Extra Chapter: Peaches

They always spoke telepathically before they spoke out loud. it was a part of unicorn magic. eyrrothaz wrapped his daughter tighter in her white blanket and tickled her chin until she shrilled with giggles.


TimeShift OC: Marcella Traugott

**family:** marcella has a loving family with two younger psychic twin brothers, a telepath father and botanokinetic mother, by most people's standards, her family is strange at least.

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Our Catty Lady of Enmity

"you have your wish," they all intoned in a singular telepathic voice. "i... i do..." and soon my reign as goddess would begin. i would at last be respected - and feared.

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Genetic Institute: Chapter 1

.\* feeling suddenly calm i said "thank you ds, i guess this is why you guys have a telepath here to help." smiling deadeye said "she helps, it also helps when you have someone who can stop another person with but a thought."


Dragon Day Submission: The Hunt for the Cosmic Lantern

Fine, i'll just refuse telepathically." and that's exactly what he did, not realizing that telepathic communication was not one of bagel's school subjects.

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Chapter 6 root town

Val said telepathically. bill put the burger in a blender and began to shred it in the blender as he got a cup out and a straw. "so why did you come here?" alex asks him sitting down next to him and getting a hamburger.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 2-Chy

Chy sighed and muttered something to herself before speaking to me telepathically. "you seem confident we can get out of this alive", she said.

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A Mental Release that Tears Space-Time

#21 of finding one's true self webseries lady iris's mental release after losing rubicant causes a telepathic wave to form, that tears a hole in space-time, and brings a surprise to julyna and iris, as well as a sad discovery.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off chapter 4: Near Miss?

Liam was heading up the stairs while nathaniel was telepathically to nickolas and micah. \* do not par any attention to who downstairs ok? dinner almost ready. when is dad supposed to be home?\* \* daddy isn't coming home tonight.

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The Familiar

It was then that a powerful and commanding voice came into his head, a telepathic communication. "_stand aside!_," ordered the voice. "_i'll handle this!_" the black cat, bane, vaulted from his bed of straw, moving towards the angry mob.

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Mouse Poems

Oh, telepathic, winged thing, you always understand. "it's okay, field ... " lips dry, voice wispy and shy, i manage a dizzy nod, a panted, "i wanna ... have sex ... with you. please," i stumble. "make love? with me?"

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Horns & Halos CH4

_arken for love of all that is holy, behave for her, _the tiefling shouted telepathic to her half-sister, silently thanking the gods the two of them had drank those strange fluids when they were younger.

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