Hell on Earth. Chapter 17
Rave complained, "it's been nice, just me and you, it can wait 'til after pumpkin carving, yeah?"
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 1
If she had to take a guess, the girl was at least seven weeks along, maybe more, and once you pass the nine week mark, you just blow right up like a prize-winning pumpkin. bethany counted to five again and looked down at her own plate, barely touched.
Thirteen Karmic Tales: Tenth Tale
Once the street lamps were out of sight there was only the flames from the pumpkins to light the way. the side yard was decorated with styrofoam tombstones, cotton spider webs and plastic bones. kickaha had to admit...
Lost with Life Chapter 2
There were also a few pumpkins growing near the tree. he wondered if anyone was really living up there. "hello?" he said, loudly and clearly. he got no response. link began walking away down the path when he got no response, until he heard something.
Fiji Or Bust
A vegetarian samosa is made of harvested pumpkin, vegetables, potato and tamarind sauce. once teams finish it, they must carry their empty plate outside and run 100 meters north to the checkpoint. last team there could be cut from the race.
Change of Pace (Chapter 1)
"try all you want, pumpkin." she said. "i designed that myself. there's no way for you to get out of it." trevor smirked and pushed the button on the buckle. nothing happened. the lioness simply chuckled to herself and began to drive.
The Sleepover
You're mommy's pumpkin pants now, but even baby boys grow up." she kissed each of his cheeks. "love you, baby." "love you, mommy." he mumbled.
Crepuscule Rondo
The blood lantern exploded in a wave of warm fluid and pumpkin husk. nauv moved like the wind beside him, spinning and sprinting and kicking.
Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 2, Dinner and Champagne
"the parmesean and pumpkin dumplings? ah, yes, a finer choice." the two shared a chuckle. vinyl was _sure_ they both thought her to be mentally incapable or something. she just grimaced and pouted, looking back up to lyra.
Starvation Diet (Pt.1)
To find a stop for a snack and coffee before finishing the trip to her grandparents' house, where the family's thanksgiving would take place; a smile formed as she fantasized of the treats she would indulge in, including her grandfather's wondrous spiced pumpkin
Hell on Earth. Chapter 13
Rap brightened, "maybe we'll meet some girls when we go pumpkin carving? maybe you'll meet someone if you do your work in the library. i'm good at reading auras, i'll help you find a girlfriend. anything but a suckie!"
Painful Solitude Ch.3
His mother had baked pumpkin cookies, under the impression that zane was staying over, and the house held the fresh aroma of baking. when the doorbell rang, alex pulled the front door open, a smile plastered to his face.