The Victor's Cup - Chapter 3: Showmanship

#3 of the victor's cup written by twistedsnakes commissioned by cryptic796, mudkipz9, slyartisticbeast, teryxc, tywolfeee, and witch_of_the_wilds there was an air of tension and anticipation in the audience as they chattered amongst themselves.

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The Victor's Cup - Chapter 1: The Tithing

#1 of the victor's cup written by twistedsnakes commissioned by cryptic796, mudkipz9, slyartisticbeast, teryxc, tywolfeee, and witch_of_the_wilds thousands of registration booths had been set up all across the nation of osceus.

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[Dolphinsanity, Passer-By] A Meditation on Water

The dragon meditates atop a grey stone at the shore. He sits above the sands by only a meter, yet his position is elevated in more than height. Legs crossed and wings spread, he presides over this place at the boundary between sea and shore, and...

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[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 5: A New Offensive

Teryx took a deep breath as he felt the link between him and the other mages of the Order open up. Magic rushed into him as it always did, so much that he had to fight to keep from being flooded with it rather than straining for more. The rain dragon...

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[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 4: Assassin's Thoughts

Havok hadn't had a home for years. So, when the camp became his home, he didn't know how to handle it. The white dragon paced back and forth in front of the map tent, armored gloves clasped behind his back as he grumbled under his breath, his boots...

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[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 2: Recruiting the Ice Mage

The rain dragon appeared in the middle of the encampment without issue, something he never thought he'd be able to say. Teleportation was so much easier when he was able to tap into the power of other, inactive mages. But he had little time to think...

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[Draconicon] Beta-Testers, Chapter 8: Growing Problems

_7 days after the Guild Invasion..._ Sarah grunted as the lioness pulled herself up the tattered remnants of the stone staircase, shaking her head as she looked up towards the top. The wall around the city of Dalia was...not in the best of shape,...

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The Victor's Cup - Chapter 2: Preparations

#2 of the victor's cup written by twistedsnakes commissioned by cryptic796, mudkipz9, slyartisticbeast, teryxc, tywolfeee, and witch_of_the_wilds candles lit up the dark hallways of the tithing' villa, casting sombre shadows of potted plants and stone statues

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The Victor's Cup - Chapter 5: The Endgame (Mild Version)

#6 of the victor's cup written by twistedsnakes commissioned by cryptic796, mudkipz9, slyartisticbeast, teryxc, tywolfeee, and witch_of_the_wilds a city stood in the middle of a barren desert.

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