Resident Furry: The Beginning ( Revised)

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Resident Furry: The Beginning (Revised)

Story & Characters Michael .B ( Max The Wolf [YS] LT_Max_W_Charger [FA])

Resident Evil Ref. Capcom (Although I didn't use much of the game for reference.)

Disclaimer: This contains some mature is not to be seen by anyone under the age of 17 or 21 depending on where you live....this is somewhat made for the Resident Evil Fur Fans out there so please...Capcom...what ever ya do...DON'T SUE ME!!! I'm Poor!


Story Theme: Dead Memories - Slipknot

Story Started 4-8-2008 Finished 6-3-2008 Revised 5-23-2009


A unknown company had planned to make a virus to try and make the ultimate bio Weapon. Their research base was built in the mountains near a small remote town in Siberia. After months of work there was a accident in the lab which resulted in unleashing the labs newly made B-virus (Bio-Virus) into the air of the lab then slowly the town. The Russian Military sent in one of their best teams into the contaminated town in a major effort to contain the virus. But even the best of the team fell prey to the countless monsters made by the virus. So in a last great effort they called on the last of their best. A young wolf who had passed the stages of the Russian ranks till he finely reached the tops of the BHR-AT (Bio-Hazmat Recon Alpha Team ). This young wolfs name was Lt. Max .W Charger who has been looking into the disappearance of his wife Veronica three months ago.

He was dropped off a mile outside of town in his Standard Issue Combat uniform, his Team logo on the back of his tactical vest. A custom tactical 44 magnum revolver at his side and a tactical 12-gauge shotgun on his back, his finely polished combat boots thudding slightly against the road as he walked into town finding that the air was silent and still besides the occasional cold breeze that came from the night sky. Soon smoke reached his nose quickly learning it was burning fuel and rubber, maybe from a wreck? Max slowly pushed on into the town his ears perked slightly listening to all the sounds around him for any sign of danger.

Soon he came up to a pile of wrecked cars, flames reaching to the sky in a desperate attempt to light up the darkness of the town over the low glow of the still running street lamps. As he kept walking he soon came to the last spot the first team was reported being before they lost contact. Blood covered the street along with bullet casings, but what puzzled him was that there was no bodies laying around which was odd do to the number of bullet casings laying around. He took his revolver out slowly and walked along the street now more alert than ever, he then stopped looking down a dark alley taking his flashlight off his vest shining it into the darkness the white light coming upon something or someone on the ground. He slowly walked into the alley over to the body seeing its cloths ripped and stained with blood, the body wounded to the point where flesh was ripped from bone. His ears flicked slightly hearing something deeper in the alley, slowly standing once more shining the light down deeper into the darkness soon the sound of stumbling was heard fallowed by a slow muffled moan.

Soon another figure stumbled into the range of the flashlight showing another person, it was hard to see but it was defiantly male. Half of its left arm missing severed at the joint, a large hole in its side, its cloths matted and covered in blood. Its face soon came into view, missing its right eye, and part of its neck. Its eye glassy white with no sign of life in it.

"Don't move!" Max said firmly aiming his revolver slowly the red laser forming a small ball over the persons shoulder "I said don't move!" he said once more before he fired off a shot, the bullet ripping a large hole in the persons shoulder about the size of a baseball but with no sign of stopping the advance. "What the hell... that was a clean shot!..." he then fired once more this time hitting the person in the head dropping it to the ground. He then slowly moved over to the body only to gag at the rotten smell of decaying flesh. "God damn was this thing Dead before?!" he backed slowly out of the alley and turned around looking down the road "Seams like Bravo got more than they bargained for if more of these are around." he then started walking down the street once more his revolver at his side making his way slowly through the town searching for any survivors or reasons on what's going on.

He then found his way to the local Police Department, he then walked up to the front door looking around before he reached for the handle opening it slowly into the main hall of the PD, the fine dor showing true style yet prosperity in the small town. He walked slowly to the main desk his footsteps echoing in the large hall then sat down behind the desk and tapped at the computers keys looking through the files finding some of the old reports done the month before.

( May 10th 2007: Locals state they have heard strange howls late at night in the mountains near the old abandoned mine, but the Police say its just some one playing pranks on people.... The town can sleep soundly knowing the police are looking into the matter.: )

(May 12th 2007: Reports of missing hikers have been going around that three hikers went missing on May 11th at 11pm . Police are looking deeper into the matter.)

(May 13th 2007: Police have closed down the hiking trails leading into the mountains after police found what was left of the missing hikers. Their bodies mauled to the point of bare recognition. But for all you thrill seekers....this might be your chance.: )

Max slowly leaned back in the chair reading over the reports he found and shook his head slightly "That helps a little.... So is half this caused by that mine? There has to be a map around here somewhere... maybe in the Conference room if they was doing a search out there..." he then stood up slowly before he brought up the map of the Police Department finding the conference room and making his way there slowly. He stopped halfway down the hall his ears pined back slightly, a thick smell filling his nose as he looked around a slight smell of perfume hung in the air slightly. "That smell... that's Veronica's Perfume.... Is she here??..." he looked down the hall before he started walking once more fallowing the smell till it disappeared into the musky night air that flowed into the hall from some broken windows in the hall that were half way boarded up. He walked slowly papers scattered all over the floor before he mind was snapped back into place violently when a cluster of claws ripped through the gaps of the boards grabbing at him desperately, the moans of the undead filling his ears telling him to run. He then took off in a sprint down the hall keeping close to the other side of the hall out of reach of the claws, finally making it to the large double doors into the conference room slamming his shoulder into the doors knocking them open before he kicked them shut behind him falling back against the doors sitting down on the cold floor panting softly.

