Lost Cause

Story by Seraph Fox on SoFurry

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I awoke to the sound of falling rain and pulled the blanket up over my head. putting my ears back i growled quietly as my dream slipped yet again from my grasp. sighing I felt the coldness start to seep through and gave a finnal shudder before throwing the covers back. Grimacing i quickly stepped over to my dresser and pulled out a faded blue shirt and an old pair of ripped jeans. looking across my bed and out the window i could just see the rays of sunlight hitting the tips of the trees making them glow with the nights rain. smiling i knew today was going to end with pleasure. shivering one last time i pulled my door open and stepped into the dimly lit hallway. bouncing from foot to foot i jogged down the tile hallway to the bathroom. pushing on the door i slipped inside and and sighed as my feet were encompassed in the warmth of a deep bathroom rug. placing my clothes on the edge of the sink i slipped out of the night clothes i had worn and put them in the hamper.brushing the shower curtian away i fixed the water on hot and brushed my tail in anticipation.

stepping into the shower i whined as i felt the rush of hot water across my cool skin. wraping my arms around my waist i stepped further into the pour of water. letting my hair soak i grabbed the shampoo and poured a bit into my hand. shivering at the cool sensation i gently rubbed it into my tail fur. my enjoyment was interupted by a loud banging on the door. " Senri! hurry up! i need a ride." my ears laid back in irratation at my brothers urgent beckoning. quickly i rubbed shampoo into my hair and smoothed the soap over my ears. rinsing i grabbed the conditioner bottle and rappidly washed and rinsed in cold water.

shutting the water off i stood shivering in the tub for a moment. stepping out of the shower i grabed a baby blue towle from the rack and dried off. feeling warmer then i was i grabbed the clothes and put them on. wraping the towle around my hair i opened the door and almost ran into my brother. im standing at 5' 6" and my brother stands at 6 foot. looking up at Wils i pushed him back into the hall. "give me a moment or i wont take you at all Wils".

walking back down the hall to my room and grabbed the keys to my plymouth breeze parked out front. brushing back my still damp hair i grabbed a light jacket and and turned to leave my room for the rest of the day.