Crusader Part 7

Story by MagnumWolf2 on SoFurry

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#7 of Crusader

Energy cannons fire from the fleet of ships behind the moon of Korz, ships and power armor suits baring the curved seven are engaging the mystic and his allies, both sides aren't equal in number but the enemy carriers have deployed hundreds of power armor equipped units. From the Howl of Silver, the Gypse launches followed by one of Magnum's older suits, this one has a white, blue and gold coloration, triple boosters on the outer greeves as a thruster pack forces the suit forward, each shoulder baring a might maneuver thruster as a hefty power sword glows in it's right hand while a white beam submachine gun is in the grasp of the left, the helmet in a fixed angry glare... this is the Vector MK II.

Magnum opens a comm "All forces, unleash flak batteries to counter the power armors and target the carriers! Knights, what's your status?"

Derra and his squad close in and form up around the duo, their suits equipped with space booster packs to help them in the void with a few knights carrying particle cannons "We're ready for combat, let's show these heretics what it means to fight in glory!" his voice practically giving away the smirk on his face.

The mystic glares at the enemy fleet "Commence attack!"

On that all twelve of them zoom at the enemy force, the cult armors open fire with machine guns and autocannons with an occasional rocket from a magazine fed launcher, the Everglaive's knights absorb the projectiles thanks to their in built energy shields, returning with plasma and phaser weaponry while Magnum and the Gypse avoid the attack and providing their own counter to the assault with their beam submachine guns.

Magnum cleaves through two of the enemy armors in an arcing swing, both spark for a few seconds before their cores explode "We're outnumbered about a hundred to one when it comes to their power armors... too bad all they are using is junk."

A laugh escapes the hyena "You would think after the siege they would step up their game!", he fires his phaser which obliterates an enemy suit "Ah well, I guess they would rather get shredded."

The Gypse flanks around the hyena taking out a few suits with a sweep of beams, the connected a.i. gives a digital smirk "I don't know, the cults have been pretty aggressive over the past year, they maybe making advances to other worlds, how unlikely that may be overall."

The mystic says "I doubt that very much.", a cult mp-45 armed with a bazooka closes in, Magnum focuses his powers, in an eye-blink the air inside forces it's way out of the suit, decompressing it entirely "What would a cult want with a ball of ice? Besides the private military that Korz has would destroy these guys in a few hours. That means they are only after one thing..."

Derra cuts him off "Yeah... we're their objective." as he impales an enemy suit, he kicks it away "My sword arm could use the exercise." while blasting through another.

Two units deploy from the center carrier, they are roughly the size of shuttles but are zooming like interceptor craft, the exterior marked with the curved seven, on either side are two particle cannons, towards the front are two four barrel rotary machine cannons and what looks like two rows of missiles on the top.

The coyote says "Those are armor pods! ACAU/20-Anxer's to be be precise!" as she looks the detection data.

Magnum freezes for a moment 'Where did they get something like that?! It's a new model!!!'

The two armor pods close the distance, their mighty beam cannons firing at the knights as they spray their cannons with missiles firing and tracking them. The knights try to dodge but two of them get hit by the missiles with Magnum and the Gypse just barely making it, the pods split off with one heading to the fleet and the other moving to intercept the knights, it's machine cannons blaze and strafe a knight, the shields fail as the pod finishes it's pass but some of the rounds shred the shield generators with a round failing to penetrate the chest plate due to the armors density. The heavy armor pod comes swinging back around, the knights with particle cannons open fire to try to deal with it, the two shots hit the pod, two glance off but the third strikes home and destroys the weapon system on it's left side, the pod returns fire from all of it's remaining weapons.

Magnum contacts the coyote "Elvo, engage the other pod, we'll deal with this one!"