He could hear his heart pounding hard in his ears and the silent room, he then stood up after regaining himself and made his way over to the blackboard looking at the maps sprawled out on the desks. He then slowly sorted through the maps finding the one of the mines and the woods, now he had to find a safe way out of town which called for the city map that was hanging on the blackboard behind him. Taking the map down and looking over it slowly he found out that someone had planned a rout of escape from the town and it had the entrance of the City Water and Sewer treatment plant circled. "Looks like someone saved me the hassle of finding a way... and what's good is it puts me right along the river that runs through the forest to the mine...". He looked up slightly and sighed softly before he took a photo from his vest pocket and looked at it silently, The photo was of none other than his wife and also of his daughter who died in a car crash the year before. He soon shook the memory from his head putting the photo away then making his way to the doorway and back out into the hall hanging close to the wall watching as the same claws shot out at him once again but he didn't flinch this time sense he knew they was there and the thought of his wife kept him from being too scared to move.

Once back outside the PD Max planned his way out since he made a mental map of what roads he had to take to the Water treatment plant it was a fare trip there besides the occasional running past the slow undead zombies. It took him a good half an hour to make it to the outside of the plant looking up at the doors before he slammed his fist into the heavy steel doors. "Guess Hello and let me in wont work here. Gotta find another way in if not blow the doors off... but I'd need a hell of a lot of C4 for that... and I don't have any." he sighed before he looked around noticing a number pad on the wall. "Should have known.... Now I wish Veronica was here... she could hack this thing... but... guess I'll do it the old way." he walked over to the pad and tapped in a few numbers watching the small lights above it light up and turn off. "Ahh I think I got it.... Light them all up." he snickered to himself before he started tapping the numbers till he finally got all the lights on, watching them turn off one by one till he heard the locks inside the door give way and open up. "heh... if she could see me now."

Max then walked inside the plant looked around as the florescent lights lit up the dark musky halls. He walked slowly before stopping, his ears twitching slightly again hearing a sound up ahead around one of the corners but it wasn't like the zombies he heard before... more of a slick wet sound. Aiming his revolver once more walking slowly to the corner of the hall picking up a small piece of broken glass at his feet and holding it slightly around the corner using it to see around and into the other hall till the glass shattered in his hand startling him some as he looked at the wall seeing something sticking to the wall then crawl up to the air vents.

"What in the hell is that?!." he watched as it disappeared into the vent, he then moved around the corner looking around seeing nothing else there he glanced back some before he walked down the hall fallowing his little mental map before he took out his GPS system brining up all the info on the mission, then he found a classified file type Black lock. "hmm? What's this?" he blinked as he then tried to hack into the file but having no luck, he put it off for later making his way deeper into the plant into the main water treatment center where the system was offline for some reason and all the doors out the back way was locked do to the failure. "God damn it ... won't anything go right tonight?!" he punched the wall before he made his way down into the computer room to try and get the system up and running again sitting at the computer silently seeing the screen show a security lock puzzle.

"Nope... guess not." he sighed softly as he started trying to work the puzzle out soon getting it only to find out he was missing a fuse that started the power Generator. Max snickered softly as he walked to the storage room slowly opening the door and digging through the boxes for the fuse, finding it buried under some wires. He then went back to the pump room placing the fuse in the generator and powering up the station and unlocking the back way out of the plant. On his way to the back door he stopped looking to the side hearing something once more like before, he spun around only to dodge down from yet another unknown thing flying at him and over his head and onto the wall. He stood up looking at it and watched as it this time moved to the floor in front of the door way out before it started to change slowly, tentacles sprouting from its back as it grew two large muscled legs and short arms, its head becoming flat yet rounded with big black eyes and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The monster let out a loud roar as it slowly made its way toward him.

Max aimed and fired off 3 rounds into it watching it stumble back slightly but kept walking toward him, he quickly reloaded his revolver then took his shotgun off his back aiming and letting off two rounds of Discarding Sabot Buckshot slugs into its face, the force of the blasts knocking it back a good two feet. The monster then sent out its short arm which then wasn't short no more as it came flying at him. Max ducked down just in time as the fist went over his head, he then aimed up and fired blasting its arm off before he stood up and fired two more times at its face watching it scream in pain then fall to the floor dead and bleeding from the major wounds. He then made his way to the door walking out and through the drainage tunnel jumping down and landing next to the river that flowed down from the mountain springs above the mine. "Almost there.... Veronica hold on... I'll be there soon." he said as he looked up to the entrance of the mine in the mountain side, the full moon shining down upon him as the distant howls of wolves filled the night sky.

