Trolling for a Costume

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#7 of General One Shot Stories

A commission from SilverFox61, got this one written up in rather decent time. ^_^

Story Description: Pawpy sees a new website posting up ads for costumes for video game characters, they certainly seem lifelike.

I hope you all enjoy, and as always I enjoy hearing everyones' thoughts. :)

P.S. Had nothing but problems with my laptop today, nothing wanted to work. =3=

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Trolling for a Costume

Written by: TiranMaster

Commissioned by: SilverFox61

Sifting through the internet, Pawpy saw plenty of things he enjoyed, though recently he'd been extremely interested in one specific thing. The trolls from world of warcraft, he'd been a bit obsessed if he was honest, and even now he was glancing at a picture smiling dreamily. Something about their design was really intriguing, and though he'd not played too much of it, he found their designs extremely appealing. So when one of his friends reached out after he'd spoken to them a few times about the trolls, he'd been shocked and a bit ecstatic to hear about a new costume store putting out several video game characters as costumes. Specifically, someone had made a troll outfit based off of the ones in WoW, and though Pawpy wasn't certain if Blizzard had given their okay on the outfit, it was a near perfect recreation as far as he could tell from the pictures.

Glancing at the price tag, Pawpy sat on the outfit for a few days, adding it to his cart a few times before walking away to think on it. The price wasn't that bad to be honest, but he was wary of the site as it didn't seem like the most legit thing, but people were posting reviews commenting on how lifelike the outfits were, and even how great it made them feel. After nearly a week of holding back, Pawpy couldn't wait another minute, and so ordered the outfit with a message describing his measurements. Then came the waiting, it was only a day before he received a confirmation of the suit being sent. It would take a few days to get there, in the meantime he got some powder to help get the suit on as that was the number one recommendation from others getting the suits.

Over the next few days, Pawpy went to the forums of the website, seeing others posting about their new costumes. There was something a little eerie about seeing people in the outfits, for one, he could hardly tell that they weren't real. There were a variety of video game characters, and all of them looked... remarkably lifelike, save for the rubbery glint that he could see from their cameras. They all seemed to have taken a few days off for their suits, and Pawpy followed suit as he didn't want to have to get in and out of the suit right when he got it. Admittedly it might be a bit difficult with having to go to the bathroom, but he would figure it out. The days ticked past, and after four days of impatiently waiting, when Pawpy got home he saw the package on the front porch and raced over to pick it up.

Bringing the box inside, Pawpy noted how light it felt, which he supposed he shouldn't be too surprised as it was just an outfit, but still it didn't weigh much at all. Setting the box down inside of his room, Pawpy peeled the tape off, and opening the cover he was greeted with dark blue rubber. Reaching down slowly, Pawpy grabbed the material and shivered at its cool exterior, but loved the sensation of the rubber against his palm. Pulling it from the box, the material squeaked and peeled away cleanly from its folded position. It came out of the box very easily, a light dusting of powder dusted over the costume to keep the material from binding. "This is... awesome!" Pawpy announced to the room, bouncing eagerly as he held it out to look over fully. Rubbing the gleaming material between his fingers, he noticed that the rubber was rather cool to the touch, especially considering the heat outside he'd expected it to be warmer.

The pictures had done the costume justice, it looked exactly like one of the trolls from WoW, long rubber tusks that looked a little deflated at the moment. He'd seen others in the costume and the tusks had stood out, he could only assume that they were inflatable. The touches were great, the outfit had a few tattoos painted upon the rubber, he noted that they seemed original to his, not just a copy of the other trolls he'd seen so far. That was the part that blew his mind, how each outfit seemed unique in small details, making this one truly his own. Within the box there was a fairly basic loincloth that went with the outfit, along with a few accessories that would help complete the look.

Setting the costume gingerly down upon his bed, Pawpy pulled all of the accessories out and set them on the bed hoping to make it easier for himself as once he put the outfit on it would become a bit harder to move. At least, that's what he assumed, this was the first time he'd gotten an outfit like this. There were a few papers that had fallen out of the box as well, picking them up he saw that they were fairly simple instructions to make sure that the outfit went on as easily as possible. The first thing was to make sure that the wearer was wearing as little clothing as possible to make sure that the outfit didn't bunch up or tear as it was designed with his specs in mind, Pawpy nodded as he kicked off his shoes and sat down, reading further down. The paperwork also said that the first time the outfit was worn to make sure you wore it at least for half an hour, it mentioned that this stretches the material and allows it to keep its elasticity. Something about that seemed a little off to the man, though Pawpy wasn't too bothered as he already intended to snag a few pictures tonight before he went to bed. The last part of the note was a thank you from the creators, as well as a referral code to send to others to make sure they got the best deal they could on outfits of their own.

