The Mouning After - Chapter 22 [Part 2] (Kinyar)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#24 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

Time to see the conclusion of the fight between Master and Student. Will Malakye be victorious over Aceh or will the tiger prove his superiority? I know many of you have been eager to read this chapter, so here it is! Enjoy and as always feel free to leave a comment!

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Even with my ability to heal I wouldn't be able to take too many hits like that from him. I may be able to heal fast but doing so uses up too much kii. But more than that, I'm not able to heal an attack that was instantly fatal! With his kii he was both faster and stronger than me, I would need to use yet another technique if I wanted to last long enough to find an opening. This ability was taught to me by my grandfather shortly before I left, I had spent some time mastering it over the years but it was a dangerous technique. A double edged sword that could only be used in the most dangerous of circumstances.

I leapt back the moment I saw him move. He launched himself at me like before, fearless and confident, and immediately I went on the defensive. I blocked his first punch with my forearm, I felt the bone crack under the sheer force of the attack, and again leapt back. There was no way I could outrun him, I knew that, but I just needed a couple of seconds to...

I inhaled deeply, as he once again propelled himself towards me, with is powerful kii enhanced strides, closed my eyes and cleared my mind, focused my kii in my mind and held my breath. I opened my eyes slowly to see Malakye seemingly move in slow motion. His fist reared back and slowly moving towards me. I reached up to grab his wrist, my own paws moved incredibly slowly as I attempted to intercept his attack.

This technique allowed me to slow down time. It was technique my grandfather had called chi'jum. He had learned it from a Tyrokian k'tan*. The k'tan of the Tyrok* minotaurs had a fearsome ability which allowed them to move at incredible speeds, so fast that they appeared as little more than a blur on the battlefield.

Of course not being a Tyrok minotaur my grandfather was unable to move as quickly as them, but he was able to learn the ability to make time seemingly slow down. It was an exhausting technique and was incredibly draining to use. Not only that, but I was only able to use the ability if I held my breath which meant I could only use it for short periods of time. If I held my breath for too long I would become winded and that would spell the end of the fight!

To be able to use this ability took an incredible amount of focus, but to use it in a fight took an incredible amount of practise! I only perceived the passing of time as slower, but my body still moved at the same speed. When moving it was as if the air was heavy, akin to the sensation of trying to run through deep water.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled the attack wide while, painfully slowly, forced my leg up towards his now exposed ribs. I watched as his expression changed, a flash of surprise which changed to expression of pain as he took my kick. His momentum halted and I released my grip on his wrist and lifted my leg up into the air as high as I could. It extended slowly into the air until I finally brought it down on him. He was already raising his arms in order to block the over head kick.

As my leg connected with his arms I pushed off the ground, and used the leg that was now braced against his arms to pull myself upwards, to drive my other knee into his exposed muzzle. He wasn't able to move fast enough to stop the attack, I saw his muzzle ripple with the force of the blow. Before he could regain his wits I grabbed his arms and spun my body round, and hooked the leg I had just used to strike him in the muzzle around the his arms as began to drag him up and over me.

As I began the painfully slow decent towards the ground I finally released the breath I had been holding and the flow of time immediately returned to normal. As Malakye came over me I released my hold of his arm and sent him crashing to the mat. I used the momentum of my move to immediately roll back to a standing position and lashed out with a round house kick. My kick caught Malakye in the side of the head as he attempted to get back up. His muzzle snapped to the side, and he fell motionless to the ground.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


Chapter 22 - Part 2



There was a collective gasp from the crowd as I delivered the kick, and after Malakye lay motionless for a couple of moments the crowd began to cheer. In any other circumstance I would agree with them. That kick would have been enough to fell most opponents, but I had sensed Malakye shift his kii before I landed the blow. By focusing his kii at the point of impact would reduce the damage from my last attack. He was still concious as his kii still coursed through his body even now.

The crowd fell silent as Malakye moved to get up. He pushed himself up with only a little difficulty. My last attack had rattled him, but that was all. I could attack now but he had already caught me out twice in this fight. He could simply be playing possum. I would not underestimate him.

Once he was standing he fluttered his wings and rolled his head round, a slight pop, echoed through the now near silent dojo as Malakye stretched his neck. He rolled his shoulders ad finally turned to face me. This fight was not over!

"Heh..." He smirked. Apparently amused by something. "Not bad... 'Master'." That last word was spoken with heavy sarcasm.

He lunged towards me and darted to the right just as he came within reach. I turned with him, inhaled deeply and focused my kii behind my eyes once more and held my breath. Time slowed and was able to move out of the way of Malakye's slow moving fist. I moved to intercept the second punch and as I grabbed hold of it I stepped in and spun my body round and tossed him to the ground.

He landed in a roll and was immediately back up and on the attack.

