Forgotten Ch. 5

Story by Seraph Fox on SoFurry

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sorry x.x again lol x.x stupid early bed time.

As I walked up the cemented walkway I knew what was coming. My mother and father would be angry as soon as I walked inside that door. No loving caress or worried words of where I had been. All that was left for my in this house were the harsh words of odium and resentment that I was even there. Jase was right I should have just stayed with him. I was tempted to go back to the pain that had felt so good. My life has been drenched in misery and absolute abhorrence from my family. I was the blemish in their lives.

Stopping with my hand resting on the front door I thought how easy it would be to just leave. How much strain would be taken out of my life. How I could easily just go live with Jase."Kyra! Get in this house now." I heard my father's deep voice shout as he ripped the door open and yanked on my wrist pulling me inside. Hissing as pain rippled through my arm I knew my wrist we sprained and badly. Hugging it close to my stomach I turned to look at my father. As our eyes met a sharp crack sounded and my cheek burned with pain. "Do not look at me with those disgusting eyes." Rounding his step he made his way to the sofa and sat down. With a face devoid of any emotion I walked past my family in the living room with downcast eyes. They had beaten me into submission before and I would not go through that again.

Reaching my room at the end of the hall I stepped in and closed the door behind me. Waiting to hear the solid click of the lock I clenched my teeth as a wave of pain shot through my arm. I went to dig the first aid kit from my closet. Stepping over the bean bag I stumbled and had to stop to balance myself. Gingerly I opened my closet door with my left hand and brushed passed the clothes to pull out the small kit in the back. Sitting on my bed I opened the container and saw that it had been emptied. Closing my eyes I let my anger and frustration fizzle down. Sighing I got up and stepped over to my dresser and pulled out an old shirt. Tearing it I wrapped up my hand with the cloth to set it a bit. I'd have to get another sprain wrap from the store.

Gingerly I changed into sleeping clothes and crawled into my bed pulling the blankets up after me. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand I opened the text inbox and noticed he had already sent me a message. Smiling despite the pain in my wrist I replied. Setting my phone down I had told him goodnight and I knew I couldn't last even a 30 minute texting conversation. Slowly I felt my eyes close and the tug of sleep pulled me into the depths of slumber I so badly needed.