Spirit Bound Spin Off chapter 4: Near Miss?
#4 of Spirit Bound Spin Off
I don't own Fairy tail that's where Natsu came from but still
" WHAT. They beat you in school and no one notices?How. The security cameras would of picked it up" Nathaniel roared. The fur flinched at this sudden outburst. "They have special magic that can manipulate objects or summon special spirits. They ca-" The fur was suddenly caught of guard when he was lifted into the air about 20 feet in the air. A dark sphere the size of a wreaking ball appeared around him. "Go. Save yourself. They are here!" Then with a flash the sphere collapsed into itself exploding with dark light. The Fur screamed once before falling to the floor. Geoff was already running towards to help him. Then a female voice rose from all around them and said " So yesh thought you can take that slave did ya? * hiccup*" Another voice but male spoke up " Yes while it is not important that we get that slave as he costs a lot, he is my toy. So I must ask of you to give that back. Or if you don't we can make a bet. If we win you belong to us. If you win you can keep the sack of garbage in the mangly mutt's arms. Deal or not?" " We would never bet on someones life.We will never stoop to your level!" Liam replied angrily. " Fine have it your way. We will collect the dept later ok?" The male voice replyed with a hint of annoyance. " Nathaniel " "what" he replied angrily. " Can we call this Fur something like jack or Natsu? He can decide on the name later but for the sake of convenience. " Geoff replied looking down on the Fur. " Natsu will be good enough for now. How is he doing Liam? " Liam touched his forehead and recoiled in shock. His hand was smoking when he tried to touch him. " I can't assess his wounds till that black aura disappears. But the real question is why it isn't burning you Geoff? " He just shrugged. And when he did that Natsu's stirred but only briefly. When he did the black aura faded but appeared again stronger than ever. Natsu rolled out of Geoff's arms and curled up into a tight ball. Everyone jumped and Geoff picked him up again and licked behind his ears. " Come one let's get going before something else happened." The four ran to Nathaniel's house as fast they could. Geoff set him down on the couch. As he set him down Natsu grabbed his arm and said barley a whisper " P!ease stay with me." Then once again the aura disappeared and flashed again. Natsu was slammed against the ceiling by an unknown source where he fell on the couch still writhing in pain. " please stay" Natsu said again. It had happened again. He had fallen on the couch and curled up. Geoff decided to stay and lie down with him. Liam, Faelen, and Nathaniel had stared in horror as this transpired. " I need to go make dinner now, Faelen want to help?" Faelen just nodded and stood up to go upstairs. Liam had stayed down there wondering what kind of magic could cause this. He can't touch him so how is he supposed to heal him? He. Was so distraught that it must of showed on his face when Geoff asked what was wrong. Liam just shook his head and replied " Nothing's wrong. I must go now. I think that I will learn how to cook." Liam was heading up the stairs while Nathaniel was telepathically to Nickolas and Micah. * Do not par any attention to who downstairs ok? Dinner almost ready. When is Dad supposed to be home?* * Daddy isn't coming home tonight. He said he was sorry but he said he was sorry. But he will be home tomoroww.* Micah replied. ' oh well' Nathaniel thought. " Are you guys staying for dinner?" "Yeah I guess so" Faelen replied" but I don't know what to do about Geoff. He's not going to leave Natsu's side." "Well we can just leave him there if he doesn't want to leave him.But we can still ask him. It should be ready in a few minutes. You should go ask him now. Liam do you want to help with the Pad Thai? " Nathaniel said. Liam just nodded and started helping him while Faelen left to ask Geoff about dinner. When he reached them it looked Natsu uncurled but was still unconscious. Geoff had his arms around and was asleep.hFaelen just let them sleep. He had walked up the stairs and told them what was going on. Everything was normal up until the middle of the night when everyone is asleep.