The a.i. has her automata give a nod and heads back to the fleet as the vector moves into intercept the pod, the mystic telling the knights to focus on the enemy fleet and that he'll deal with the pod, to which Derra acknowledges but has the damaged knight fall back for repairs. The vector zooms as it's beam submachine gun blazes, the mystic giving a battlecry as he closes in. The pod quickly maneuvers to where it can bring it's full arsenal to bare, with a quick areo-roll, the missiles impact one another while the mystic zooms to the side, he closes the distance, his sword cleaves into the shell as the beam weapon destroys one of the missile pods, the power sword drags across the entire top of the pod, sparks fly as the top explodes but the pod keeps moving to where it has the mystic in it's sights, the wolf growls as he goes forwards, the rotary guns and beams firing on him. Magnum does another aero move which cleaves through the rotary mounts before impaling the underside of the pod, the armor pod is heading towards the damaged knight, it's particle cannons fire, the knight gets hit dead center in the flight pack and generator system, the knight screams for a moment as his nerves fry and the suit explodes in hellfire.

Derra notices the life signs of the knight become a lost signal, he gives a glance to see the remnants of the explosion while Magnum cleaves the pod open, Derra becomes consumed with anger as he looks at the enemy fleet "FOR BROTHER TOVEROUS!!!" raising his sword.

The Gypse is circling around the second pod, Elvo delivering punishing blows with her beam submachines guns secondary fire mode, the pod suddenly turns to try to flank around her, Elvo quickly has the weapon go to her suits left hand, she has a beam saber come out of the torso of the machine, igniting in blue energy, as the pod passes she slices off one of the twin-particle cannons.

Elvo thinks 'They may be formidable machines, but their crews lack any training to make the machines effective.'

The automata dashes to the side, but the pods machine cannons open fire, the machine dodges at bone breaking speed, Elvo has the machine take it's shield and shoves it into where the particle cannons once were, the astro-machine goes to turn but the coyote opens fire, one of her shots hitting the group of back up power packs for the beam submachine, detonating and causing a chain reaction, destroying the pod entirely. The Howl of Silver fires it's two forward weapons, going through a decent number of the enemy power armors while point defense weapons flood the space around the fleet, blasts from Marouge's flagship lands some hits one an enemy carrier, her trained gunners making sure to avoid hitting the deployed knights.

Marouge looks at the battle with her scanning eyes "Report!"

A sonar operator replies "The flak and point defense barrier is keeping the suits at bay and the knights, Magnum and Elvo have dealt with those armor pods by the looks of it."

The vixen gives an understanding nod "And the enemy fleet?"

A comms operator sounds "One of the enemy ships has sustained major damage, the Everglaive has boarded the center ship while Magnum and Elvo are tackling the third."

The sonar officer reports "The power armors seem to be heading to the boarded ships."

Porralla steps forward as her fiance voices "They wish to corner the knights? It's their funeral if they do so. Lessen flak to conserve ammunition, only fire if missiles are deployed."

The weasel looks to the three cult ships, the ship to the far left explodes, finally falling to it's wounds, her gaze go to the two remaining ships, all she can hope for now was hope that their allies were okay as they performed their duties.

Magnum's suit and Elvo's automata smash their way through the carrier, the vectors smg having run dry and now stored on the backpack and now he only had his power sword to use and Elvo's ranged weapon wasn't far behind, it's energy capacity almost drained.

The automata cleaves through an enemy suit "The main reactor is just up ahead!"

The mystic says "We should be deep enough inside for me to use my beam attack with risking the ship decompressing, get ready to fall back and link up with the knights!"

The automata nods, the front portion of the vectors helmet opens, Magnum opens his mouth and fires his beam, vaporizing everything it hits, the attack eventually reaches the main reactor, causing it to overload instantly as explosions begin to stake place around the ship. The wolf finishes his beam, the helmet goes back to a closed position and the two units quickly flee the doomed ship cutting through a few suits of power armor on the way out and seconds later the carriers mid-section explodes. The mystic and automata quickly zoom to the last ship, hoping to link up with the knights. The knights however were doing just fine, vengeance guided their attacks as they sought retribution for their lost brother in arms, Derra charging at the front with his helmet off, sword and phaser slaying whatever they touched, particle beams tear their way through the ships interiror as blasters make short work of any enemies, armored or not, one of them stomping a cultist to paste while another bashes an enemy into the wall with a solid punch. The cultists keep firing their slug throwers, none of them getting through the powerful shields of the Everglaive, not even touching the hard armor shell with even grenade launchers and the small rocket launchers having no effect as the nine knights crush everything in their path.

