Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1, Chapter 2
#2 of Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1
I eventually got back with the group, going through and touring various experiments much like the XW3. It was now oh-six-thirty hours give or take. Taliya and Minister Allen talked up front for the majority of the time, Tali occasionally turning to me for some thoughts on the topics on paw. For the most part, though, I was just a face in the crowd.
Nonetheless, we all had our places to a degree. Taliya saw and understood how things worked, Minister Allen discussed how things could be implemented, and I gave insight as to the current needs and desires of active personnel.
My mind was still occupied by thoughts on my project. It was scrapped, burned off, smothered. I should have been relieved, but my emotions must have been lagging behind.
Taliya turned her head slightly in my direction. "Cayden," she said.
"Yes, Ma'am?"
"How do you think Aegis and active duty personnel will feel about wearing this compared to their standard armor?" She pointed to a body armor prototype. One of the many prototypes that we have gone over this morning, though they felt more numerous than they actually were in my mind.
The armor, an assortment of sections for the legs, torso, arms, and head. All of the segments were black with a very angular and geometric architecture. Mostly triangular plates. There were larger ones across the breast and back, while smaller ones were arranged elsewhere to encourage movement.
Gloves for the forepaws had shielding on the outside, but the fingers on the palm-side were covered in the only fabric within the set, likely trying not to impede tactile feedback and dexterity. The hindpaws, conversely, were covered with armor.
The style of the torso actually maintained some of the designs held by present uniforms, mostly concerning the lower breast where personal identifiers and commendations rested. The angled sections were bare, however.
The leg sections, though, also had some hidden traits. Built into them on the sides were electromagnetic pistons--an exo suit. The armor itself was far lighter than contemporary models, but the movement assistance system would enable heavier loads and faster speeds for longer durations. The ever-present cardinal principle of Aelmerian society: efficiency. I was unsure if the arms would get a similar treatment. It was entirely possible, but it could also, just maybe, hinder flexibility too much.
Out of all of the pieces that composed the suit, however, the head was the most fascinating, the most alien.
Helmets nowadays covered the cranium with pyramid-like protrusions for one's ears on top. Those in of themselves had only been introduced within the past five years. Kevlar-based with a light, polymer shell. A dual chin strap went down below and to the edge of the muzzle to secure it, leaving the face and muzzle uncovered. They were ergonomic, plentiful, and simple.
The one standing in front of me was more akin to a gigantic wedge. It was enormous in both depth and height by design. Rather than encase solely the part of the head that held the brain, it was designed to enclose everything. The rear of it was as tall as the space from the bottom of a solaeren's neck to the top of one's ears. While it sloped down slightly towards the front, the top of it slightly rounded and convex, it was not a significant degrade. The sides of the whole thing were comprised of three very large, flat, black plates. Triangular plates. They met in the front at a sharp, vertical edge rather than a curve that smoothed out the differences between the angles of attack. Hell, the front of the damn thing was even angled outwards with the top-front edge of the helmet extending farther forwards than the bottom edge. It had no visor, either, nor goggles or lenses.
The engineers had explained that it used hologlass displays, the same technology in the HAAPV that we initially rode over in close to three hours ago. Cameras made out of nanomaterials lined the entire exterior surface of the helmet, capturing all wavelengths of light while simultaneously detecting distance and depth. It was then projected onto the interior of the helmet, giving the user a heavily defended look into the outside world with enhanced vision and a HUD to belay tactical information to them as well.
Even if a shot impacted the helmet and miraculously destroyed some of the cameras, the system was redundant simply due to the astronomical amount of cameras in place, capable of taking over with ease. I think they said that it could lose 99.9% of them or something similar to that and still operate at peak efficiency.
The helmet also bolstered several other features including a built in bioweapons grade air filtration system, an integrated rebreather with an additional, internal oxygen supply, and a set of a speaker and microphone connected via satellite for communications either in person or through a connection.
The battery pack that kept all of this tech operating was a high energy density, lightweight material built throughout the suit with enough energy in each section to keep the whole thing operating for several hours at maximum energy consumption with just one piece capable of output. The materials used also made it a faraday cage, keeping the user and the technology housed in it safe from EMPs and electric shocks.
The focal point of the whole thing, however, was a brand new material. A hyper non-Newtonian fluid nicknamed Dynagel by the team. It was insulating, extremely lightweight, and easily moldable. When it encountered acute pressure or a sufficient force, however, it became almost impossibly strong, capable of defending against most conventional weapons systems. This "Dynagel" ran through the entire suit. The armor platings on the outside were for additional protection, but the fluid was just as capable and flexible, far exceeding Kevlar as a protective material.
Yeah, the soldiers would love this.
"I think they will love it once they experience it in action, Ma'am. They will certainly be wary, however, about its technological complexity and putting their faith into a brand new wonder-material. Montélay rules and all. Technological advancement is great and all, but reliability and dependability are also at the forefront of every soldier's mind," I said. I formulated what I was going to say quickly in response to her question. It felt like a long time ago, but she asked it just a second ago.
