epitaph of a sacrafice

have you ever......? it feels like its been a long time. feels like never has finally arrived. now we must depart and there is a chance we may never see eachother again. my heart aches as tears flow from my eyes. you dont smile or cry you just watch....

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Ruegers Flight Dedication

A feeling of being weightless. Stiring the air around to lift yourself higher. The power to leave your body behind. Clouds silently lay beneath your touch while open sky is spread overhead. wings carry you higher towards the stars. you reach space and...


Forgotten Ch. 5

sorry x.x again lol x.x stupid early bed time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked up the cemented walkway I knew what was coming. My mother and father would be angry as soon as I walked inside that door....

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Forgotten Ch.4

sorry i cant edit this very well right now bed time x.x soz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrapping the towel around my hair I sat on the couch in his living room and waited as he had told me...

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Forgotten Ch. 3

sorry i cant edit theses very well x.x its my bed time so i dont have the time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disoriented I stretched and felt Jase next to me. Pulling...

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Forgotten Ch. 2

coments and criticism please and thank youz =] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my mind was dazed and i couldn't help but keep my thoughts focused on him. my only desire then was to be with...

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Lost Cause Ch. 2

I forgot to say in the first chapter but if you wouldn't mind please post your comments and criticism thank...

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With the T.V blaring I was laying on a worn down copper colored couch. The fabric was soft to the touch but after awhile everything loses its feel. Foods no longer seem to tease at my tongue leaving what little pleasure there is to the sense of touch....

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Lost Cause

I awoke to the sound of falling rain and pulled the blanket up over my head. putting my ears back i growled quietly as my dream slipped yet again from my grasp. sighing I felt the coldness start to seep through and gave a finnal shudder before...

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The End: Death

just a little something. if you feel like knowning the "before" message me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time passed slowly under the glimmer of the stars. It had been so long since I last...

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Forgotten CH 7

i hope nobody hates me for this chapter!!! please be nice but i cant live with this charcter any more x.x please tell me what you think of this sudden...

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Forgotten Ch. 6

Sorry For the Very much delayed chapter. ill try working on 7 today/tomorrow. please tell me if the recovered version is as interesting as the previous chapters. thanks a lot guys and...

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