I stepped forward, each move careful measured so I could step past his attack, his fist grazed past my muzzle, my whiskers grazed over the scales of his arm. I channelled as much kii as I could and struck him in the chest with my fist. He staggered backwards and I released the breath I held, I could not risk to be winded now. I struck him in the chest once again with a side kick and finished with a reverse spin kick which caught him in the side of his head.

As he reeled from the attacks I inhaled deeply to recover the breath I had lost.

I kicked his left leg with a low kick and lashed out with two open palmed strikes to his head which he blocked before backing away. I did not give him a moments reprieve. I grabbed his neck and struck him in the gut with my knee, but he caught my leg and hefted me up, with a sudden and impressive burst of strength, and slammed me to the ground.

I did not release my hold of his neck, I dragged him to the ground with me. I grunted as I was crushed between him and the ground, but even then I didn't release my grip on his neck, even as he struck me several times in the side with rib shattering blows. I rolled over onto my side and pulled him over, forced him onto his back and began to hammer him with blow after blow to his head with kii enhanced blows, ignoring the stabbing pain in my side from where he had struck me.

He held his arms up to shield himself from my blows. I managed to get a good half dozen blows in before he finally managed to free himself by driving his knee into the small of my back. The blow knocked me of balance enough for him to use his considerable strength to push me off. As I rolled away he kip-upped back onto his foot-paws and kicked me in the side of the head as I attempted to right myself.

I felt no pain... not at first. I fell to the ground, my vision blurred and my ears hummed with a high pitched ringing sound. The pain on the left side of my muzzle brought me back somewhat to my senses, as the shattered bones began to fuse together.

I managed to get up to my knees before he stepped up to me and struck me hard across the muzzle with a right hook. I stopped myself from falling to the mat with my arm, and looked up just as another blow struck the side of my muzzle.

I felt my jaw shatter from the force of the blow, a considerable amount of blood flowed freely from my maw. The next blow landed just above my left eye. Somehow I managed to remain crouched, stopping myself from falling over, knowing that if I fell to the ground this fight would be over! I felt blood flow down the side of my muzzle from a gash above my eye. I looked up helplessly as his fist reared back once more.


I turned my head to see Cody, as he struggled to pull himself free of Jason's grip. I looked back up to Malakye who looked at Cody, his fist reared back but his entire body frozen as he stared at the fox.

I knew this was my chance! I pushed upwards, focused my kii into this single strike, and caught Malakye on the chin with a powerful uppercut. His head snapped towards the ceiling and his foot-paws left the mats. I wasn't able to follow up on that last attack, I fell back down to one knee, my body racked with pain. My wounds were already healing, the healing process making the pain that much worse. I grunted in pain as I pushed my broken jaw back into place and felt the bones begin to fuse together. I slowly stretched my jaw, the pain was intense but slowly lessening as it continued to heal.

I looked over at Malakye who still lay prone on his back. He hadn't moved. Had I knocked him out? No... his kii was still active. But I had hurt him with that last attack. It gave me the time I needed to heal. If Cody hadn't distracted him then I doubt that I would still be in this fight! A stroke of luck had given the opportunity to remain in this fight, but I now knew for certain just how powerful Malakye could be, and yet I had not seen the full extent of his power!

My students and many in the crowd cheered me on. Urging me to get back up! My wounds were nearly healed, but some of the pain remained. But it was nothing I couldn't handle. I pushed myself up to my foot-paws and kept my eyes firmly on Malakye's prone form. I didn't have to wait long before he began to move. He rolled over onto all fours and pushed himself up, a little shakily, to his foot-paws and locked eyes with me. A small trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his maw and down his chin.

I wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer... but he had yet to use his bending. That meant he was still holding back. That stung more than the wounds he had inflicted on me over the course of this fight!


He looked me in the eye, nodded, and immediately his kii began to flow outwards and formed a large bubble around him. Finally he was not going to hold back! Now I could truly see what he was capable of... but I was already struggling to match his strength now. I could no longer hold back any longer either! I glanced to Cody, his muzzle matted with tears as Jason held him back. Eric and Michael stood next to them, all four of their muzzles wore pained expressions. I could not blame them... this was hard for me too, but I owed this to Malakye.

I reached inside myself, and focused on the points which my kii flowed through my body. My kii flowed from the point in the center of my chest in an outward spiral, passed through both lungs and my heart before it flowed out to the rest of my body. This was a forbidden technique... taught to me on the understanding that I use it in only the most dire of circumstances. This may not be one of those times, but I would not hold back if it meant I could truly test my students abilities to the fullest!

I focused a large amount of kii into my lungs, the last control point before kii freely began to flow through my body, and forced open the passageway which regulated the nen. The three points were known as the destiny gates. As each one was opened it allowed my greater quantities of kii to flow through the body unchecked. The gates created reservoirs of kii, acting to prevent overloading the kii network passed through and prevent damaging it. In dire situations the gates would open themselves, giving an individual a burst of strength in life threatening situations. But what I was doing was throwing open the gate, allowing that much more kii to flow through me.