Smiling to himself, Pawpy started getting undressed, glancing over at his outfit now and again practically wanting to jump into the outfit, but he intended on getting fully ready before he went in. That included going to the bathroom first, and then powdering up so he could get the rubber suit on. This all took twenty minutes, and by the time he entered his bedroom again he was bouncing in excitement to throw the suit on. Now clad in only his underwear, Pawpy picked up the troll suit, and started to slide it on. The suit opened in the back with no sort of zipper of any kind, just an opening that he would be able to pull shut. Glancing down at the toes of the outfit, Pawpy realized that they'd really gone all in, the suit had two toes and three fingers, just like the trolls of the game. Some part of him wondered if that would become uncomfortable, but he supposed that he would just have to deal with it since this is exactly what he'd wanted.

Sliding into the suit, Pawpy shivered as the cold rubber slid over his skin, sliding his feet into those of the outfit, his toes actually fit into the different parts of the troll's remarkably well. They distended a little oddly when he looked at them, but wiggling his toes he found himself grinning as he saw the blue rubber moving around like real trolls' toes. "I can't believe how awesome this is," he laughed aloud, just enjoying the feeling for a bit before getting back to pulling the outfit further up. The rubber fit onto his legs perfectly, there was no catching as he slid it up, allowing the cool rubber to rest there as he stood up again and pulled the crotch of the suit over his underwear. It felt a little odd, compressing tightly against his body, though it was never uncomfortable.

Strolling over to the mirror in his room, Pawpy looked at the progress so far, and though he wasn't done just yet he did a little dance of joy. Half-way there, and already looking so good. Turning around, he admired the slight green gradation that he'd not noticed until now, a shift of colors that glinted in the light of his room. Where the rubber outfit was touching him, he noticed it was growing cooler somehow, not warmer. That being said, it didn't exactly feel uncomfortable, he flexed his toes a few more times before sliding the costume further up his stomach. Sliding it over his chest, he moved his arms into those of the costume as well. By now he was starting to notice a slight tingling in his toes, though he was so enamored by his reflection that he didn't put too much thought into it.

The feet of the costume started to fill in, looking less like a costume foot, and more like a proper troll foot. The rubber inflated a bit becoming more lifelike, the flexing of his toes becoming more natural in appearance, the two toes flexing like they should. The musculature of his legs also grew thicker, more akin to someone who spent a lot of their time outside, the skin continued to be gleaming like rubber, and yet it had a more lifelike appearance to it at the same time. Pawpy's body itself was becoming the costume and vice versa, both coming together to make a proper troll rather than just the appearance of one.

Glancing at his rubber clad hands, Pawpy couldn't help but giggle in glee, squeezing them a few times experimentally. Picking up a pencil, he found it a bit hard to write anything down as the motion felt awkward with the binding about his fingers, but that didn't matter too much in the moment. Glancing down at the only part remaining to be put on, he grabbed the hood in both hands and slid it up and over his head. The sensation at first was stifling to get the head on, feeling his warm breath and a bit of sweat on his forehead. Once again though the rubber was wonderfully cool against his skin, pulling the eyes up to match his own, he moved his mouth to help get the hood in place.

Reaching behind himself, Pawpy reorganized the opening at the back of the costume until it was all covered up so that it wouldn't be too obvious. Standing up straight, he glanced into the mirror once more and found his mouth gaping in wonder. The tusks looked a little off still, leaving him to wonder how the others had made theirs look so lifelike, but otherwise everything was fantastic. The sharp features of a troll stared out at him, his own eyes just behind the eyes of the costume, but even those didn't seem too off. Something was different though, he couldn't place it, but the lower half of his costume seemed... cleaner somehow than they had moments before. Looking himself down, he just assumed that this was the costume starting to stretch out properly, so he just smiled before grabbing the articles of clothing from the bed and started to slip them on.

The little accessories slid on easily, a pair of bracers that slid onto his arms, the loincloth, and finally a necklace that bounced against his chest. Alongside the tattoos that marked his troll costume, Pawpy could not be happier as he turned a few times in the mirror, grinning like a fool as he had to stop himself from bouncing around in excitement... hell, he did it anyways. After getting over the initial excitement he readjusted his clothing before grabbing his phone and a tripod he had sitting on his desk so he could start taking pictures. While setting it up, the back of the costume started to seal itself up, the line fading as it sealed itself up into one perfectly smooth piece of rubber flesh.

