Operation Snowpoint
The azurill says all bubbly, as he moves his tail upward to drape across the vap's back. "so what's the game plan today, cascade?" the buizel asks.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1
"oh dad," replied the little azurill. "you think we'd miss you leaving port this time? we never get to see you take off!" little jakey the azurill was alluding to how the brothers normally give farewell to their father.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 2
The once marill and azurill tykes had grown up to become dashing sailors, with quite a reputation already developing in their nicknames: black top jacob and white top james.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal
The two azumarill brothers turned into a marill and azurill, being clutched up in their father's arms once again. "dad, i missed you so much!" cried out jake. "me too, dad. we all missed you," added jim. the maverick smiled as he let his boys go.