As the gate opened I felt my blood burn with energy, my entire body felt stronger... the residual pain from my earlier wounds disappeared. I had only ever been able to open the first gate so this was my as strong as I would be able to get. I hoped it would be enough... I looked once more to Cody and silently apologised to him. He could not understand why this fight had to happen, fighting was not in his nature. I hoped he would be able to forgive me for this someday.

I roared savagely and lunged towards Malakye. He dodged my first two punches by weaving his body and stepped away from me. As I threw my third punch he stepped forward, weaved his head around the attack and threw a right at my muzzle. I blocked the attack with my left forearm, his blows felt lighter than before, but they still hurt. I ducked his following attack and struck him in the side. He took the blow well, but I continued my attack with a flurry of fast strikes. Malakye blocked all the attacks with his arms and thrust his fist at my chest. I weaved round to the right. As I side stepped the attack, as I spun round I extended me left leg in an attempt to sweep the back of his legs.

He dove forward, creating some distance between us and turned to face me. We stared at one another in silent regard. We examined each other, looking for the slightest sign of what the other was going to do. The signs are subtle, but if you learned to read them you could gain the advantage. He gave no obvious sign to his next move. But I would not let any clue, no matter how subtle, pass me by. Despite my increase in kii through opening the destiny gate his was still far greater to my own.

I moved to engage him, inhaled deeply and focused my kii once more to slow down time. Time slowed as I stepped into striking distance. I pushed one of his punches to the side, and moved to strike him in the muzzle. He caught my blow and dug his talons into my flesh as his other fist swung towards my own muzzle.

I managed to lean back out of the way in time, his attack narrowly missed me, I could feel the rush of air wash over my whiskers. I kicked low, caught his left leg and caused him to stumble, grabbed the wrist of the paw that still had a firm hold of mine, twisted the arm as I turned my body round and dragged him arms forwards.

He flipped forwards, but to my surprise he landed on his foot-paws; after having released his grip on my paw. He body twisted and his left leg slowly began to raise off the ground. I waited till the last moment to sidestep the kick, which in this state of slowed time felt like an age.

Already my lungs had begun to strain for air, a familiar burning of exhaustion had begun to set in, and the need to breath began to rise. I needed to breath before I got winded, but if I exhaled time would return to normal once more and I would lose my advantage. I needed to force him back in order to catch my breath before I became winded.

As I stepped round his kick I kicked back, aimed at his his right side. He blocked the attack with his right arm and punched with his left! He seemed even faster now... but how was that possible? His kii hadn't increased... no... it wasn't that he was moving faster... it was that his reaction time was faster! I looked him in the eye and saw the slits of his eyes so narrow that they were almost invisible.

It couldn't be!

I blocked his punch and leapt backwards, finally exhaled and allowed time to return to normal. The rush of cool air in my lungs was reinvigorating. But I couldn't let my guard down while I tried to catch my breath. I stood ready and Malakye mimicked my action. He didn't attack me, he stood there and stared at me and I heard him exhaled deeply just as I had and watched as his eyes returned to normal. We both stood ready, our breathing heavy, and stared at one another.

There was no mistaking the signs, as difficult as they were to believe. Malakye could also use the chi'jum! He was not as adept as I was in using it, I could tell from our exchange a few moments ago. But to have learned to use it in a fight at such a young age! I had been taught the technique when I was only twelve winters old, but was unable to use in battle until I was at least five winters older than he was now! Even though he couldn't use it effectively, with practice he would master it, and I had no doubts that he would surpass my ability to use it in time.

But with my main advantage all but gone, what could I do to overcome his immense kii? He still as yet hadn't used his bending ability, but the amount of focus he would have needed to use that ability would undoubtedly have made bending nearly impossible to use simultaneously.

"You wanted to see me bend?"

I felt his kii flicker. No doubt he had some new tricks that I had no idea about, the ones I witnessed at the tournament two days ago were fearsome enough. He thrust his right paw towards me and propelled a large amount of kii in my direction. I crossed my arms and focused my own kii to buffer the attack. It hit hard, harder than I had expected. My kii managed to block any damage I would have suffered from the impact, but it hit me with enough force to force me back, my foot paws left the floor as I was pushed backwards. I fell through one of the racks of weapons, and tumbled across the ground; into the weapons practice area.

The sound of metal rang out throughout the dojo as the weapons clattered to the ground. I allowed myself to move with the momentum and rolled into a crouched position. I quickly readied myself as he stepped through the wreckage of the weapons rack and stepped over the fallen weapons towards me. He ignored the weapons, stepping over them and making no attempt to pick any of them up. Weapons may give me an edge I need, but if he wasn't going to use one then neither would I! Grabbing a weapon now would as desperation.

