Mazes and Micros

A new game group forms to try out a rare table top rpg! but no sooner than the game starts than the players find themselves shrunken down and running around on the game map. well...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7

His inner thoughts instinctively understood, but all coherancy was lost as the rpg exploded against the side of the vehicle.

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Archie and Lu

Ever hear of rpg ii? nope, not role playing game, it's report program generator. how 'bout basic, fortran, cobol, pascal? used in science and business, before bill gates made microsoft, before linus torvalds made linux.

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Finding yourself. pt. 1 a realization.

He was the one usually surrounded bu the girls which were attracted mainly to his loner stage attitude and his signature m-shaped bang hair do which looked much like that of a character from a human rpg game. one of the many things he was into.

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Aftermath - Reunion

You dashed from the rock shortly before someone landed an rpg on it. i thought the explosion had taken you out, but miraculously you appeared sprinting out of the smoke and dust.

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Vor-tual Reality

It was a rather dull day, the kind where the skies are dull and gloomy and, when it's not raining, the ground is muddy and mucky; a day that a specific dalmatian had been planning to spend quality holiday season time with his friends. But it looked...

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Sara's date with a wolf.

A bit of background: i wrote this with another person on a rpg site it was at the time meant to be interactive slightly i wright some paragraphs and then ask for input regarding how to proceed. because she had to wait for each posting to continue i had to


A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining

The chopper shook violently as an rpg struck us. "crap,hudson yelled,everybody jump!" i slung my mk-48 over my shoulder and jumped,rolling into the side of a shipping container as i hit the deck. "john,issac yelled,look out!"

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Arora: The Hungry Wolves Chapter One

At first, it was just going to be a short story for a few friends in an rpg group we belonged to. however, every time i would go to the story more ideas would add themselves to the story.

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True Blue

A proud hunter for his village (and my character in a new ff-rpg tabletop game i'll be playing with said traitorous fox.) comming across an old acquaintance for a test of skill. blue magic's a hell of a drug. mature for implied nudity.

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A Hero's Tale

\*bang bang\* one down \*bang bang\* a guy on the roof top loading another rpg falls to the ground.? rage takes over me as i look at the spot where johnson once stood.

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The Modern Huntress

She picked up a couple of video games for him as well; one a modern game of nautical warfare and the second an old school fantasy rpg. a third gift came from ashley's mystery. not that ashley left it much of a mystery.

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