That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 7: Stuck Together No Matter What... (part 2)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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#23 of That Gay Goth Dog

( please click this then start reading)

the song started playing as me hayden and the others came together and looked around into each others eyes we knew that this was ganna be a new show. something we havent done before. it was our first time with pyro and in a big stage. we worked none stop about for this and now its finly paying off. we put our paws in then counted to 3 and yelled E.O and all the lights went down as the song ended leaving the arena quiet. we quickly jumped on stage and started the next song.

( click this then read on)

the lights went up and the crowrd yelled loudly headbanging and jumping up and down as hayden sang and alex screamed. marcusa and josh where running around the stage as dj and i head bang behind our intruments. fire shot up out of the stage making the heat rise rapidly on the stage. i put everything i could in the song and sang along when i needed to. during the slow part the lights lifted up white and came back down giveing the stage and the crowrd a blue hue. my drumset glew a red because of the lights under it. i smiled looking over at hayden who smiled back singing as it the pace picked up. the lights went back into the crowrd as alex started screaming. i smiled and shook my head causing sweat to fly around. the lights dimed as DJ started the techno part. then lazers shot out with fire as alex ran in place on stage. the lights behind me shot out red giving everyone a black hue on stage when only the piano played. then they dimed and the first song was done.

(once the song is done read on)

"HOW DO YOU FUCKERS LIKE THAT!" alex screamed the crowrd put up their paws up and screamed.

"good good good." hayden said then looked up at me. "jeremy hit it!" i hit a triggering pad starting the dubstep/techno part to the next song Inertia by My Sky Your City.


as soon as the song was done we played 8 more before we got to take a brake.

"fuck its hot as hell up their." Dj said drinking out of his water bottle.

"god how do you think i feel.. during Till The End Of Time i nearly got my tail burnt." hayden said walking out of the bathroom zipping up his pants.

"yeah well your not beating things rapidly and fastly while trying to stay in time." i said walking out of the bathroom.

"i dont want to know what you guys just did." alex said looking out the side of the stage to see the fans.

"oh yeah hon we fucked quickly." i said and slapped haydens ass making him yelp loudly.

"oh dear god... they made the stall rock." marcus said while getting a new guitar.

"hey guys what is the next part of the set list?" josh asked looking up from the first part of the list.

"Hell part 1, Lie if life, Mad Man, Depresion part 1, NZT48, The Wolf In Me and A Phrophecy (all songs but NZT48 and A Phrohecy are on youtube links at bottom)" i said flipping though the first half of the show then jimmy (pryo guy) looked at us and mouthed 5,4,3,2 then a loud bang making the girls in the crowrd scream loudly as the lights went out. i red glow formed on the stage and fire shot up as the strings for hell started playing. i walked out to the drumkit and started the rythem of the song. the rest of them walked out to 4 bass drums that were tilted up with malets on them. the took them and started banging on the drums. after the 2 minute intro the lights went out and they took their places. the fire shoot up though the stage and the hole back stage started on fire. i smiled knowing all the beams where a blaze because of the fire rods we put up.

"WELCOME TO HELL!" alex screamed and we started the song as the crowrd screamed loudly and started moshing. after the last half of the show we all got out infront of everyone and bowed. i tossed my drumsticks to a young male wolf who smiled and winked. we walked off the stage as the lights dimmed then the house lights went back up.

"one thing i love about being bigger now.. we have people to clean up the stage." alex said walking to the parking lot behind the arena.

"same. you ready to go hun?" i asked kissing haydens nose.

"want to go out and talk to the fans for a little bit before we go?" he asked me.

"sure lets go! by guys!" i said waving to them they waved back got in their cars and left. when we walked around people were scatered all over the place. right when we stepped out onto the marble floor they all came running at us (mostly girls).

"OMG can i hug you?" one said i nodded then looked at hayden and hugged her. my shirt was sweaty but shee didnt care she actually took a big sniff of my musk then elt go. as we were walking around we where being ambushed with pens and paper to sign.

"there you go." i said to a girl then saw a pair of drumsticks get handed to me and i looked up to see the wolf from before smiling.

"can you please sign them?" he asked.

"sure thing. how you liked the show?" i asked signing my nearly broken sticks.

"great i havent seen a live show like that before. you guys are really good at what you do." he said then took out a camera. "pic?" he said rasing his ears. i smiled and put my arm over his shoulder and held out a drum stick to the camera smiling lightly. he smiled and took the pick and hugged me. his tail was wagging fastly and i could tell that he sniffed my body when he let go. "thank you. i hope to see you guys again some time." he said smiling.