He could just pummel me from range with attacks like that! I needed to get in close to stop him from being able to use it! I dashed towards him. I would play defensively until I found an opportunity to strike! The ground here was not covered in leather pads, only the smooth stone floor.

Much to my surprise Malakye was no longer using his version of the Wilful Paw, but now was used a completely different technique. But I couldn't worry about that now, his bending was more of a concern. I needed to see just what he was capable of when he went all out. He came here to test his strength against me, and I was here to push him to the limits.

He threw a series of fast punches, I blocked them with my forearms, each one of his punches felt like a hammer, with my increased level of kii from opening the first of the destiny gates, I was now able to take his blows without my bones shattering. I slowed down time momentarily and caught his wrists. There was a battle of wills as we both strained against each other. Me trying to hold him as he tried to move.

He stared at me and the corners of his muzzle began to curl up into a wicked smile. I knew that I had made a mistake. Before I could move a sharp pain struck me in my left shoulder and then across my shoulder blades. I roared in pain, the distraction was enough for Malakye to wrench free of my grip. He kicked me in the chest and I tumbled to the ground.

The pain was severe, and from the rumble of the crowd watching us I knew what ever he had done was serious. I felt my heart quicken as I saw the ground between us smeared with blood where my back had hit the ground. He had cut me! Already the wound was closing, my kii sealing the wound, the burning sensation was almost as bad as the pain from the wound itself, but it was closed in a matter of seconds. I stared at Malakye and picked myself up. He had done that! But how? I had held both of his wrists and yet it felt like I had been struck by a blade.

The very air itself...

He could control the very air itself... but never had I considered that he could use it like that! To wield the very air itself as a blade. Such a fearsome ability. How could you defend yourself against the very air!?

I could no longer play defence. There was no way I could defend myself against attacks like that. I would simply need to take them and keep moving. With this in mind I went on the attack. I sprinted towards him, and lashed out with a flurry of blows. He calmly blocked them, a searing pain struck me across my back and I growled, momentarily stunned which allowed him to strike me in the muzzle.

I reeled from the attack, my back already healing, I managed to narrowly shift my head to the side to avoid his second punch. I spun round to the left and kicked him in the leg, which made him buckle momentarily but not fall. He stumbled forwards and as he turned round I stepped forward and nailed him in the center of his chest with a side kick.

He caught my ankle and kept a firm hold.

I tried to pull free of his grip but was unable to do so. He pushed my leg back, I somersaulted backwards in an attempt to remain upright. Before I could right myself I was struck by a blast of air that knocked me backwards. I landed hard on my back. The hard stone floor was unforgiving in comparison to the mats in the sparring area. But thankfully I hadn't been winded from the fall. I quickly rolled into a crouched position.

Malakye was already lunging toward me, his paw outstretched to grab me. I threw myself backwards, but his paws grabbed my shirt. I responded immediately, leapt up and pressed both my foot-paws into his stomach. I kicked away from him, my shirt ripped as I pushed away, escaping his grasp.

I rolled to my foot-paws, spun round and dashed towards him. He had been staggered by that last move but he managed to remain upright with an impressive display of balance and agility. I attacked with as much force as I could muster. There was no doubt in my mind that this was the hardest I fight I had ever fought. This was the time that I needed to reach down and find a strength that I hadn't needed to use for a long time now!

He blocked my first two blows, but my third and fourth found their marks and I hit him in the chest and then the muzzle. Searing pain flashed across my chest as his bending struck me once again with a slash of wind across my chest. I fought through the pain and kept attacking. I couldn't let up. If I stopped attacking then this fight was over. He continued to back up as I threw punch after punch at him, another slash of wind struck my across the muzzle below my eye and across my snout, but I didn't stop!

Three more blades of wind stuck me across the back and chest, I roared in pain and anger and kept on pummelling Malakye with my fists. He had stopped trying to counter my attacks and just held up his arms as a wall to hold me back. I could feel the heat of my blood flow from my wounds, the wounds barely healed as I was using the majority of my kii to attack. I roared savagely as I fought through the pain, and I forced him backwards.

His back struck one of the wooden posts that were used for balance training. Our fight had carried us nearly the full length of the dojo! With his back against the post he was no longer able to retreat. I kept pummelling him, his wind bending kept on slashing me and this fight became a battle of wills. I would either break through his defence or fall to his attacks. I could already feel my strength leaving me, I had lost too much blood and I needed to end this now!

I focused all my kii into my right fist and struck him with an uppercut. My attack forced his arms apart and a glimmer of hope surged through me, that hope energised me and gave me a the energy I needed to keep on attacking. My kii flowed through my chest into my left paw and I threw a punch aimed at his head.