The hyena says "You will all be crushed under our boots, you are staring in the face of death! In the name of our order, none of you will last!"

A wheeled autocannon is put in place by the enemy force, ready for the knights, however a cold wisp of air gets their attention, they turn to see the door to their side being encased in ice, one of them cries out "ANUBIS!!!" as the door explodes in metal in ice shards, shredding the cultists. The armored mystic and automata step through the open passage way as the knights make their way around the corner, Magnum puts the sword away, breaking the autocannon mount and now holding it in the graps of his powered hands.

Derra takes the sight in "So, you do use heavy weapons?" with humorous smirk, but signs of his rage are still very much in his features.

Magnum glances to him "Only when it works or makes sense... hence why I started work on the buster rifle.", he charges the weapon "Let's finish these heretics off!"

The reunited group continue their purge, the blaze of the 25mm autocannon making it's way across the ship as energy weapons from the others continue to lay waste to their targets, behind the mystics helm, his cold gaze never flinches, eyes scanning almost like the targetor of a combat drone which contrasts Derra's look of ferocity and heated glare in open space. A massive exo-suit armed with industrial drills comes charging at them, the mystic quickly flips the autocannon around, grabbing it by the barrel and swings it like a war hammer, the blow sundering the exo's plates and crushing the user instantly while autocannon shatters almost like glass, the exo goes flying back and crashes into a wall, severely denting it in. The mystic ditches the barrel as a swarm of cultists charge the group, Magnum gives a cold smirk, the walls suddenly freeze over with powerful wind zooming towards the horde, some stop and panic while others give in to their zeal and continue to charge, only for the ice and freezing wind to consume them before a second greater gust comes and shatters them along with the outer area of the walls themselves, the group eyes the display as the wolf draws his sword once more and they continue their advance. Eventually Magnum suggests using his beam attack to finish the ship off, however Derra counters by saying he wishes to purge the ship through sheer combat, leading the wolf to inform the hyena he should wear his helmet as he'll end up decompressing various sections of the ship with aid from his powers, bulkheads are blown out, glass pointed to the void froze and shattered and demolition charges crippling sub-systems.

Over a span of a couple of hours, the group slowly purges the carrier with no remorse or respite, turning the beast of steel into a tomb one deck at a time as weapons fire dwindles from the cults guns, the reinforcing suits of power armor while slowing them down go down fairly quickly, often with Magnum simply decompressing their suits in a vacuum if not engaging in close combat. Now only the bridge remained, Derra and Magnum at the front with Elvo's machine just behind them, both of her beam sabres at ready, the mystic knows that the hyena would like to clean out the bridge by combat, so he'll have to avoid decompressing the room at all or even freezing it. On the other side of the door, the cultists make ready, three .50 caliber machine guns are aimed at the massive twin doors, rocket launchers and assault rifles with armor-piercing rounds, meanwhile technicians are erasing the onboard drives.

The massive doors suddenly give and come at the cultists thanks to a powerful gust with ice being where the doors were connected, crushing a few of them, the knights storm in with everything they have, the mystic using his maneuver thrusters to quickly close in on the heavy weapon teams, the Gypse taking out the few exos as the Everglaive slowly grinds the remaining cultists to dust. With the battle over, salvage operations begin to take place, though many wonder if they would be better off just leaving the destroyed enemy forces to drift as given the amount of damage the knights had done.


