The Dangers of Wearable Technology Part 3
He didn't know the extent of how his suit was compromised, and since he and evan have the same model he didn't want the hacker to get him, too. "just a question on a function of the suit," max finally lied, internally sighing as he did.
The Fursuit
Confused but excide, rick try to wear the suit. it perfectly fits. when he set the head, he has the feeling the suit sucks vacuum. for a moment, he has the feeling he is the suit, till he find out he is the suit!
As the pnumatic seals closed around me, and the air pads inflating around my body, the status readout on the front of the suit poped out, and started relaying suit info.
Lone Tiger - Commission fo catprog
The first thing she noticed was that the zipper had disappeared already, trapping her in the suit. "damn. so we're doing this already?" suddenly the suit shrank on her, sucking into her skin more tightly than it already was.
The Furbidden love
Shrugging ilat said "maybe, maybe not, who knows, maybe this is the kick in the ass to get all those suit tears in genetics to fix the problems that keep us trapped in these suits."
Crusader Part 7
He heads to the armory, he looks to the empty space where toverous's suit once was as he walks to his suit, his gaze meets the suits, he can practically feel the spirit of the armor itself sharing the same feeling he did... he was hoping this would lead to
The Dangers of Wearable Technology Part 4
"i mean the suit is something you can get anywhere that can alter its appearance like that, even mine is like that..." "oh, so you believe this is all my suit?"
Clown Mare 8-1
"ah, i see the suits as one of the best suits makers in the history of equestria. it is then i should buy the most usual suit that i wear almost every day in business; however, it was the suit always worn out after a few years at best.
Excerpt of Part 1 of Connor's Story
His white suit fitted his wide frame well.
Trolling for a Costume
They all seemed to have taken a few days off for their suits, and pawpy followed suit as he didn't want to have to get in and out of the suit right when he got it.
Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1, Chapter 2
The lasers that were covering the suit were still mostly green, but several dots where some of her shots hit on the helmet were colored yellow. to the side of the neck where she stabbed and then shot at, the suit was colored red.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 12
"so, that's the suit?" "the suit's deactivated, but that doesn't mean i'm free from it.