Bonded by Love Chapter 1 The Talent Show
Nathanial winked back at the large black wolf. Jack just waved back and in his green eyes showed signs of love, happiness, and hope. Nathanial smiled and turned back around. All the stares in the audience made him feel uneasy but he pressed on. As the...
Bonded by love Chapter 2: The Threat
He raised the same Ocarina that jack had found. He played a quick tune and fire exploded from him bathing everything and everyone in the heat. Wailing, burning fur, charred flesh. All of it was wonderful to Nathanial. Everything to the smell to the...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 13: Problems
Hello death Why must everything be about pain and death with him? That damned wolf. How had Natsu been able to keep his cool with what had happened to him and hold together an illusion and another spell he had never heard of? "Hey Liam. Is everything...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 12: Dinner party take 2
Liam tried to get close but the dark aura thought otherwise. When he tried to get close to him the aura sparked and shocked the Rottie. Liam kept trying to find out what was wrong but had other things to worry about. What had he meant ' oh naughty...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 11: Darkness
"Natsu!" It hurts. "Come on get up pup." It hurts. Geoff tried to pick up the curled up pup but his hand passed right through him. It felt cold. Like pure darkness. It hurts. Liam tried to get to him but Natsu disappeared and reappeared farther...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 10: The Dinner Party
The buzzer buzzed and a moment later Conor, Avery, Dirk, And Faelen walked through the door. They were greeted by everyone except one. He was under the stairs and shaking so violently he could feel the ground around him vibrate. This time he cast an...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 8: Proper Etiquette
It was mid afternoon when Natsu woke but just lied there. For a second he forgot what had happened and cowared in fear before noticing the surface he was on. It was plush and soft. Kind of relaxing. Then his eyes snapped open when he tried to roll...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 7: FightBetween light and dark
As Geoff had ran inside with Natsu the other three were seething. The female said " Well then already my weak husband was already out of the game huh? Well prepare ye self." She pointed her figers at them then made a finger gun and shot at them. " Pew...
Spirit Bound spin off Chapter 6: Torture
As the group ran outside to look where Natsu was, they found him by the front yard pool. He was on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. His own collar was on his neck but it didn't look to be hurting him. He looked up and mouthed ' Thank you...
Spirit Bound Chapter 5: The Mr. and Mrs.
"How much is the garbage worth to you hmm?" The male voice rang out in the darkness. in Nathaniel jolted awake. Even Natsu was was shaken awake by the reverberated voice, thus causing him more pain. " Yesh how much. How much. \* giggle\*\*hiccup\*" the...
Spirit Bound Spin Off chapter 4: Near Miss?
" WHAT. They beat you in school and no one notices?How. The security cameras would of picked it up" Nathaniel roared. The fur flinched at this sudden outburst. "They have special magic that can manipulate objects or summon special spirits. They ca-"...
Spirit Bound Spin Off: The roomate Chapter 3
" How do you know. Who,what I am." Liam said. " I can here them all of your life in your head and in your soul" The Fur stood up and faced Geoff. "I am deeply sorry. Geoff, I must thank you for what you have done. I cannot repay you in any way." The...