Derra is onboard the Howl of SIlver with the remaining members of his squad, thinking about Toverous's death, how the enemy simply decided to shoot him in the back, it wasn't a new tactic by any means nor a unique death, it angered him because he has served with Toverous since they were new recruits like the rest of his squad, up til now none of them had suffered such a close loss, for once the hyena didn't have his upbeat yet sharp attitude, he was seething with grief, he had delivered retribution on behalf of his fallen friend... it will take time for him to process it. Everyone can tell at glance how much anger and pain he was in, even with all those bionics, the hyena still had a heart and soul, the mystic understood his pain to a degree, many knights from different orders had earned his respect and admiration and were comrades and seeing them fall in battle valiantly or not always struck a cord, however he had never taken a blow like this.

Derra finally looks at Magnum "How did the enemy locate us?" with his arms crossed.

The mystic says "It is possible that a cell on the planet saw us and relayed our position."

Elvo pulls up some data "It is certainly possible, however there are no known cults operating on Korz or anywhere in this system. We did see atmospheric gunships in the hangers, it is possible that the cults thought they could launch a planetary invasion."

The hyena says "But that would be a suicidal mission!"

Magnum cuts in "It would be no different if they attacked a knight homeworld or a well established empire, which has happened numerous times, they belief if they martyr themselves they'll gain some form of renown in the after life. Let's not forget that the cults that use the curved seven have proven to be fanatical in the extreme and fighting them has proven difficult, I've spent weeks or even months just clearing out strongholds on converted worlds... they know they are outmatched, but once you through zeal into the mix they'll believe they have a chance at victory, no matter how slim."

The coyote shakes her head "Heck, we still don't know the dogma or what deity they worship that warrants such behavior."

The wolf looks to the a.i. "Any sighs of communications that can relate to this?"

Elvo says "I can run a full scan on local communications, but the cults often use frequencies we can't detect."

Magnum sighs "Contact Marouge, maybe she and her forces can aid us in this? Knowing her, she'll look at every communication sent out and received from her fleet, she prefers to keep a clean charge and kick out whatever doesn't work.", he looks at the screen depicting the armor pods they encountered "Also... where did they acquire these? They are new models that were just put on the market a month ago and we suddenly encounter two of them!" his features becoming frustrated.

Derra can see the mystics own irritation, he also wanted to have answers for that, there is no way those could end up in the enemies hand so quickly, either someone donated them or they stolen.... whatever the case, there was doubt that they would encounter such pods again, all the others they know about are part of official armies or well established private military companies, not even the knight orders would use them unless they were deemed worth the investment and hassle and even then they were typically older models as there would be far more parts available.


Nara was now frightened that she would be discovered, while she did see the loss of the knight play out, the armor pods were lost in the fighting and whatever was left Magnum claimed for salvage and no real damage was inflicted anywhere else. She was hoping a far bigger force would come, that the her enemies would become swamped, instead it was a force the mystic and Everglaive could easily counter. But now she had to be careful, there was no way she could send out another transmission without getting the mystics attention and she couldn't create a cult on the ship with getting the sane result... she was stuck and had no idea what to do.

Nara scoffs 'Why can't we get people who know what they are doing? Those pods if given a proper crew and support would have crushed the knights and our mystic pest!', she tries to get a hold of herself 'Okay, don't panic... but I'm now on borrowed time even though they can't trace my comm unit more then likely. I have no choice, even if it means I have to go in the vents and hide like a rat, I need to do what I have to if this is going to work. I won't let Magnum disrupt my plan, not again!'

Len enters the room, he looks to Nara and he says "You should know, that Marouge is conducting a full investigation throughout the fleet by Magnum's request... in other words she will discover you and we'll likely drop you off on the planet below." with his arms crossed.

The grey vixen looks to him, she was shorter on time then she had thought "Is there a way you can hide me?"

The captain gives a sigh "If I try to hide you and you are found, I could face a lot of repercussions. Remember, if you are caught or anything of the like I would treat you like a stowaway."