She seemed to take that in, turning now to face some of the engineers working on the project. I was going to listen in, but a vibration came from my left hip. I reached down and grabbed the smartphone attached to my utility belt. I saw the notification on the lock screen and opened up the messaging app.
Kayetlin : Hey, Cay. My 'loop is on time. See you when I arrive
I responded in kind.
*Cayden: * Sorry, busy with Tali. Will not be free until evening. Really sorry.
Kayetlin : You're fine, Cay :) I get it. She holding up well?
Cayden : As well as anyone in her position can. In ARC right now
Kayetlin : All right. We should really have her and D over some time. See you at the residence tonight
Cayden : See you then, Kay
"--try it," Taliya continued to say in the background while I was distracted. Following whatever command she gave, several engineers began to put together the pieces of the armor suit, interlocking the segments before moving the whole thing forward in the room. It was able to stand on its own without an individual within it.
Off to the side, another technician had his paws dance across a keyboard which was immediately followed by hundreds of green lasers littered throughout the room to become active, zeroing in on the suit and peppering its form in tiny dots at strategic locations. Sort of akin to motion tracking.
"Cayden, your pistol," Taliya said.
After I wrapped my right paw around the grip of the pistol in my shoulder holster, I brought it towards the front of my body, momentarily letting it go before I gripped the barrel of it promptly. I then showed the grip to Taliya, allowing her to easily take a hold of it. She then removed the magazine, making sure it was loaded, before inserting it back into the weapon. Subsequently, she cocked the gun, ejecting a pistol cartridge only for it to be caught in her grasp mid-air. The bullet was quickly tucked away into one of her uniform's pockets.
"Knife too," she added after she finished looking over the pistol I offered.
Responding similarly, I used my right paw again to grab the handle of one of my sheathed fighting knives, making a quick flicking motion to pull it out of the holster before grasping the blade and offering it to Taliya. For the knife, she took it into her left paw. She held it in the standard icepick grip employed by the Aelmerian military.
She turned her muzzle to one of the engineers who arranged the suit, prompting him to nod and make his way back behind her. The rest of his group followed while all of the technicians put on some form of ear protection. The room was divided between the engineers wearing them and those who were not--Taliya, the Defense Minister, the Sentry agents on Taliya's security detachment, including Elaenor, and myself.
Ironically, it was not the group that withheld the ear protection that flinched at the noise. Taliya fired several shots straight at the suit, mainly at the headgear. Due to the angled nature of the armor plating and some rudimentary trigonometry, the bullet had to pierce a greater thickness of material.
She fired the weapon with her right paw, her body turned sideways to minimize the amount of her person facing her "target."
Five shots expended, three in reserve minus the previously chambered one that was ejected. Two shots still in the weapon.
After firing off the five, she spun her body counterclockwise, swinging her left shoulder and therefore the knife around. Using that momentum, she slammed the knife into the section that connected the helmet to the main suit. Taliya quickly followed up by removing the knife, pressing the muzzle of the pistol right where the knife went through, and then firing off the two shots she had left.
The lasers that were covering the suit were still mostly green, but several dots where some of her shots hit on the helmet were colored yellow. To the side of the neck where she stabbed and then shot at, the suit was colored red.
"All right, gentlemen," Taliya said. "Make sure to send me the ballistics report, but fix the susceptibility to blades. When you get that done and test it several times, then I might think about placing a requisition. A rather large one."
The engineers shared some looks between them before saluting her, responding with a myriad of affirmatives.
Taliya gave them a curt nod. We then left the testing area, leaving the technicians to figure out how to proceed. Elaenor and the other Sentry agents surrounded us on our flanks, confining Taliya, the Defense Minister, and myself in a bubble of black business suits. I decided to bring up something that was bugging me with Taliya.
"You do realize that the suit performed infinitely better than any standard equipment that we have out in the field. Talking five .45 ACP rounds at point-blank range, to the head no less, is nothing to dismiss."
The Minister shot me a glance. Surprise? Shock? Something along that. Insubordination was not something looked at kindly in the Federation.
Taliya instead chose to take it with a chuckle.
"Oh, I know, Cayden," she said. "But if I am going to equip all twenty million active combat personnel, maybe even all Aegis personnel, it better be the damn best armor it can be. I know that team has it in them. They wouldn't be where they are if they didn't. They'll get all the additional resources and working paws that they need to get it done, but it will get done."
I took all of the information as we continued down the length of ARC. The Minister and Taliya then broke off into a side conversation of their own. I think somewhere along the way they hopped on a conference call with the GC and HS Minister. It was time for the early morning national security briefing to occur. Taliya also placed me on the call, even though I was not supposed to be. I kept quiet. No real intelligence had been picked up insofar.
Taliya was continuing to work on her tablet. Gathering force depletion reports, managing resources, and choosing the best clients to lease some battalions.