He went over what was left of his ammo and reloaded his guns. He then looked toward the mines and grinned as he stood up and started on the long hike up the mountain side, keeping alert as he walked for any of undead. He looked up slowly to the night sky sighing softly shaking his head some. "Please be okay Veronica I will save you." He stopped slowly looking to the side spotting a wrecked hummer before he tilted his head walking over to it slowly his revolver aimed as he started searching silently for anything he could use in his fight. Soon he leaned to the side picking up some shotgun shells, revolver rounds, then a SP90 Bull-pup Assault rifle and six clips of 40calaber hallow point rounds before he then started back up the mountain side into the mine entrance.

Once inside the mine he took off his flashlight shining it around the darkness sighing softly "Okay let's see if they have some lights in here." He walked down the tunnel slowly soon finding the power station and the generator grinning slowly looking it over slowly finding out that it was missing a small fuse. "Blah this just sucks a tad bit to-much. But ehh this might work." He then took some wire slipping it into the fuse slot then turned on the generator watching the lights slowly flicker on. "Well I have lights for now but I doubt that wire will last long. I need to find a way deeper into this mess before I am left in the dark again." He muttered to himself as he walked out into the hall making his way slowly deeper into the mines tunnels as the sound of dripping water from the cavern walls echoed softly in the lonely tunnels. His ears twitched slightly at the sounds of the dripping water and the sounds of his boots thudding slightly on the rock floor, the air inside the mine was cool and wet yet somewhat pleasant to his senses clearly telling him that the dead he faced in the town wasn't yet around him soon his mind relaxed along with the muscles in his body but he was still ready to spring into action as soon as he needed to.

He slowly made his way through the winding paths and into rooms searching still for any real clues on the problems at hand but found nothing but old papers and work reports on the mine and what was called the "beliers mansion" and some of the history into the founding of the corporation but noting on the owner. He put the papers away in his vest pocket making his way deeper into the halls till he was soon standing in-front of two heavy metal doors, he then started to open the door a new smell rushing out from between the small gapped opening of the door and into his nose causing him to freeze dead in his tracks staying silent listening carefully to any sounds on the other side of the door. Soon his mind was rewarded with the sound of quick thumping on the rock floor followed by a soft growl then a hiss. Max then pushed the doors open with the SP90 aimed, and as soon as he stepped inside the doors slammed shut behind him before a large spider moved over the door then to the floor in-front of him slightly standing up near the size of a cow, its beady black eyes shined slightly as they watched his every move before the spider lurched up two front legs charging at him before he dodged to the side rolling to a crouch aiming the SP90 and let lose six rounds into its back watching green blood ooze from the bullet holes as the spider slowly turned around hissing in anger.

Max blinked some "Uhoh... I think I made it mad.", the spider then launched out a stream of acid spit just missing his head by a inch but he could feel the heat from the attack which singed a bit of his fur as it passed before it hit the wall behind him eating away at the stone. "Ehhh.. maybe I don't want to toy around with this one..." *DUAH YOU THINK?!* he then fired a few more rounds off into the spider as it charged at him, once more he had to roll to the side but was caught off guard by a thick web that covered the barrel of the machine gun knocking it out of his paws and to the floor as the spider then turned but as it did so four revolver rounds ripped into its side then face the bullets ripping it's body apart before it gave out a pained scream and hiss and fell into a twitching pile on the floor its green blood oozing from the wounds. Max gave a deep sigh of relief as he picked up the machine gun and cleaned it off carefully checking it as he walked to the doors on the other side of the room walking through the door and into another hall that went to the left and to the right, the one to the right was blocked off by a bolder and the left had a elevator.

He then checked the lift and pressed a button as the lift took him up to the top which was a old court yard with a fountain in the middle, a single wood door into a stone building and to the right was a iron gate. He then took out his PDA and brought up the files as he looked around slowly before his PDA started beeping showing he had a new file. He then opened the file showing a map of what was the "Beliers Mansion" which now confused him to no end as he looked at the map "If they had the map of this place then why didn't they bring the teams here into the heart of this place and fast rope down here and not just go into the city.? What are they really doing about this?" he looked up slowly to the stairs before he checked over the map once more heading to the wood door which was the outer hall that led into the mansion. He walked slowly down the stone hall as the cool night air brushed through his fur before he stopped at another door into the mansion then slowly opened the door stepping inside the dark hall as cold musty air surrounded him along with the thick rotten smell of the Undead carriers that just made his skin crawl and his fur to stand up on the back of his neck "God not more of them.... What was these people working on here.?!".

He slowly walked down to the corner of the hall pressing his back against the wall and looked slowly down the hall seeing three of the undead at least sixty feet down the hall in front of a pair of double wooden doors, he then stepped out into the hall aiming the SP90 setting it on semi-auto then fired off three rounds each round finding their mark in the heads of the rotting corpses making them fall to the floor. He then walked down the hall stepping over the bodies and pushed open the double doors into another hall, this time the hall was well lit with the wall mounted lights showing the dull decor. The walls was a dull cream white with a hint of tan but the only thing that showed any true beauty was the finely polished dark cherry wood floor that was laid out along the hall. He slowly walked passing up the door in front of him at the time stopping at one small door on his left walking into a small bathroom, he looked around slowly seeing nothing of real interest he then walked out of the bathroom walking down the hall once more seeing another door in front of him that was made of metal and a door to his right that was wood.

