[Dolphinsanity, Passer-By] A Meditation on Water

Gift from dolphinsanity and passer_by, gallery link: https://dolphinsanity.sofurry.com/ the dragon meditates atop a grey stone at the shore. he sits above the sands by only a meter, yet his position is elevated in more than height.

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A Day With No Tide (excerpt)

Maraiya often walked along the shore of asharia's sea in the mornings, watching the sunlight from behind her reflected in the water, whether crashing vigorously against the sands or--as it was today--lapping gently at the shore.

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Land Bridge Part One

I had guessed they had started out about five miles off shore from us, but they seemed to be getting closer.

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How it Ends.

The first semester, nobody came, but even so, khaesho held his nightly vigil at the shore, watching the stars turn.

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Children of the Earth and Sky 9 - The Ones Who Protect

_ the kaprosuchus lumbered off back to the swamp, leaving the three reptiles to stand on the shore next to the fiendish corpse as fayne gazed around him.

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The Night the Stars Fell - Preview

Seems like we could pull right up to the shore if the water remains deep enough," the captain said, pocketing the spyglass and nodding to the first mate regarding the wheel.

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Dreams and Musings: Manta

One night, as the boy began to fall asleep on the shore, mysterious cries to wake him. glowing lights could be seen from far of, gently coming in to shore. the boy knew it was the manta.


Karyu's Story - The Way the River Flows

Akai steps up, "i'll head back with them, once i get to shore i'll get back up..." from the ship that attacked them, about five soldiers landed on their ship. they had black gi, pants and tabi, with red armor, gold helmets.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1

._ a salty sea breeze wafted from the washing tide, the waves splashing along the rocky shores and the thick masts anchored into the bedrock.

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Now, it's just me, alone, quiet, thinking of you by the shore, forever drinking of sweet water.


Chapter 10 - Blood Lust Part 1

Leo made it to the shore and placed the kid safely away from the shores edge before backing up a little to allow the kid to gather his surroundings. the kid kept his eyes closed while leo was holding him only to open them up when he felt the ground.

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 4

He pushed towards the shore, one beat at a time, his breathing became shallow pants punctuated by roars of pain when he beat his wings beneath the water.

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