Maverick Hunter - Chapter 9
"yah know, you're like a walking encyclopedia, how the hell do you know so much?" luke inquired, clicking his tongue against his teeth. the wolvrun turned and looked at him, shaking his head. "i plan on doing some shopping.
Daemon - Chapter 16 (Tanjarr)
This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.
The Mourning After - Chapter 19 (Kinyar)
This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.
Hero, Chapter 5 - Out of the Fire
Suffice it to say, talip was an herbal encyclopedia. he could rattle off the names of herbs, remedies, and poultices for almost any situation that one could think of.
Thirteeel Tales 2020: Tale 6
The book was an old looking thing, thicker than most encyclopedias with a leather-bound cover. eshel was honestly surprised it had done less damage after seeing how big it was.
Daemon - Chapter 22 (The Ritual)
This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.
The Mouning After - Chapter 22 [Part 2] (Kinyar)
This symbol depicts that there is an entry in the encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.
A Bard's Tale - Chapter Two.
The dog looked across at the bull and cheerfully replied to my surprise, "as you already know my name is faral, faral quin, i'm a simple traveller, exploring the world and documenting my findings, a sort of encyclopaedia of gündir and its inhabitants
A Bard's Tale - Chapter Three.
"he seems agreeable enough" ogondo retorted, ogondo had spoken to faral at length about the history of the antelopes and their tribe during the olden days, the antelope was interested in the encyclopaedia that faral had so elegantly elaborated upon in the
Natural Habitat Interviews 1: Lightfoot
If he has trouble falling asleep, because he can't think of something new that he's learned that day, he can hear his father's voice whispering, "encyclopedia!"
Red's Adventure (4) - A Journey Begins
It's a high-tech encyclopedia!" he went to his desk brought the little handheld pads over to the boys. "red! blue! i want you to take these with you!" red took his - pokédex, was it called? - and turned it in his hands thoughtfully.
Degeneracy Pressure (Chapter 3)
encyclopedias and media and shit. a good idea, certainly, but they weren't going to do you any good if things went south. 92. \>so you trudge on, thumb hooked around your waist, pretending you've got a gun there. 93.