He then walked through the door on his right finding himself in a long corridor once more that was like the last well lit but the wood was replaced by dull olive green tan carpet. The hall was lined with large windows that looked out into the woods and the entrance of the mine was still able to be seen far away "Well I feel a little better for now. Maybe in here I might find out what's really going on.". He then walked on down the hall soon coming to another door but soon he stopped when the window behind him shattered, wood and glass covered the floor as a large spider stood in the middle of the hall near the shattered window. It stood half the size of the spider in the mines but only thing different from this one was the black stripes down its back and the venom dripping from its fangs as it watched him carefully giving out a growling hiss that filled the hall. Max aimed the SP90 and opened fire on the spider, the tight corridor made it close to impossible to doge easy so he just stood his ground against the charging spider, as the machinegun fire filled the hall while bullets ripped into the spiders face and body till it hit the floor sliding to a stop at his feet.

He slowly backed away checking the clip in the gun seeing he had ten more rounds left in the clip as he walked through the door into a blue room with a statue of a nude female Collie, he looked around surveying the room slowly checking it over carefully looking at all the paintings that was on the wall and also the feminine statue. "Whoever did all this sure had taste in style and a taste in formal beauty." He smiled running his paw softly over the cold blue marble stone tilting his head slowly before he turned to the large double doors and walked through them slowly into a large main hall, the stairs leading up to the second floor balcony lined with beautiful red carpet, the floors all heavy marble tile along with the large marble pillars the decor was truly a beautiful piece of work. He stood there silently taking it all in before he heard a scream from some somewhere in the building that he recognized quickly "Veronica!!" he nearly yelled as he sprinted toward the double doors on the other side of the main hall reaching for the doorknob turning it with the SP90 ready as he pushed open the doors.

The sound of a ticking grandfather clock was all that was heard in the large dining room, he looked around slowly with the machinegun aimed before he crouched down looking under the long table before he stood up slowly and walked down to the end of the room glancing at the large clock before he stopped at the fireplace before a small pool of blood caught his eye at the base of the fireplace. He kneeled down slowly slipping the shoulder strap up onto his shoulder slipping the SP90 behind his back as he checked over the blood carefully before he stood up looking behind him at a door "I do hope that it's not her blood here.". He then walked to the door opening it slowly stepping into a dark hallway looking to the left then to the right walking to another door down at the far end trying to open a pair of double doors but quickly learned that they was locked he then stepped back some then slammed a kick over the lock just below the doorknobs which hit with so much force it shattered the lock causing the doors to swing open and hit back against the wall before he walked into the small corridor before he fallowed the hall to a set of stairs.

He walked down the stairs slowly looking at the dust that covered the walls and stairs then the door at the bottom, he then slowly opened the door finding himself in a large kitchen that reeked of rotten meat he walked around slowly checking over the tables before he saw the hall that went behind a wall. He slowly walked around the corner before he was face to face with a virus carrier, from far off the smell of the rotting meat masked the smell of the decaying flesh but up close it was no mistake it was there, he took a step back when it lunged for him with grabbing boney fingers till it was soon sent stumbling back when the stock of the SP90 slammed into its face clearly breaking its jaw and nose but didn't stop it for long as it started its advance on him once more but was sent stumbling back when the stock was sent into its face once more before a bullet shattered the back of its skull out.

He watched as the body fell to the floor then checked out the metal gate before he opened it slowly stepping into the small elevator pressing the button and taking it up to the top floor before he stepped out learning that he was now on the third floor of the mansion. He looked around slowly the walls a cream white with dark wood trim and matching floors along with large windows lining the hall letting the light from the full moon flood the hall as he walked to a set of blue doors walking into a large library. He looked around slowly at the oak book shelves and the marble floors tilting his head slightly as he walked around the room checking some of the books finding out they was nothing more than biology and medical books, he then walked to a door into another small part of the library, the room was slightly darker than the last as he walked around slowly looking at all the books before he stopped at a desk looking at it before he checked over the papers silently before stopping at one piece of paper that was out of place from the last ones, he then picked up the paper reading it silently.

( : Bill I know this is short notice but we need your help in the bunk house... with.. a new plant... we'll tell Sir Belier later today about our new discovery. He might be very pleased with the results of the new virus. Hope to see you soon. { Martin Evans : Mansion Lab Staff. } : )

Max snickered softly to himself some as he tossed the paper to the side "God.... A Green Thumb and Virus junk... just what I need in my life." He then walked out of the library and glanced to the right seeing something dart off down the corner past the elevator with more speed than the virus carriers "Hmm? Who was that?" he then made his way to the corner pressing his back to the wall looking down the hall seeing a door close before he made his way to the door opening it slowly aiming the SP90 finding a empty hall before he sighed slightly "Whatever it is.... Its fast that's for sure." He then made his way down the Corridor silently coming to another corner moving slowly around the corner with the machine gun aimed but then lowered it slowly seeing nothing but another door "I'm starting to hate big houses.... This is crazy how many doors there is in this place..." He shook his head slowly reaching for the doorknob before hearing something behind him click before he spun around only to dive down as a metal bar slammed through the door from the wall behind him, he watched the wall silently before a small ring moved along the bar slowly as blades sprouted out around it spinning "AWW DAMN! A trap!".

