Oh Holy Night...part V

Story by Talon NightWhisper on SoFurry

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Whew! Finally churned this one out...

In this episode, We get a glimpse of a few of the vampire covens and gain a little insight to the ways of the cable of holy monsters that is, The Lance and Sanctum.

All characters are Copyright to me as is the story.

Vampire the requiem and all of it's elements depicted here-in are copyright of WhiteWolf respectfully.

The Dark is Cold, Lifeless, and Silent.

These Traits are all comforting. Not one of them naturally hostile towards my Unnaturally sustained body or the shards of my spirit, leftover when my soul was thrust into the burning pits of Hell.

Despite all evidence, I did this to myself, I forsook my God for another false deity: Myself. But alas, I know my mistake far too late, No possible way for redemption now besides making sure that others do not share the same fate.

From the soil filled hole in the floor of the basement, A boney clawed hand reached for the shadows and gripped the edge of the Tub like hole he called a bed. Nihilis pulled himself up, and rose from the dirt like those Zombies the Kine of today go on about, letting the earth cling to his ancient form as he sat up and felt the cold wash over him.

"Ah...How the once mighty, Have fallen..." The Elder said as he continued to hoist himself up and out of his grave. Repairing the Silence of his home, The Nosferatu began his nightly ritual of sweeping the dirt back into the hole with the rest of it and getting dressed in his robe, boots, gauntlets and his prized Rosary, strapped around his waist and ready when he needed it.

The familiar grumble of his Thirst food him it was time for his breakfast and the Priest once again left his home and set out on the hunt.

Faster then most vehicles of today's age, the monster dashed from shadow to shadow as he moved to one of the few feeding grounds that Ricardo had left open to the public, The much more elegant and tasteful areas being claimed by him and his favored officers. Nihilis had in fact been given his own Feeding Ground as a reward for decreasing the number of Belial's brood within Chicago. However, Nihilis wished that Ricardo actually paid the elder some attention, A Nightclub/Brothel with rumors of Sanctioned Rape was NOT the place for Nihilis to get any flavorful Kine to feed from.

Drugs and diseases didn't harm the damned like they effected Mortals, but they still effected the dead bodies of vampires. Some Kindred actually feed from intoxicated humans, just to get an added "Kick" to their meals. And while diseases don't infect dead flesh like it does living, A vampire could still become a carrier and spread his sickness around.

Nihilis found, at a much younger age, that the blood of women was much more satisfying, especially young women no older then twenty five and no younger then 16. This "Attraction" to young girls served two purposes: One, it feeds him and keeps him semi-living, Two, it allows him the chance to meddle with the minds of his victims, making sure that they never remember him while also whispering divine doctrine to those that need it. Planting a bible verse in a human's mind might seem like a conversion attempt, But it was better knowing that he tried to stop a human from continuing to sell herself for drugs or get an abortion then let the poor soul go through with it and live miserably.

Nihilis had only just reached the open feeding ground when he stopped, feeling his beast raise it's hackles as another beast neared. It was a good thing to know when other Vampires were near, it helped with defending against ambushes however; This newcomer's beast was more submissive and significantly weaker.

Nihilis turned to face another hooded figure as he casually walked across the rooftop and kneeled down. "Father, I bring a message from Lord Salvador." The younger Kindred said as he raised his head and pulled his good back.

The kindred was not a nosferatu, that was easy to see as he looked like a mere human, pale, but otherwise still easy on the eyes. He had a head of bright red hair which contrasted with his pale skin. His green eyes were submissive and youthful, probably turned only a few years ago. What drew Nihilis' silver orbs to the young vampire the most was a Red Cross marked in blood on his forehead, the mark of a newly Sanctioned Kindred of the Lancea Sanctum.

Now when one thinks of vampires, they think of beautiful and dangerous lovers and predators or horrendous monsters. But there exists an order of vampires that believe that God has cursed them for their sins, and has ordered them to spread his word so that others will never feel a vampire's embrace.

Ever since the Dark Ages, The Lance and Sanctum, or Lancea De Sanctum, have gathered and held sermons in the cold, darkness of the Danse Macabre. When a new kindred wishes to embrace who she is and yet continue to serve God, the blood of all in the coven is used to mark the newly Sanctioned vampire, the mark must stay and not be washed away after the anointment.

After the mark has gone, a new more permanent mark is placed on the Sanctified and permits the vampire to learn the Holy power of the Lancea Sanctum: Theban Sorcery.

Newly marked Sanctified, Like the vampire who sat on his knee before the elder, were given small tasks like delivering messages or acting as assistants to help other Sanctified.

Nihilis gave a polite smile and nodded "Thank you Brother, now what does Lord Salvador wish of me tonight?" He asked before the kindred stood up and handed a small envelope to the Elder "He never told me, other than that I was to give you this." The young vampire said before pulling his hood up and bowing and turning to take his leave.

Nihilis didn't stop him, his attention was focused on the envelope. Very curious. Only higher ranked members were to deliver messages in this manner, making sure the package reached it's destination in time. For a newly Marked Kindred, it was strange. Deciding against opening it now, Nihilis slipped the the package into a pocket inside his robes and sought to read it later. It obviously wasn't too important and could wait until after he was well fed and not busy with any chores Ricardo would ask him to carry out. Still, it was quite strange.

Oh Holy Night... part IV

While the holy monster that was Nihilis crept back to his depressing home, Lunara made her way to her own home in the uptown district of Chicago. A large house on the hills with an impressive view of the city in her large master bedroom. Almost...

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Oh Holy Night...part III

"There there, Child. This nightmare is over. You shall again be cloaked in ignorance of my existence, and perhaps even, rejoin the grace of the Allmighty" came the softest of whispers from beneath the hood of the Priest, a young girl laying limply...

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Oh Holy Night...part II

The Snake Prince of Chicago was a young and arrogant kindred, not to mention paranoid that others were conspiring to take his powerful seat as prince (Which they always were...). Young Ricardo Sa'Diablo always had to put on a show that he was running...

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