Definition started to settle into Pawpy's stomach, any excess fat fading away to become firm abs, his posture adjusting slightly without his noticing. The clothing was the only thing that wasn't being affected too much, otherwise Pawpy could start to feel the pieces of clothing against his skin more clearly rather than through the muted rubber. Once again accrediting it to getting used to the costume though, he started a photoshoot of himself, posturing around his room in different poses. Several toy weapons he had scattered about were used as extra accessories, he even messed around with making several faces at the camera though he was certain it wouldn't be that noticeable. With each picture though there were small changes, minute ones, but over time they added together into a picture of changes across an hour.

At first the hair of the outfit was one individual stiff piece that moved awkwardly around Pawpy's head, moving whenever he moved with rigidness. The longer Pawpy wore it, the more the magic of the outfit changed, the hair started becoming individual pieces moving with their own will. The less stiff they became, the more natural his appearance became. Even the tusks started to fill up minute by minute, becoming more rigid as opposed to the hair, a less floppy appearance into strong looking tusks that glistened under the light. Even the tattoos on his skin became more vibrant, everything took on a new life as the last remnants of his regular human appearance faded into a proper troll.

The sensation of coolness was fading as time went on, instead becoming warm as his normal skin, in fact he found it hard to distinguish between his flesh and that of the outfit. The tusks of the outfit had become firm and less floppy as time had gone on, this fact Pawpy didn't notice until he bumped one of the weapons up against the tusks. "Whoa!" he grunted, the plastic toy bouncing away as if he'd hit something solid. Reaching up unconsciously, he felt the tusk and froze, it certainly didn't feel like limp rubber. The material still squeaked when he dragged a finger along the tusk, but it didn't shift easily.

With a feeling of shock, that was when he realized something had majorly changed, and he dashed to the mirror once more. Turning around now, he saw that much had changed, his musculature was more lithe like a troll's would be, and the costume no longer looked awkward in any sort of way. Reaching up, he dragged a finger against his face, watching as the rubber pulled... but like skin would, not like a costume dragging away from his actual skin. Even his eyes were sitting in the sockets of the costume better, there was no sign of flesh underneath, the blue and green rubber WAS his skin. "Holy cow," he breathed, backing away from his reflection in shock. Reaching around he felt where the opening had been, but that was gone, in its place was the rubbery flesh of his back, nothing else. "Oh wow... I'm... I'm actually a troll."

His words rung in the air for a moment before excitement exploded through him, Pawpy bounced about the room once more with an energy he'd never felt before, it was like he'd completely changed! The transformation had been so subtle he'd not noticed it, but now he messed around with his toes, watching how they properly flexed. Doing the same with his hands produced the same effect, three fingers that bent correctly, not like there were human hands inside of an outfit. "I'm a troll!" he shouted, grinning from ear to ear, he couldn't believe how this had happened. The instructions certainly hadn't said that the outfits would really make people into the characters, but here he was... and it was amazing!

Experimenting with his new body, Pawpy found that he had become stronger, the costume apparently giving him increased strength along with the changed body. Doing a few push-ups, he found he was able to do quite a few before he started getting winded at all. It was the same with any other exercises, he was able to do far more than he'd been able to before. Picking up a pencil once more, he also found that he was no longer clumsy with three fingers, even though he'd had five before to help balance out the writing. Writing a few words on the paper, it came out crystal clear, he was just as dextrous with three fingers as he'd been before with five. "This has to be magic," he said in awe, glancing down at the words with a smile.

Looking at the pictures on his camera, he could see the changes in progress, how his body slowly became less and less human in shape, and more properly a troll's. They were all small differences, but they added up... and now he realized he certainly didn't look like himself any more. "This is... gonna be a bit hard to explain," Pawpy laughed nervously, sitting down but unable to stop grinning. "I guess I'll just have to figure it out day by day... but I'm going to have to give the others this code," he giggled gleefully.

Logging onto the website once more, Pawpy started posting the pictures, ecstatic that his pictures would be appearing on the front pages too. He would certainly have to find where some of the others were so he could talk to them about the transformation, but for now he had to share the code with his friends. He was more forthcoming of course, he didn't want anyone messing up their life too much by transforming into some sort of video game character, but this was too exciting. Somewhere in his emails some new invitations were popping up from the forums, as well as the owners of the site. It appeared that there were modeling jobs for the gaming industry opening up, and Pawpy would look perfectly in place amongst some of the others.

Word Count: 3010 Words

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