He rolled onto his feet and took the shotgun off his back aiming, then firing off two rounds into the wood watching it splinter apart till he slammed his boot into the door busting away the wood under the bar before he slipped under the door and watched just as the blades pressed against the door before they stopped spinning. He slowly slumped his shoulders taking a deep sigh of relief as he placed the shotgun once more on his back walking down the hall finding himself in another part of the house, the floor once more wood but of a old and worn type and the walls was a dull ugly green which seemed to make it look as if the wall was alive its self which made him feel very uneasy but he shrugged it off and walked down the hall till he saw the path move to the right and in-front of him was a set of stairs. He looked closely at the stairs before he shook his head some walking toward them then made his way down to what seemed to be the first floor to him and soon found himself in a dark hallway that had a large wood pillar in the middle of the hall holding up the floor above him, he walked slowly down the hall looking around before he stopped hearing something behind the door at the end of the hall.

Tilting his head some aiming his machinegun before he opened the door finding himself only seven feet from another virus carrier but he blinked watching its head fall off to the floor before the body soon followed, and standing in-front of the body was a strange creature that stood at least four feet tall its blood red eyes shining slightly as it watched him silently before holding up five razor sharp claws that seemed to be attached to a webbed paw. The whole creature looked like a cross between a frog and a ape its flat head that housed its red eyes also held millions of razor sharp teeth, it stepped toward him slowly with heavy steps before it let out a loud banshee like scream just before it then lunged at him with great speed that was faster than he ever seen. He quickly rolled to the side just missing its claws, rolling into a crouch firing off the last 8 rounds in the SP90 watching the rounds hammer into its side but to his surprise the creature turned to him screaming once more as it charged at him, max quickly grabbed a clip for the machinegun ejecting the spent clip but the gun was sent from his paws from the creature quick swipe before he then had the barrel of his revolver in its mouth "Scream at this buddy!".

He then pulled the trigger, the round ripping the back of its head off before the creature fell onto its back with blood pooling around its twitching body. He put his revolver away picking up the machinegun and slipping the clip in before he checked over the creature slowly tilting his head before he walked away down the hall finding himself once more in the hall outside the dining room, he shook his head some and walked toward the door into the dining room "Might as well take a look for the bunk houses..... maybe there past the iron gates in the courtyard." He made his way slowly to the courtyard dodging a few of the virus carriers that happened to wonder into the halls he passed by before. He was soon in the courtyard looking around some before his PDA started beeping again, he took the PDA from his vest looking at it finding out he had yet another map but this time it was of what he thought to be the bunkhouses he then looked up to the sky once more as snow started to fall around him softly before he walked to the iron gate stepping into a path with the door into the bunkhouse at the other end he then smiled softly to himself "When this is over I am gonna have a little talk with the boss about this shit.". He then walked to the door slowly holding up the SP90 and opened the door stepping inside slowly aiming the machinegun at a dark shadow in front of him "Who are you?!."

The shadow slowly turned around showing the person was one of the lab workers, his lab coat stained with dried blood his skin pale, the look on his face scared as he stepped back before running off down the hall.

Max took a step forward putting the machinegun at his side "Hey WAIT!!" he started down the hall before he heard a pained terrified scream before he made his way to where the scream came from only to see the Scientist standing not far down another hall with a green vine wrapped tightly around his neck that came from the hole in the wood floor behind him. He stood there for a second trying to take it all in before he aimed the SP90 and fired off a stream of bullets into the floor rewarded when the vine let go disappearing back into the floor dropping the scientist with blood oozing from small holes in his neck, he moved over to the body slowly keeping an eye on the hole in the floor before checking over the body slowly "Guess that was there new pet plant?" he tilted his head some taking some papers from the inner pocket of the lab coat before he glanced to the door behind him as he stood up backing to the door then opening it stepping into another long hall leaning back against the door some looking around as the windows were soon covered by the falling snow outside.

He lowered his head slowly sighing softly as he took a small cigar from his vest pocket lighting it with a gold plated oil lighter before looking at it slightly then placed it back in his pocket moving to the wall leaning back against it placing his boot up against the wall looking at the papers he got off the dead scientist tilting his head slightly as he blew some smoke from his nose as he tossed the papers to the floor "No help what so ever in there... just random bullshit." He sighed once more walking down the hall switching to his 44 revolver as he walked up to a door before he opened it into a large room looking at six virus carriers in the middle of the room, he tilted his head some before he moved up behind one snapping its neck like a twig before he took a running start toward the second carrier slamming a high roundhouse kick into its face breaking its neck before he glanced back as one moved behind him but was soon sent hard into the wall when he sent a heavy backwards dropkick into its chest. He slowly got to his feet looking at the last three carriers moving toward one kicking it in the back of the knee before he slammed his boot into the back of its neck shattering its spine, then he dropped the other two carriers with swift broken necks.