Nara quickly thinks of something, she needed a little more time and keep an eye on where the mystic was going, she decides to try to pull on her charm "But I haven't been caught being on this ship hon.", she gives a little more sway to her walk "I'm sure you can think of some way to keep me a board?" flashing a feminine smile as she adds emphasis to her breasts and rear.

A blush forms on Len's face, he knows if he gets caught by either his superior or the mystic they'll have his head, but Nara's company and... services, have helped him over the voyage. The vixen changes her position slightly to where she's seductively looking him while tilting her head gently, he gives into her charm and reveals where he hides a cache of spirits that he installed himself. Now that Nara has her hiding place, she can still trail the mystic, but she needs to come up with a plan she can execute at a moments notice.


Za'vara is studying the chest, now that she was no longer in an armored pod for battle reasons, she can resume her work, the mystic enters the room and walks over to her.

The vixen says "I have translated the text and it is interesting indeed." as she taps her chin.

Magnum folds his arms "How so?" with a raised eyebrow.

Za'vara looks to him "The chest talks about from what I can tell, a prophecy. It speaks that the Mytsic race will return during the universes darkest hour. This chest contains a key that'll bridge our universe with theirs once more... in theory, but it also speaks that a new age will come, one that will be determined by a powerful clash of powers, either a future of light and hope or one of darkness and despair."

The mystic says "A doomsday prophecy? I have heard those a million times, they never come true." as he rolls his eyes.

Za'vara says "This one may well come true, the mystics created everything and can destroy everything just as easily. If this is coming to the forefront it means that the end could really be upon us, you are a mystic in the flesh, if you are here then that already means it has started! The clock is ticking down and everything could very well be reaching it's end date."

Magnum sighs "According to myth, besides I've fought foes that are about as powerful as I am and I have defeated them every single time."

The vixen shakes her head and decides to move on "The hammer on the other hand, is a powerful weapon. It speaks of it's wielder long ago, a mystic by the name of Prov'ka the Earthshaker, the markings speak of many past battles she took part in, the most notable one speaks of a massive rift where her forces took on demons and monsters."

The mystic says "How it it notable?" as he gazes to the hammer.

Za'vara puts on a smile "Because, when the fighting was over the sector was devoid of life entirely."

Magnum looks to her "You think that it is where we ran the trace too?" earning a nod from the vixen, he looks to the hammer and chest as he thinks, it was true that no ships have come and gone from that sector of space and no scans showed any sign of activity that would point to life being present at all, he looks to her and he says "Alright, now we need to try to get this chest open, but what about the stained glass?"

Za'vara brings the puzzle up on a screen "It's been quite a challenge so far, Elvo and I have reconstructed about a quarter of it, but it has yielded any answers yet do to the fragmentation of the glass.", she looks to him "But do we really need it? The chest is translated."

The mystic says "I don't want to be caught off guard, if the glass reveals any more it needs to be found. And on top of that this may well require I focus all effort on the prototypes and my studies.", he looks to the vixen "If this does lead to a massive crusade we will need to be ready."


Derra and his knights are back aboard their strike cruiser, the hyena deep in thought over the days events, but he thinks back to his past, how when he arrived at the door step of the Everglaive as a broken early teen, how he was a theif and that he had become shunned. He remembers a younger Master Koress standing in front of him with other youths at his side, accused and convicted of various crimes, how they were at the techno-knights mercy. Needless to say they took the knight on his offer, those that he stood with became Derra's friends and squad mates, they had been reforged together to become one of the most feared things ever created, turned from grim and dirt into the image of a knight, a figure of honor, duty and zeal, they had all found their purpose together as brothers in arms.