My paw struck, the wood splintered and snapped, Malakye had managed to dodge at the last possible moment, and retreated into the forest of wooden posts. If that attack had struck him I would have killed him! I had really tried to kill him... I resisted the urge to look back at Cody, afraid of how he might be looking at me. No! I couldn't lose my focus now!

I pulled back my paw, it had left small crater in the post. The wood had splintered and buckled beneath the my attack. My kii had caused the wood to crumble, the force of the punch caused the the affected wood to shatter, and fall to the floor. I followed Malakye into the literal forest of balance beams. My wounds were slowly closing but I could already feel the fatigue as it crept into my muscles. I don't know how much longer I could keep fighting. I had lost a lot of blood, and the fight had lasted longer than I had expected it to.

This was no longer a fight between master and student! This was a battle between warriors. A fight between equals. And I would show the respect my opponent deserved.

I slowly approached Malakye, walking in the direction I sensed his kii coming from. If I wanted to sneak up on him then I should suppress my own kii as I approached. However I was not going to underestimate him at this point. If he caught me by surprise while my kii was suppressed it could end badly for me. There was an age old saying in regards to dealing with wounded animals who had been backed into a corner! No... I would approach him as if I was the challenger in this fight, which his immense kii essentially made me. I was at the disadvantage here.

The posts were spaced at irregular intervals, the distance between them ranged from a few feet to mere inches. In here I might be able to use the posts as cover against his bending. I stepped as close as I could so I was just outside the bubble of kii. I could not get a direct line of sight on him, not without entering his bubble. The bubble made the ground his territory. The moment I stepped into his territory, he would know immediately and the fight would begin once again!

This was going to be the final exchange. My strength was nearly gone, my kii had weakened considerably, so had Malakye's, but in comparison to my own... his seemingly limitless reserves of strength showed no sign of emptying any time soon.

"It's time to finish this fight!" I growled to myself.

I stepped into his bubble and rounded the posts that had blocked him from view. His emerald eyes narrowed before a smirk curled on his muzzle.

"I couldn't have said it better myself!" He announced.

We lunged towards one another simultaneously, I narrowly avoided his fist which swept past my muzzle and landed a swift punch to his gut before I brought my elbow to bear and swiped him across the snout. His head snapped to the left and I reared back to kick him, but he twisted away and my kick only struck a post.

In an instant he was behind me, I managed to block his first punch with my paw as I turned, and narrowly avoided his second punch, but I couldn't avoid the kick to my stomach. The kick hurt, I was shoved back into the post, the back of my head bounced off the wood. Even with my eyes shut as I reeled from the blow I could sense his punch coming, I managed to move my head out of its path. He had focused a considerable amount of kii into the attack, which had allowed me to sense it coming. The post cracked audibly and I felt splinters of wood hit my neck and back.

I stepped away from him, spun round and brought my fist to bear. I caught him across the snout. I attempted to grab him, but he slipped from my grasp and tried to grab me. I batted his paws away and grabbed him by the throat. He growled and smacked my arm away before attacking with a series of short punches.

The narrow space we fought in didn't allow much room for dodging or kicks. Even in my fatigued state I was able to match him blow for blow. We each landed a few hits, but nothing that was able to shift the tide. But despite this I knew I was losing this exchange. I could match his speed, his technique, but I couldn't match his sheer power! He was slowly overpowering me and it was only a matter of time before he overpowered me completely!

He charged a lot of kii into his right fist and reared it back to swing it at me. I moved to block it but was caught by his left across my muzzle. He had pulled a feint! His blow was not that powerful, but it was enough to put me off balance, so when his right fist swung at me I could only dodge. I leaned back as much as I could, his right hook sailed past me and caught one of the posts; which then splintered as a large chunk of it was reduced to splinters.

I grunted as an invisible force struck me on the chin and I staggered back and struck a wooden post with the back of my head once again. I felt my foot-paws slip as I lost my balance, but I braced my legs and caught myself. My back braced against the post my head had just struck. My vision was blurred and I couldn't trust my legs completely at this moment. I could sense a kii charged fist approaching once again. There was no time to recover! I grabbed the post next to me, sunk my claws in as far as I could and dragged myself out of the way of the oncoming attack.

Again the sound of fracturing wood echoed through the dojo.

I turned as I sensed a change in Malakye's kii. I quickly realised he was going to fire a blast of wind at me I ducked behind a post. The attack struck the post I hid behind and sent a ripple of air around me and I instantly stepped out, dashed towards him, leapt of the side of one wooden post with my fist reared back. My attack missed as he ducked and he struck me in the stomach, and then across the muzzle. I staggered back into a post. I pushed away in the nick of time as he once again struck the post and it surface splintered under the force.

A sudden burst of kii struck me in the chest as he propelled a burst of wind in my direction. It was no where near as powerful as the last few attacks of the same type, but was so fast I had no chance to step out of the way and it knocked me backwards into another wooden post.