He then slowly turned around watching the carrier he slammed into the wall stand before he took out his combat knife from his boot turning around slowly stabbing the seven inch blade into its forehead watching the carrier stop its advance letting out one last breath before he took the knife from its head and gave it a soft push on the chest watching it fall backwards onto the floor with a heavy thump. Max slowly breathed in deeply through his muzzle as he slowly relaxed, all the pent-up anger he had against his boss faded away before he looked to the double doors across the room and walked over slowly opening the door slowly only to be face to face with the labs little plant, but little was a understatement as a large bulb hung from the middle of the roof with millions of vines on the walls and roof. Soon the bulb opened to revile the heart of the plant which was nothing more than a pulsing bubbling mass, he then aimed and opened fire with the SP90 watching as the bulb closed just as the rounds hit, the bulb acting as a shield against the attack before one long vine swung out and slammed into his chest sending him backwards into the wall hard enough to shatter the drywall before he fell to his knees coughing.

He slowly stood up and dodged another vine rolling to his feet and firing once more before he ducked down low to the floor as a vine passed over his head, he happened to glance to the side seeing a flame thrower in the corner beside a body, he took a running dive for it, grabbing it and rolling to this feet taking out his lighter and igniting the burner as he grinned "Say hello to my little friend.!" he then pulled the trigger watching the flames reach out over the vines then the bulb of the plant, the flames eating away at it till the bulb fell to the floor into a pile of ashes. He looked around slowly before he walked over to the fireplace feeling a cold drafting air coming from the back before he kicked at the back of the fireplace soon being rewarded when the bricks fell away into a path into another room, then crawled through the hole into the room looking around holding the flamethrower as he walked around the room slowly with his eyes half opened some before he walked over to a small cot near the wall sitting down on the mattress looking around, he laid back slowly closing his eyes some resting after being slammed into the wall had took a lot out of him. "I hate plants. Heh." he muttered to himself as he blew out the small flame on the burner then leaned the flamethrower against the wall.

He laid there resting for a little bit gaining back his strength before he got up once more checking the fuel on the flamethrower seeing it only 's full he then grinned as he walked to the door out of the room stopping as he looked in his pocket seeing only one last cigar. "Best to save it for when I get out of these mess." he opened the door walking out into the hall that was behind the courtyard and a small hole in the ground with a metal ladder attached to the side. He tilted his head slightly looking around before he walked to the hole taking off his flashlight and shining it down into the darkness before he shook his head strapping the flamethrower on his back and started his descent down the ladder into the darkness into a tunnel, he shined the flashlight around finding a light switch and flicked it on watching some lights flicker on showing the tunnel was like that of the mine. "Hmm maybe I can find of clues.? Nah..." he snickered as he walked slowly down the path deeper into the cavern before he stopped hearing something behind him, he slowly pulled the hammer back on his revolver before he spun around aiming at nothing but a empty path behind him, the red laser shining along the rocks as he tilted his head some looking around still before something wet fell on the tip of his nose causing him to freeze dead in his spot before he slowly looked up only to see a black form on the ceiling over him before it swung down on two limbs swinging backwards before it came back toward him with its arms stretched out with hook blade claws.

He moved back just in time as the tip of one claw happened to catch the side of his muzzle leaving a small cut. He growled lightly as he hit his back aiming the revolver and fired off two rounds into its back watching it fall to the floor twitching, he then got up seeing more come toward him quickly along the ceiling and walls "Ah hell I can't take them all on. I have to get out of here. Hopefully they can't fallow." he then turned around putting the revolver away and sprinting down the hall feeling the creatures gain on him. He soon saw a door in the distance as he sprinted hard and fast "please be unlocked.. Please be unlocked.!" He then slammed his shoulder into the door watching it swing open before he slammed the door shut behind him locking it as the creatures pounded on the door screaming in anger as he looked around finding himself in a large concrete room with large metal doors up to the helipad and a ladder going down deeper into the room, he looked around slowly at the yellow paint on the wall " this must be the main mansion lab?" he then walked over to the ladder taking it down to the B2 level of the lab looking around as he walked through the door looking around some as he tilted his head sitting down on a old bench checking his muzzle as blood dripped from the cut before he stood up and walked around the corner and down a flight of stairs into the B3 of the lab making his way around for a medic room but instead found the conference room with a slide projector, he then turned it on looking at the slides as he moved through them looking at data tests on what was looked to be the virus carriers, then the spiders, soon the frog like creatures in the mansion then the ones in the tunnel he was just in. "My god... this is a conspiracy..." he then came accost a slide photo of the main scientists who was in the overseeing of the project and one face caught his attention quickly noticing it was none other than his own boss.

