The Deoxys Collective
Marco a fierce looking Garchomp passed through a forest looking for a Pokémon to fight, he had been without a fight for a good week now and he was getting antsy. The fighter had heard legends of a legendary warrior out in the forest; even though...
The Zoo Poké
A school bus pulling up to a new zoo didn't appear that odd, but when the park had a Pokéball on its front sign it became quickly apparent that this was anything but an ordinary zoo. To the kids though that poured off of the bus it was their everyday...
The Land of Orcs
Rerim hurriedly packed his bags, jacket flying into a suitcase, 3DS and some books flying into a backpack, the corgi couldn't help but shake in excitement. Not an hour ago, his boyfriend had walked in with some plane tickets, Tiran had ordered them...
The Bat King
Eric beat down another slime, "This is what I get for going through a basic area..." His party easily destroyed the monsters, not even bothering to use any techniques his party destroyed each with one attack. "Beat them all." He chuckled, even though...
The Armaldo Amulet
Tuck picked up the amulet from the ground, he was standing in the field neighboring his village. The amulet sparkled with a purple hue, just holding the amulet sent odd sensations through the teenager's arm. He was speechless, it was a gorgeous piece...
The Vee Diaper Experiment
Atlas' wings fluttered a few times as he went around his lab, he needed to tidy up before he left, the place was a mess. Inventions were scattered around the floor and the shelves, some posing some hazard for anyone who randomly came into the lab with...
The Digimon Diaper Sauna
Agumon and Guilmon yanked at Veemon, the blue digimon whining as his friends dragged him towards a large log building. "Come on Veemon!" Agumon said with a grin on his face. "Yeah, it'll be great in there!" Guilmon said, they had been excited for...
Hour Long Challenge 1: The River Otter
Time started: 10:38 Reggie whistled down the road, his eyes were drooped low. The sun was hanging low in the sky, barely peeking over the edge of the nearby hills. The teenager was cheerful as he had just graduated the day before, he had been at...
The Synth King
White; that was the color that Travis saw as he awoke, he blinked a few times in confusion as he looked around his surroundings. He had awoke in the middle of what appeared to be a hospital operation room, but there didn't appear to be any form of...
Alpha Corgi
Rerim had his muzzle deep in a D&D source book, he was preparing for his first day as the dungeon master for a new club. The corgi had been quietly taking notes on little sticky notes and was pasting them into his book for future reference, his...
Marne's Mental Madness
Marne slipped a small fob watch out of his jacket pocket, "Dang it, I'm gonna be late..." He hissed to himself, he was sprinting through the hedges of a maze that was the shortcut to his home. If he didn't make it in time, his parents would know he...
Hope from the Embers
Ted sat with the rest of the world, watching as the grand weapon arose from the ground. This might be the last thing that he ever got to see, "Please... please let him come home safe..." Ted prayed, his hands clasped together. The leopard's eyes were...