brother named Nate, an older brother named Jamie and my twin behind me named Neo."
"I thought you two were twins." Skyler laughed and was warming up to Leo. The two talked all the way until the bell rang for second block. The second the bell rang Skyler thought, "Damn."
"Damn." Leo thought to himself too. They both stood up and walked out of the classroom. Leo went to the right and Skyler went to the left. Leo's second block class was just downstairs in the language hallway. He walked into his Chinese class and sat down near the back.
All he could think about was Skyler. He was a nice Lion and the truth was, he had a thing for Lions. "Skyler is perfect! A little shy, but once you get to know him.... wow. He's so damn hot too, and smells amazing." He thought and then sighed. "If only he like guys. But someone like that... I have no chance to be with anyone like him. Why does this always happen to me?" He looked out the window to the other wing of the school across the courtyard.
Across the courtyard in the History wing Skyler looked out the window to the Language wing. "Leo is so nice and hot. I've always had a thing for Husky's, but he takes it to a whole new level. I only wish he was gay. I can tell that the way he acts, there's no way he likes guys." Skyler sighed in disappointment
An hour and a half went by and the bell rang, signaling third block and first lunch. Leo walked out of his Chinese class and walked down the hall to the Lunch room. He got his food and sat down at a table with his older brother Jamie, who was a senior.
"Hey, Jamie."
"Hey, little bro. How's your first day as a Sophomore?"
"It's pretty much the same as any other first day of school." Leo noticed Skyler getting his lunch and he didn't have anywhere to sit. Skyler started to walk into the clusters of tables. "Skyler, over here!" Leo waved his arms so the Lion could see. Skyler noticed Leo and walked over to his table and sat down next to him.
"Hey." Skyler said as he sat down.
"Skyler, this is my older bother Jamie. Jamie this is Skyler, he's new, just moved here from Cali."
"Hi, Skyler." Jamie had a look on his face like he knew Skyler from somewhere. "Do you live in Monty trails?"
"Yeah, I moved in a month ago."
"I thought I saw you in our neighborhood." Jamie turned and looked at Leo. "Listen, Leo. Neo and I have football practice right after school, and Mom and Dad have to work late tonight. So do you want to walk home or wait 'till practice is over."
"I think I'll walk home."
"You can keep me company then. I have to walk home, too." Skyler smiled and nudged Leo.
"OK, then I'll meet you here in the cafeteria after school."
In fourth block all Leo could think about was getting the chance to walk home with Skyler. When the bell rang Leo shot up out of his seat and ran to his locker and opened it. He shoved his books into his black Jansport backpack and shut the locker door. He ran down stairs to the first floor and to the cafeteria Skyler was leaning against one of the pillars.
"There you are. I was starting to think you wouldn't show." Skyler said as he pushed himself off the pillar.
"Where else would I go?"
"Come on. Let's go." Leo said as he put his right paw on Skyler's left shoulder. They walked out of the school and walked across the student's parking lot. They made their way to the road and walked along the edge. "So how was your first day?"
"Other than you and your brothers, there was only one other that talked to me."
"Really? Who?" Leo was shocked that no one else would even try to get to know this Lion.
"It was... aw, shit. I can't remember his name... He was a German Shepard, with a backwards white hat... uh, Van's skateboard shoes..."
"Yeah, that was his name."
"Jeremy, is one of my closest friends. You'll like him."
The two teenagers continued talking to each other as they walked a quarter mile and entered their neighborhood. They walked up a large hill and down another street.
"So, where do you live?"
"On this next street."
"Me too." Leo really liked Skyler and he wanted to get to know him more than what he had. "Hey, Skyler. Do you wanna come over?"
Skyler was shocked and happy at the same time. He liked Leo and wanted to get as close as he could with the Husky. "Yeah. That would be great!" Skyler was trying to hide his smile as they walked down their street. They walked up Leo's driveway and Skyler said, "I live right there." He pointed to the house right next to Leo's.
"You have got to be shitting me. You moved in next door and I didn't even know?"
"Apparently" They both laughed as Leo unlocked the door and walked inside. The second they stepped inside, they were hit with a wave of heat. Leo walked over to the thermostat and checked the temperature.
"It's 93 degrees in here. The AC must be broken." They walked into Leo's room and he opened the window allowing air to come into the room.
"I like your room." Skyler looked around Leo's room. It was filled with black furniture with stainless steel handles, a large 42 inch flat screen, and movie posters on the walls.
"Thanks." Leo replied as he took of his shirt. He was already sweating and his six pack had a certain glow to it in the sun. Skyler looked over and glanced at Leo, now shirtless. "If you want to you can go ahead and take off your shirt. It's hotter than hell in this house."
"I'm not all that hot right now." Skyler was really burning up, he was just a scared on what Leo would think of him. Then he noticed the scars on Leo's chest just above his left nipple. "What happened?"
Leo looked down at his scar. "Oh, I was bullied a long time ago, back at my old school."
"I'm sorry." Skyler seemed to know what Leo was talking about.
"You don't need to be. Here." Leo tossed Skyler a Xbox 360 controller. They played video games for the next few hours.
"I better get going, my mom will be home soon." Skyler said as he looked at the clock and it was already six.
"OK." Leo sighed to himself. He didn't want Skyler to leave. "Hey, if you need a ride to school, we can pick you up."
"That would be great." Skyler smiled and said, "I'll see you tomorrow, Leo."
"See ya tomorrow, Skyler."
Skyler walked out of the room and out of the house. Leo laid on his bed and started to think about Skyler as he fell asleep.