My own device buzzed again.
Kayetlin: 'Loop just arrived. Just waiting for the servicemen to disembark
The app said that she was typing another message, but then it went away.
The morning had been gifted with some early-spring breeze. The mild temperatures had prompted Cedroc to don his thicker service uniform. He clutched it tightly over his body as he disembarked from his car, parked to the side of a car whose owner did not understand how to stay within the lines.
He passed dozens of other cars, some belonging to furs who were finishing up the graveyard shift, while others belonged to those who were just starting their own shift. The overlap made it harder to find a spot, but there was ample room. It would be rather ironic for the Transportation Ministry to run out of parking space.
Cedroc made his way past the other cards, eventually making it into the lobby of the large building. He then went over to the security checkpoint. After displaying his pass to one of the guards on duty, a Felonian, he was screened and went through a scanner. Nothing was picked up on him that was of interest. The only objects he had on his person were his card keys, wallet, and smartphone.
He then went over to the elevators and pressed the button for his floor, 43. Several other furs joined him on the ride up, some getting off while others waited for the floors above. There was a television display on towards the top of the right wall of the elevator, tuned to Federation News Network. The story the anchor was reporting on at the moment was about an education bill expected to pass through the Caskyan parliament.
The doors slid open. They allowed Cedroc to pass into a foyer with a reception desk in front of him which was staffed by two furs, Stella and Orin. The three of them exchanged a wordless greeting before Cedroc turned down the corridor on the right.
He passed several doors before arriving at the one he was looking for. After pressing his pass to a scanner adjacent to the door, Cedroc was able to pass into the Taipys Hyperloop Control Center. There were already ten or so furs manning stations that ranged from electric current management to coordinating staffing.
Several levels of terminals were arranged. Four in total. They all faced a wall roughly seven meters tall covered in gigantic electronic displays. All of them detailed some form of information pertinent to the metro system while the largest of them all was a live map showing the individual metro stations and the pods being carried through the various tubes. It was just about to be rush hour, so more pods were being activated.
Cedroc made his way over to his section, the largest there. He had a triple-display setup with a standard keyboard and mouse. A can of pens and a stack of paper were placed on the right paw side with a digital photograph display showing off a picture of a happy family. Two adult Felonians were smiling next to each other with several kits being carried in their arms. On his way to his desk, several of the thirty-two furs there noticed him. Some of them stood up and gave a salute out of a respect while some lonely voice shouted "Commander on deck!"
"All right, boys," Cedroc began. "Give me a sitrep. Any delays? Maintenance issues that should be brought to my attention?" He shifted his gaze across the room, scanning the faces standing in front of him.
Most who were paying attention responded with a mix of silence and head shakes, indicating nothing of note. Two other voices put words to those suspicions. Cedroc was content with that response.
"What transport pods are arriving at which stations, then? Come on, everybody, don't make this more boring than it already is." He got some chuckles back from that. Mostly brief ones, though.
With that, several operators began to give the daily rundown.
"Charlie-Foxtrot-Two is unloading at the Emerald District's station right on schedule before departing for Ruby."
"Tango-Hotel-Five and Golf-Kilo-One have arrived at Iridium and Cobalt respectively. The inter-Terrasteele line is about to arrive at Central."
After a couple more operators shouted their reports, Cedroc sat down at his computer before adding, "Oh, Azir, get that report from the HSM to me by lunch please!"
Cedroc heard a "Yes sir" from across the room.
"Good," he said before turning to the fur who sat on his right. "Emerton, how was the trip to Rashan with--"
"Commander," someone shouted from across the room. "I'm detecting an explosion at the station in Sapphire!"
Other voices joined in, adding to the chaos. "Same here for Platinum!" "Ruby!" "Explosion detected in Iridium!"
Cedroc's eyes widened to a degree beyond any in recent memory. Of course he had done drills concerning such events, and there have been smaller incidents, but as the reports continued to pour in over just a couple seconds, he knew this could become disastrous. He immediately turned to his phone and began dialling Aegis Central Command, Homeland Security, basically anyone who could pick up the line.
He shouted to the room, screaming "Halt all lines; lockdown and divert all intercity tubes!"
The room erupted as people ran back and forth. Papers flew about, but everyone was getting to work. No one was hyperventilating or staring off into the distance. They all were focused--inhumanly so--and getting to work. Every Aelmerian knew the possibility of terror attacks, especially now with how common they were becoming. Those in this very room understood, though, exactly what was at stake.
Another voice tried to pierce the noise. "Commander, sensors are picking up a--we have a confirmed biological agent in central station!"
Those words froze everyone in place. An isolated explosion is an emergency. Coordinated explosions are a catastrophe. Coordinated explosions utilizing biological weapons at the heart of the city's transportation system are a disaster, particularly with the incredible possibility of spreading.
Cedroc processed it for a minute while he stood perfectly still. "Fuck, initiate a full lockdown, and somebody get the damn Sentinel on the line!"