
It tasted different than the water on their planet, as they had different minerals running through their soil, but it soaked both of her dry throats. once the glass was empty and stowed in its upright position on the table.

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Infamy - Chapter 2

The cliff face was filled with all sorts of minerals, but they must have not been minerals that furs cared for that much, as nobody would just ignore it otherwise.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 8)

She was a miner, you see. now, there weren't many women miners back then, so maybe i need to back up some..." after about two minutes of this tale, annie rose. "excuse me, but could you tell me where your rest room is?" "of course, madam."

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Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p1

His torn miner clothing and gray fur kept his injuries from sight, but chase knew better than to think he wasn't harmed. "what happened here?" chase asked, "is he ok?"

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D.E1 Chapter 72: Into the bowels

Looking down, he saw the beautiful stars, as the mineral waste was swallowed mercilessly by them. sound soon became fainter as the air was also drawn from the place.

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History Lesson 9

I have the power to have the miners find it for me. i have the command to bring outsiders here faster than ever before. i have the lust to have those beneath my concern fear me." "you'll kill us all!" tik tik says.

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Goin' Camping

Angel maneuvered herself near the fire and we sat there in comfortable silence for a while watching the occasional flame lick across the glowing rock as some mineral oxidized on its surface.

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The Curtain of Stars (a Tale of Furry Spaceflight)

Astronomers had long known that the solar system was rich in exploitable mineral resources, if only it were possible to reach them.


The Hype Industries Super Clones Instruction manual

Any thing packed with vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients mean a good choice for starting super clone parents. other than eating right, staying fit is also a great choice for your super clones.

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RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!

Crystallokinesis...manipulate minerals and crystals 41. cytokinesis...manipulate cells 42. datakinesis....manipulate data 43. dendrokinesis... manipulate wood 44. dermakinesis.... manipulate and generate extra skin 45.

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Mercy 3: Once In an Age

From outside, miners from the mine had tunneled a short distance into the rock, then made a sharp turn and made a room large enough for motungo to move about in. in the center was a recessed pit for a fire.

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D.E1 Part III Prologue

Through endless shifts, through endless days and years the oppressed species gathered minerals and processed them in the thousands of refineries across the colony. day and night, nonstop. it was the life they knew, it was the life they would ever know.

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