The hyena does a quick report on the battle, typing in that Toverous was killed in action but doesn't give any details, he wanted others to think that he fought to the bitter end instead of what transpired. So far Elvo and Marouge haven't found anything yet and going through the wrecks hasn't yielded anything either. He heads to the armory, he looks to the empty space where Toverous's suit once was as he walks to his suit, his gaze meets the suits, he can practically feel the spirit of the armor itself sharing the same feeling he did... he was hoping this would lead to a crusade, to destroy those behind all of this.


Porralla steps onto the Howl of Silver, pushing a cart with a tray and dishes with Marouge close behind her, given the tension from recent events, they figured a home-cooked meal instead of rations would ease everyones nerves with the knights of the Everglaive coming soon... all with Magnum's allowance of course. They all sit down and save for Elvo, they all feast on homemade macaroni and cheese and filet mignon and some refined coffee to wash it all down, it was a pleasant morale booster, Elvo then sees something she hadn't seen in a while, a smile forming on the mystics face, not one from a successful expirement or discovery, but one from the company and the celebration, with even Derra's mood changing and even giving a toast and farewell to their lost friend despite the pain still lingering in his heart. The feast soon finishes up with Magnum assisting with the dishes with help from his powers, the display of wind and water mesmorizing to watch, the knights soon disembark after thanking the ladies for the food and Magnum being a host, but the weasel and vixen decide to stay a little longer, to which the mystic informs them of what they have discovered and that he'll send reports to Derra later.

Marouge says "So, you are saying we could be facing armageddon?" while crossing her arms.

Porralla becomes wide eyed at the news "But you are also saying that the Mystic race could be returning?"

The mystic sighs "If this chest does contain what links our world to theres and the gateway seems to lay somewhere in the Reaper Sector, if our enemy is up to something that requires covering such an event or information up, it means that it'll require connecting that bridge."

Elvo cuts in "We theorize that the cults maybe stagging a major incursion, one that could threaten this extire galaxy, which would likely explain how aggressive they have become."

The weasel and vixen feel a chill run down their spine, they had only heard tales of the cosmic horrors that the knights and Magnum have faced, now to hear that they may end up facing such beings is terrifing.

Magnum says "To help face the potential threat, I'm going to focus most of my attention on upgrades and the prototypes I've been working on, we're going to have to pull out all the stops just in case."

The mystic suddenly feels a shock hit his heart, Elvo noticing the spike in his vitals instantly, a second later the three ladies notice something was now off, the coyote double checking the time index, the mystics medication was waring off, the mystic can feel his emotions kicking in, the fear and pain as he freezes.

Porralla slowly approaches him "Magnum, are you okay? with concern.

Elvo made sure the drone were ready to contain him should he snap, but the mystic was still trying to keep his emotions in check, that was one thing Magnum had when the situation called for it, willpower. The weasel can see he was upset, the anguish in his eyes, she just didn't know what triggered it all of a sudden, the two vixen were also showing signs of worry, seeing the calculating and silent mystic just breaking down in front of them.

Magnum thought about what Elvo had been trying to teach him, if there was a time to try to show a sense of trust this was it, he looks to each of them and he says "N-No, I'm not... I haven't been okay for a long time actually." his ears going back.

Porralla blinks as the others become stunned at the news, she gets closer to him "Is there anything we can do?"

Magnum can feel tears breaking through, he knew it was only a matter of time before the medication wore off completely "I don't know how this sounds... b-but can you please, h-hug..."

Without a second thought the weasel embraces him "Of course Magnum, of course I'll give you a hug."

The mystic gently hugs her as he begins to cry, his emotions breaking through, Porralla gently helps him to the ground, craddling him as the two vixens get closer, Marouge kneels and pulls both into an embrace of her own, Elvo was sad to see her brother in pain, but she was happy to see him open upen up like this, he was finally showing others his emotions. But the three other women were still in the dark, they had no idea why he had broken down and out of no where none the less. Za'vara decides to kneel and join in to show her support, all three women were now holding onto him, to them this was one heck of a show a trust.

It was about that time all four of them saw Magnum's markings do something, static in the color of pure white sparking across them.

To be continued...