"That son of a bitch.. He knew all about this...." he slammed his fist into the table growling as he then sat down in a chair checking over his ammunition before he leaned back in his chair some looking at the wall some before he then stood up and walked out of the room with the SP90 in his paws making his way around the hall finding the medic room before he leaned against the wall before he fell to his knees coughing up blood, he struggled to stand up walking to the table looking at the vials "From just that small scratch... and I'm infected... Damn it. How could I be so careless.?!" he grabbed the vial and injecting it into his arm having found the cure before he leaned on the table panting hard before he fell to his knees holding his chest before he stood up once only to fall backwards onto the floor passed out from the after shock of the virus and cure.

Hours passed by slowly but to his subconscious it felt as if eternity flew by with out a glimmer of hope, his body feeling as if it was on fire and his blood boiling "Am I dead?..... No I can't be...... not when I am this close to the end..... So close to finding Veronica.....That smell....I....I know that smell...where?.. Its Veronica.!!". Max's eyes shot open as he gasped for air crawling to his knees holding his chest as he coughed, feeling as if he was under water for hours before he soon slowly regained himself leaning back on his knees lightly sitting on the heels of his boots while he looked up to the florescent lights that shined down on him like the lights of heaven its self. He slowly got to his feet looking around the medic room before he walked out slowly into the hall looking to the side seeing the door to the power room walking over to it slowly tapping the door slightly noticing it was locked, he then turned around walking back the way he came deciding to take a look once more in the conference room, he walked in looking at the shelves noticing a key.

He took the key slowly looking it over grinning slightly seeing it was a key to the power room, he backtracked to the power room doors opening them slowly the steamy air flowed around him thick with machine oil and hot muggy water, the sound of high powered turbines whining in the room making it hard for him to hear as he walked down the paths through the room coming up to a door, walking through and into another machine room but noticed it was a lot smaller than the last but just as loud. He sighed slightly the humidity was starting to get to him making him pant slightly as he walked toward another door pushing it open into the main power room that controlled all the power through out the lab, the air inside was cooler which eased his body into a steady breathing as he walked around the room slowly before he stopped at a control console that showed half the labs power was cut. He looked at the console silently before he opened the maintenance door pulling out some wires doing some rewiring before he pressed the button on the console watching as the main generator come online restoring power throughout the lab before one of the vent covers flew off behind him as one of the wall crawlers from the tunnel outside the lab came skittering in along the floor before it stood up on its feet looking at him with glowing green eyes as it then ran at him but was soon sent flying backwards into the wall when a round from the shotgun hit its chest.

"Hah. You guys can't stop me now.. " he snickered as three more came from the vents, he dodged to the side of one before he kicked it to the grated floor as he stuck the barrel of the shotgun into the second ones face blowing its head clean off then roundhouse kicked the third that tried to jump onto his back sending it into a cluster of high voltage wires electrocuting it as he looked to the last one as it turned to him and screamed but was soon sent into the air from a uppercut punch under its jaw before it was blown out of the air from the shotgun. He felt different as he looked at his paws, he could feel them, since every move they made before they made it as if he was connected with there minds and body, he shrugged it off some as he walked out of the power room backtracking once more through the halls walking up to a elevator down a ways past the medic room looking at the panel "Okay I need a key for the guard plate.. So.. Hmm.." he glanced to the side and walked off stopping at a door walking inside finding himself in a morgue. He looked around slowly as skeletal bodies laid on the floor, he then noticed a shelf over accost the river of corpses, he then made his way to the shelf looking over it finding a old .357 magnum revolver with added weight in the grip to help the recoil and also found seven speed loaders with six bullets each for the .357 and among the rounds was a key to the elevator "Here we go.. Just what I need.".

He turned around putting the newfound revolver between his belt as he walked back to the elevator opening the control box and called the lift to the floor he was on, he crossed his arms slightly tapping his foot as his tail twitched before he stopped moving when the barrel of a gun touched the back of his head.

"I am surprised you made it this far Max....actually no I ain't. Why? Its because of your impressive record in your ranks. Viral CORP would love to have some one like you in there company.. Why do you think you was sent into this hell in the first place? Do you think it was just a fluke that Bravo was picked first?" the person behind max spoke slowly, and calmly, as Max growled deeply.

" Justin you bastard... you knew of this all along. What do you expect to get out of this? Money? Power? Or have you let the movies go to your head and plan to rule the world?".

The lift stopped at the floor and opened as Justin pushed him inside the lift hitting a button for the top floor grinning "No nothing of the sort. You see... Viral Corp cut our funding here so there for I lost my job and everything because of there stupidity toward a groundbreaking Self changing virus! They didn't give us the time and money to prefect the virus... in thus was the cause of all the hellish beasts roaming this place and the town. But we needed more test data.. So we set it out on this town and sent in Bravo and then you Mr. Charger.." He snickered wickedly as max turned around looking at his former boss. He was a middle aged fox, with burnt orange fur and deep brown eyes that held a evil soul deep within.

Max then shook his head "So we was all just pawns in this!?" he growled as Justin laughed lightly before he nodded slowly.