"hah hope so to we need the money for the stage show." i said chuckling. "well me and hayden have to go." i said as hayden walked over and put his arm around my neck. his musk was really strong when he bright my head close to his arm pit. i had to pull out everything i could to not get hard.

"ok have fun playing see you guys soon." he said.

"bye." me and hayden both said waving. we walked back stage waving to some of the fans and got into the car.

"well that was really fun." hayden said while turning on Hiatus by Asking Alexnandria. it took us a hour to get home from where the gig was at. once we walked into the dorm the cold air hit us making the fur on our bodies stand up on end. once we got into our room we fell into bed and quickly fell asleep.

i woke up to my head nuzzled into haydens arm. i licked the side of his armpit lightly making him shiver. i took a long inhale taking in all of his musk then got up yawning. i walked over to the shower and jumped in washing the sweat from last night off. i was in their for about 7 minutes just standing their letting the water run over my body. when i walked out hayden looked up at me and smiled. he walked to me and kissed my lips and hugged me then walked into the bathroom. i heard the water start running as i put on my black pants, skillet t-shirt and black shoes. when he came out his fur a little wet but nothing bad so he quickly got dressed and we walked out metting up with aaron and seth.

"hey aaron how was your game?" i asked as hayden and seth started having a poking war with each other. "you guys are wired." i said. they looked at me and at the same time poked my arms then went back to the poking war.

"eh we won 34-6." he said srugging.

"sounded like it was easy." i said then i heard a loud bang. i looked back to see seth sitting on top of hayden who was yelping as seth poked his head. ".... FAIL!" i screamed making them get up off the ground.

"shut up hes a fricking strong panther." hayden said. as he sed that seth flexed his muscle. aaron looked back and his tail started wagging faster then the speed of light.

"ok seth time to stop before aaron gets hard." i said and aarons ears went down.

"eh your right.. i will do it later." seth said slaping aarons but and kissed him. aaron yelped into seths maw as hayden walked over then hugged me. we walked to our science class where we got to work on how mizzing 2 solutions make fire. i fell over laughing when seth mixed the worn things causing it to start smoking then turnd green and the lid on the beaker flew off and hit the ceeling. when it exsploded seth hissed and jumped on to aaron. i fell over laughing with hayden as well as everyone else. seth blushed then looked down. soon aaron started laughing and licked his muzzle makking seth blush more.

"well that was a fun class." hayden said as we walked out of the room.

"yeah but that fucking thing scared the furr off of me!" seth said shaking and some fur fell off his body and he pointed and looked at us. " SEE TOLD YOU!" he said.

"or yoru just sheading." hayden said and rubbed his arm freeing up some fur that fell to the ground.

"ok maybe... but im sticking to getting scared." seth said. we walked and talked with each other to the football filed. aaron waved to us saying by and ran into the lockerroom to change. when he came back out he was in his football gear and ran out to the filed and started doing warmups with the other guys. seth, hayden and i walked over to the gym with our shorts and t-shirt on to start working out. once we got their we started on the tredmiles running for about 45 minutes then got off and started wight lifting. after 30minutes of that seth walked into the loockerrom and took a quick shower then walked out.

"im ganna head to the dorm see ya later guys." he said and waved. we waved back saying see ya and walked to the basketball cort. when we got their i noticed something about one of tthe wolves... he was the guy from last night.

"hey mind if we play?" i asked. the wolf looked over.

"sure no... wait hey sup guys." he chuckled and walked over brushing some sweat off of his forhead and his tail started wagging.

"hey pup!" hayden said shaking his hand.

"sleep well oafter the concert?" he asked.

"like a rock.. also whats your name?" i said then looked into his white eyes.

"thats good. and im leon." he said smilling.

"well nice to meet you. im jeremy stevens and this is hayden stevens." i said smilling then pointed to hayden.

"wait.. you guys are brothers?" he asked looking at us. "you look nothing alike."

"thats because were not. im his husband." hayden said licking my ear.

"wait.. you guys are gay?" leon said wide eyed.

"yup." i said holding haydens paw.

"oh thats cool. i know you might get this form guys but im straight.." he said.

"no problum.. i wouldnt even date you.. not to be mean.. i got my husky." i said and took the basketball from leon. "now lets play." i said throing it. it hit the backboard and went stright though the hop. i smiled when hayden and leon looked at me. after about 20 minutes of playing we said goodbye and walked to our dorms. once we got in we took a wuick shower then laid in bed wuickly falling asleep. i nuzzled my husky and liked his chest and smiled feeling like he was my protector.


NZT48 by I See Stars -

A Phrophecy by Asking Alexandria -