This terrain favoured him more than I could have anticipated. I needed to get out of here! As he lunged towards me I leapt to my right and leapt up onto a post and propelled myself upwards so that I now stood atop the eight foot high posts.

A moment later Malakye shot up from between the wooden post, using his kii to float through the air and gently land atop a post only a few strides away. He retracted his wings and stared at me. I could barely stand!

"Finished already!?" He growled. "I have to say I expected more from you Master!"

"What happened to you!?" I asked between ragged breaths. "Where have you been all this time? Who taught you to fight like this?"

"If you beat me then I'll tell you!"

"If that's what it takes..." I closed my eyes and felt a few tears begin to form, their burning heat prickled the corner of my eyes.

I needed... I needed more strength. All my life I had always been considered strong by others. Considered myself to be strong in comparison. Gifted in the art of combat. Grandfather had taught me humility, to use my strength responsibly and hone it through marital arts. Grandfather had always been so strong. Unbeatable, even as he aged and his body grew frail. I needed that strength now!

I dug down deep and tugged on the second destiny gate. I had never been able to open it before, but I needed it now! I pulled hard on the gate, forcing my will to break the seal which was located in my heart. There was a risk my body wouldn't be able to handle the raw kii that would result from this, but I had no choice. I couldn't back out of this fight. Not if I wanted to know what had happened to my dear student, my friend, my family.

I roared loudly as I focused every last ounce of effort I could into opening the gate.

Suddenly the gate opened and I felt a rush of power like nothing I had ever felt before. My blood burned hot and my muscles felt as if they were being ripped apart. All I could hear was my own roar, savage and primal. My body felt like it was on fire! I don't know how much time had passed before it began to subside, my body finally adapting to it.

I had never felt so strong!

Every ache and pain that had ailed me had disappeared, my fatigue was gone. I looked at Malakye who stared at me wide eyed. I looked down at myself and at my tattered, blood soaked top. I grabbed it and ripped off the remains of my shirt and flexed my muscles. I felt ten winters younger! I readied myself and Malakye did the same. The excited chatter of the crowd below was nearly inaudible. A distraction easily drowned out as I focused on my opponent.

We both moved at the same time, our respective kii flared as we took off towards one another. Crossing the distance between us required some amount of concentration, many of the poles were barely wide enough to accommodate our foot-paws, but in this case I needed to trust my body to move where it needed. To place my foot-paws in the correct places while I focused on how to deal with Malakye.

His arm reared back as he approached and I moved to defend myself. I parried his attack with my forearm and struck him across the muzzle with a left hook, his head snapped to the right and he staggered slightly, I followed up quickly with a right hook and then a powerful roundhouse kick which sent him flying.

He bounced off the top of one of the wooden posts, catching himself before he fell off the top by grasping a wooden beam. He scrambled up to a standing position, but before he could fully right himself I was already within striking distance.

I covered the distance between us in two giant strides, planted my foot-paw atop one of the wooden posts and attacked with another round house kick. He managed to raised his arms and focus his nen to block the incoming attack, but once again the force of my attack sent him flying backwards. He somersaulted backwards, used his paws to shove off the top of one of the posts and landed on his foot-paws atop a post.

This power was incredible! I felt stronger than I could ever remember! I knew that there would be consequences for using this power. But right now it was the edge I needed in order to bring the fight to Malakye.

He was obviously struggling to keep up with my speed. His kii was still superior to my own, but the gap had reduced significantly. Was this how he felt all the time? To have such raw power at paw? It's no wonder he was confident in challenging me. But he had underestimated me. But I am just as guilty for underestimating myself. I had entered this fight expecting to lose, but now I could feel victory within paws reach.

A thought at the back of my mind, worry about what would happen if I won this fight. Malakye came here to prove something to himself. Would my victory aid him, teaching him a valuable lesson he would not learn otherwise, or would it crush him? I forced the thought away. This was a fight! There was no room for mercy or leniency. He had come close to killing me several times now. He was not afraid to take this as far as was needed to achieve victory. I would not insult him by doing any less.

"Is that all you're capable of when the playing field is even?" I asked, earning a scowl from him.

"Don't underestimate me!" He growled and launched himself at me, a high concentration of kii focused into his fists.

I leapt back to avoid the first blow, weaved my body round past the second. His side was left exposed, but I didn't have the footing to launch an effective attack of my own. Attacking now would achieve little and leave me open to a counter. As my foot-paw found purchase atop one of the posts I crouched to avoid an incoming hay-maker. As the attack flew over my head I propelled myself upwards and drove my fist into his gut, his foot-paws lifted off the posts, before they could hit the post again I drove my other fist into his gut with as much force as I could muster. He grunted loudly and was lifted higher into the air.