"Exactly.. And thanks to you we have all the data we need for the ultimate Bio-weapon that Viral CORP has ever seen.. And with this... I shale RULE there misguided company and surpass Belier himself!!" Justin grinned as the lift stopped and the door opened into another hall. "Now come come the final test is a nice surprise for you I think you might like." Justin pushed Max down the hall toward a set of double doors and into a large lab room full of test tubes but one was offset from the rest and was taller than the others, what ever was in it was shielded by a metal cover as Justin moved toward a console tapping at the keys with a grin before the cover moved away showing Max's wife Veronica but it didn't even come close to her beauty he remembered of the she-wolf, her fur was a blood red, black eyes, nothing more than a mutated version of the woman he once loved. Max stood there silently before he moved up to the test tube placing his paw on it tears forming his eyes before he slowly fell to his knees sobbing as Justin stood beside him the grin never leaving his muzzle as he spoke up slowly.

"Isn't she just lovely.... A true goddess of destruction.. This is B-Virus at its perfection!".

Soon Max looked up at Justin his tears replaced by anger and hate as he snarled, before he lunged at him grabbing him by the shirt and slamming him into the wall repeatedly "YOU DID THIS TO HER!! MY WIFE! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU SUFFER FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED ME AND HER, I WILL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!!" he kept up his assault on Justin till blood started to stain the wall before he tossed him to the side panting hard.

Justin struggled to stand up grinning before he stated laughing "I told you there was one last test Max.. the final test data will be my triumph." he then hit a key on the console that started the purging process of the test tube till the glass moved up as Veronica stepped out turning to Justin before stepping toward him with a growl before she raised her claws and brought them down across his chest leaving five deep long gashes in his chest. Justin looked at her silently before he blinked "How..... Did... this... happen.?" he then fell to the floor in a pool of blood as Veronica turned toward Max slowly as the labs self destruct system came online.

Max looked at her slightly as he backed away "Veronica ... please... stop... I know your still in there.... Please.. Stop." He pleaded as she kept walking toward him before she then backhanded him sending him flying backwards through the air fifty feet and into the wall. Max fell to his knees holding his chest some before he looked up just as Veronica charged at him her claws extended and scraping across the floor before doing a upwards slash up the side of the wall as he just rolled out of the way, the edge of his shirt sleeve sliced off clean. He then stood up looking at her before he took out the .357 magnum and fired off a round into her chest before he started stepping backwards as Veronica kept walking toward him as if nothing happened, he then switched to his .44 and fired off all six rounds into her chest watching as she stumbled back slightly before charging at him once more. Max dove to the side rolling into a crouch as he reloaded the magnum and fired off six more shots into her watching as she slowly fell to her knees then face first on the floor, he stood there shaking violently before he reloaded the revolver with shaking paws, he then made his way out of the lab and to the helipad taking the lift up seeing the B.H.R.A.T chopper and one of his best friends in the cockpit.

The young Skunk opened the door looking at him with a grin that was a true ear to ear "Hey Max I didn't know you was here also.. Boss said that it was just the two of the way.... Where is Justin?" he tilted his head slightly as Max sprinted for the chopper.

"Justin had a date with death an the Devil. We have to jet. This place is gonna be one hell of a fireball in a bit so power up that rig Tracy!" Max yelled before he heard something explode behind him, as Tracy nearly freaked out, his tail fluffing up like he stuck his tongue in a light socket which always happened when he was scared nearly out of his mind.


Max turned around to see Veronica standing in front of the elevator with her claws extended, Max then got to the chopper grabbing a H.E. (High Explosive) quad tube box rocket launcher, turning around and getting down on one knee hefting the launcher up on his shoulder. "Till death do us part and may we meet again on the golden road of heaven." Max's eyes became stained with tears once more as he pulled the trigger, time seamed to stop as the rocket flew full bore at Veronica hitting her in the chest before exploding leaving nothing behind. He stood up slowly crawling into the chopper as Tracy powered up the engines lifting the chopper up off the helipad and flying off into the sunrise as the whole lab , base and mine went up in flames. Max closed the door after watching the flames then took off his guns moving to the seat beside Tracy closing his eyes some before Tracy spoke up slowly.

"So.... Mission complete right Max?".

Max slowly shook his head some before speaking " It's only the beginning Tracy... only the Beginning." He looked out at the sun as he ran his finger over his wedding ring before he adjusted himself in his seat "Lets take the fight to Viral CORP.".

Tracy looked at him and nodded "Okay lets do this!", he flew the chopper into the distance back home only to get ready for the war against Viral CORP. ( The End )


(CUE THE CREDITS!!! *Kick ass rock music plays as the credits roll* I did small revising on this but I am SURE there is spelling errors and grammar mistakes...but for just ones take this as it is...I got a headache, bad sleep, and I'm dealing with parents that hate my guts and no power.....enjoy this...please. Constructive comments and stuff welcome...keep it nice and you will be loved. Comments, faves, and votes will make me work to make more.)


Somewhere in Europe a dark figure sits in a large chair with a monitor showing a Satellite video of the chopper flying away "Oh you feeble minded mutts don't know what your all getting into...Oh but soon you will all learn that you can not escape from your destiny. Soon you will all bend to our will." the figure soon laughed evilly. (and this is where the suspense starts for the next Series of .....RESIDENT FURRY!!!! Tune in next week for more. *end credits start rolling again along with rock music (AC/DC Highway to Hell.) * )