240 A Placidity Of Kine

Less kine actually increased desertification."

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LINKS - Second Chain - Azee's Collar

kine mused, scratching his chin as he glanced at luke. with a loud yawn, azee stood up and stretched. "well... i'm going to bed." bowing his head, kine got to his feet. "sleep well.

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Dragyn Saga part 1

"except in this kine of course" phiresong started at the sound of a strange voice, she swung her head to look, her wings folded protectively around her belly, it was not the one called winged-teddy, but another.


Oh Holy Night...part V

However, nihilis wished that ricardo actually paid the elder some attention, a nightclub/brothel with rumors of sanctioned rape was not the place for nihilis to get any flavorful kine to feed from.

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Dragyn Saga part 3

'that's not true' batty spluttered, 'phiresong couldn't manage the babies without you, you know that, we don't care what you look like. or what your old family thought about you, we,' and he gestured to take in the whole kine, 'me, phiresong, blackfire, the

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Identity: Chapter Six

One of them jap cars da kine you see on the telly. toyoda." "looks like a minivan" the smaller one said. "one fo' everyone" he sang. "a prius?" "yeah, brah! like dat.

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Dragyn Saga part 2

I know who you are, but you have my eternal gratitude, and my silence" blacklock bowed gravely, "how is it that you see what others don't, little sister, but nonetheless, you are most welcome, no doubt i will see you out and around the kine

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Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Three

kine," he grunted, glaring at the young man with every ounce of hatred left in his broken body. "i'm sorry," toke said. it felt like his heart was beating in his throat. "i didn't want this to happen to you."

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Zootopia: Twas that dumb box!

Then the two mammals were locked in each others arms in grim suspense as the bravo mammals and their medic reached their fallen comrade...to joy and relief...corporal kine would live to see another episode and gideon and travis sat patting their stomachs with

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The End is Where We Start From

"mit wasser, kine eis, bitte." he instructed the bartender. as he sipped his drink a large golden fox in a tan suit rose from the booth where he had been drinking tea and reading from a slim volume.

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Take all kine, dis world, ya?" he patted the wheelchair's wide leather-appearing back rest. "brought the cadillac for ye." "i'm not that big."

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