I launched into an assault of roundhouse kicks, each one struck him in the gut as he helplessly hung in the air. After the fourth round house I leapt up off the ground, spun in the air and focused as much kii into the next attack as I could muster, and kicked him in the head. He was blown backwards, his body limp as he sailed over the posts. He bounced off one, then another, before he fell down the gaps between them, his body limp as he disappeared from sight.

There was a heavy silence for a few long moments before most of the crowd burst into cheers.

I turned to regard them, a huge crowd had filled the dojo only a few of the more daring spectators having stepped into the weapons practice area, the rest hung back on the sparring mats. I looked at Cody, his muzzle matted with tears as he cried into Jason's chest. Jason, Michael and Eric looked on with pained expressions. I had hoped they would not be here for this fight. I knew this would be a painful thing for them to witness, it was not an easy thing for me.

The cheering continued. I couldn't blame them, that last combination of attacks would be enough to down anyone. Malakye had put up a good fight, but in the end he had come to rely too much on the strength of his own kii to win. I had no doubt that he'd be hurting. I knew he was alive, I could still feel the faint pulse of his kii, but it was weak and fading. He would lose consciousness soon.

I took several steps over to where Malakye had fallen down between the logs and froze as I sensed a sudden surge of kii from him. A second later there was huge gust of wind which ripped through the dojo. The crowd shriek in surprise. The wind was so strong I could barely breath! A black blur shot up from between the logs and zipped through the air.

I watched as he swooped through the air before slowing to a halt, hovering in the air a moment before landing atop the beams a few yards away from me. As he landed he lowered himself into a crouch, his head down, his eyes shut. His wings retracted, so they hung limply behind him, he raised his head and opened his eyes.

I felt my heart quicken as a primal fear grasped my heart, my body froze in place as the fear overwhelmed me momentarily. The malice in those eyes... it made me want to retreat but I was frozen to the spot. His eyes were no longer green... they were a crimson red, the white of his eyes turned the darkest black! Not only that but his kii felt stronger... fiercer... more dangerous than before. I could feel his blood lust from here!

This was not the same Malakye I had been fighting moments before!

"WHO ARE YOU!?!" I roared over the gusts of wind which still swirled wildly around us.

The red eyed Malakye simply grinned menacingly. No, this wasn't Malakye. This was the creature I had encountered in Rengilar! What ever it was had once again seized control of Malakye.


He turned to regard the crowd, who had backed off significantly due to the strong gales that still ripped through the dojo. I felt the murderous intent that emanated from him. He was going to attack everyone that crossed his path.

"I won't allow that!"

He turned to look at me once more. Good. If his attention was on me then maybe I could stop anyone else from getting hurt! The beast, or what ever it was that now controlled him, stepped towards me. It's blood lust directed solely at me. I readied myself. I would attack it first, before it attacked me. It's kii was unbelievable, the density and potency even greater than Malakye's! It took a second step and I was ready to lung towards it when suddenly it roared. A savage roar of pain. It clutched at his head and hunched over.

It was in agony... but why? I should attack it now while it was distracted!

Suddenly the wind died down, the creature had grown silent. Slowly it raised its head and looked at me. Its eyes... they were still red but the black no longer replaced the white of his eyes. It's kii had also lessened, but there was much more power there than before it had taken control.

What was going on?

Despite the red in his eyes, and the fierce kii that he possessed, I could no longer sense the blood lust from him. Had Malakye taken back control? Yes... Malakye had taken back control from the beast, but now he also had the beasts power coursing through him. Had that been his intention? Had he allowed that beast to take control just to use its power against me? Or had it been an accident, one that now benefited him? It didn't matter. I could worry about such things later.

But I must end it quickly. I could already feel my body beginning to suffer for the level of kii flowing through me since opening the second destiny gate, but I must also end this fight quickly before that beast had a chance to emerge once more!

I threw myself at Malakye, my fists raised and ready to strike. He stood there and raised his arms in defence. He crossed his arms and took my blow. As I attempted to strike him with my other paw he twisted his body away and spun round with a kick. I ducked to avoid it and as the kick passed over me I moved to strike him. He blocked my punch perfectly and delivered a low kick which kicked my foot-paw from under me. I quickly found purchase on another post but he was already on the attack and I was in no position to counter his attacks.

I blocked the first two and weaved my head back as he moved in with a right hook. His fist struck nothing but air but suddenly I felt like it had connected. I staggered sideways, barely able to keep my foot-paws from slipping between the gaps between the posts.

As he came at me with another blow, this one held a considerable amount of kii focused in his fist, I leapt backwards away from him. I cursed myself for being so stupid, but already it was too late! The kii in his fist shot towards me, I braced myself for the coming impact as the burst of wind struck me and blew me backwards.

Somehow I managed to catch my balance and land my foot-paws on a couple of the wooden posts to stay standing.

