Forgotten Ch. 5
sorry x.x again lol x.x stupid early bed time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked up the cemented walkway I knew what was coming. My mother and father would be angry as soon as I walked inside that door....
Forgotten Ch.4
sorry i cant edit this very well right now bed time x.x soz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrapping the towel around my hair I sat on the couch in his living room and waited as he had told me...
Forgotten Ch. 3
sorry i cant edit theses very well x.x its my bed time so i dont have the time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disoriented I stretched and felt Jase next to me. Pulling...
Forgotten Ch. 2
coments and criticism please and thank youz =] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my mind was dazed and i couldn't help but keep my thoughts focused on him. my only desire then was to be with...
With the T.V blaring I was laying on a worn down copper colored couch. The fabric was soft to the touch but after awhile everything loses its feel. Foods no longer seem to tease at my tongue leaving what little pleasure there is to the sense of touch....
Forgotten Ch. 6
Sorry For the Very much delayed chapter. ill try working on 7 today/tomorrow. please tell me if the recovered version is as interesting as the previous chapters. thanks a lot guys and...
Cat house chapter 3
(( here's chapter three to the storys hope you all enjoy)) Saitou merely turned and watched as she walked into the kitchen and tilted his head a bit as he crossed his arms and stepped out of her room "Something is up, I may be old but I am...
Aeden and Yuki
.\* ' looks like im more of a support character'\* she fired of another arrow this time hitting one directly in the heart\* gottcha \*then a shiver went up her spine and her ears went down as her tail wrapped around her waist\* " nice shot neko" \*the leader
Part: 6 Disaster In Motion
His mind wandered slightly before he fell into an uneasy slumber, silver, the neko village, devidra, the angel brothers, beelzebub even, yet this new foe that was able to create such horrific monsters and had been locked away and hidden on earth by those in
Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?
Don't lose anything" spoke miken as aide picked up a large statuette of a lucky neko. then they heard footsteps outside the door.
Nymph (part 1)
I'm looking up at the sky watching the birds fly wishing I could join them, but I look down at my injured wing saying to myself--- "Why do I fight so much? Is it for my survival? Or is it that I love the thrill of a fight?" I sigh "I really need to...
Neko Mimi 5- Copy, Cut, Delete
The newest chapter of the neko mimi story. it's time to find this clone and show her what the true aerilla can do! "something about this doesn't feel right, s.a.r.a."