I lowered my guard and readied myself once more. What had hit me that first time? I had been positive that his fist had missed me! But to then follow up with an attack that shifted into a bending attack was smart. I had moved instinctively and he had used that against me. Wait... wind bending! That's what that first attack had been! It was so hard to sense in the bubble of kii that surrounded him but he had shot out a burst of concentrated kii as his fist swung at me. He had literally extended the range of his attack by using his bending!

And that technique he had been using since he had stopped using the wilful paw, since he had summoned that bubble of kii around him. I hadn't questioned it till now. The technique itself was sound, unusual but sound. Some of his movements were strange, but didn't leave him open to counters. Combined with how he was now using his bending in his attacks, could it be that this was part of the technique? A fighting style that was focused on utilising his ability to bend the very air itself!

I didn't have time to think about it as Malakye was already on the attack. A fast combination of punches and kicks left me on the defensive. His strength was greater than my own once again with the power of the beast coursing through him! His eyes still glowed red. Each attack stung, but my own kii prevented any serious injury.

I stepped back out of range of an incoming punch and was rewards with a solid strike to my muzzle as the air struck me instead. That confirmed it, he really was able to extend the range of his attacks with his kii! He moved to punch me again, his body twisted slightly before he attempted the punch. His position made it difficult to tell what kind of punch he was going to use, I inhaled deeply and focused my kii to slow time down. As I focused my attention on him in that moment I felt the kii in his body shift. I realised that my ability to sense his kii had been heightened now, no doubt due to the increased level of kii that coursed through my body. And with time now slowed I could sense every small flicker and change of his kii within his body. With time slowed I was given some time to think, to study him and I realised what he was doing.

His movements matched the flow of kii through his body!

Every k'tan was capable of manipulating their kii. To shift it round their body to be used to enhance their natural strength and endurance at will. But what Malakye was doing was something entirely different. He moved his body to flow with his kii rather than just forcing the kii to where he wanted it.

Able to sense the intricate shifts in his kii like this... it was beautiful. That explained the slightly unusual movements he used with this technique. I could only imagine that by doing this it made it easier to use his kii to attack, and make it much more difficult for his opponents to detect. I had assumed it was the kii bubble, and while that did contribute, it was this technique that made it more difficult to detect.

I caught his fist, redirected it's path so he would not be able to strike me with a burst of wind from it, and allowed time to return to normal. I grabbed his arm and attempted to toss him to the ground, but before I was able a sharp slash of wind slashed me across the back. I had sensed it coming but there had been nothing I could have done to avoid it. I growled in pain, the distraction of the pain had been enough for him to free himself from my grip and strike me in the stomach with a powerful roundhouse kick. He landed two punches, one to my muzzle the other to my left side, before I managed to regain my composure, the wound on my back already healed.

I blocked his next three punches before I found an opening to counter. I managed to catch him in the shoulder with an open palmed strike, which opened him up to two strikes to the chest. The following exchange was fierce, neither one of us able to break through the others defence to land a decisive blow.

He suddenly leapt back and I felt his kii spike.

I leapt backwards and braced myself, focused as much kii as I could into my arms to block the incoming attack. A moment later I was struck with the strongest attack yet! The attack propelled me backwards, off the wooden posts and back into the weapons practice area. I growled in pain as the attack didn't simply dissipate after it struck me. It remained for several moments, the kii within the attack spun rapidly, and tore at the fur and flesh on my arms with a dozen or so tiny slashes. I roared and focused my kii outwards into the attack and forced it to break apart. I twisted my body to somersault through the air to land on my foot-paws.

My arms burned uncomfortably as the flesh and fur regrew. I turned to face Malakye who used his wind bending to float through the air and land a few yards from where I stood. My kii was fading fast! I could already feel the pain and fatigue returning!

There was no more time! I needed to focus everything I had left into one last attack before my kii diminished to the point I wouldn't be able to fight him anymore! I growled and focused everything I had into my right arm and paw. I took the stance I had taught Malakye back in Reniglar*; the Striking Tiger. A technique based on all out attack.

I watched him go wide eyed as I entered the stance. I smiled a little at the fact that he remembered it. But to my surprise he slipped into the stance himself and smirked back at me, as he also focused his kii into his right arm and fist.

This attack would decide the fight. To think that after everything we had been through in this fight it came down to the this one single attack! But win or lose I was proud of him! He had become a warrior equal to any other! His potential was still great, a potential I had seen in him since the moment I had seen that determination in his eye when he had asked me to train him. I could only hope to live long enough to see just where that potential would lead him!

We both launched towards one another at the same time, our fists reared back to strike, every ounce of our respective kii focused into this single attack. Our fists struck, the vast amounts of kii collided. Time seemed to slow as the kii expanded, enveloped the both of us as they mixed and repelled each other simultaneously. It contracted back to the point where our fists met and suddenly there was a bright flash of light. A searing pain shot up my arm. I felt my bones crack, a sharp flash of pain in my shoulder. And suddenly the bright light vanished.