Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 8: Proper Etiquette
#8 of Spirit Bound Spin Off
Well after some much needed rest everyone's feeling better
It was mid afternoon when Natsu woke but just lied there. For a second he forgot what had happened and cowared in fear before noticing the surface he was on. It was plush and soft. Kind of relaxing. Then his eyes snapped open when he tried to roll over. His backside was very sore and was still kind of bleeding. But he pushed through the pain and got up and realized,he was raped in front of the only people who cared. Heat rose to his face while he tried to find the darkest corner to hide in for awhile. Just until he felt ready to come out. He heard someone come downstairs to find that it was Nathanial. Natsu relaxed a little but not much. When Nathanial saw that Natsu wasn't on the couch he immediately sent out his senses but to find that he under the stairs. "Hey come on out now. They aren't here so you have nothing to worry about." Natsu considered getting up before shaking his head, the heat rising to his face even hotter than before. " Hey was this about last night? It's OK you couldn't of prevented it. I'm making dinner and everyone's going to be here. Liam, Faelen,Geoff and their families so can introduce you to them." Natsu squeaked at this idea and buried his head into his knees. "Hey come one now it won't be that bad." Natsu was visibly shaking. Nathaniel couldn't even get him to move. All the while Natsu kept saying " I can't. I just can't. " Nathatnial stopped and asked what he can't. Natsu relied " I never once learned the proper etiquette to a table. My masters always set me on the floor at the table, if I'm lucky. Other times its that I'm in a cage and thrown stale bread at. I don't even know how to uphold a conversation or hold anything like knife. I'm a feral mutt whose been domesticated." Nathaneil stared In shock then said " its ok. Here I'll teach you how about that. Sound good.?" Natsu's head sprung up so fast it hit the tip of Nathaniel's muzzle. "Really you'd do that for me. Thank you so much. And about the name Nastu is perfect. I love it thank you so much." Nathaniel just smiled and tellapathacly reached out to Geoff and said * Hey can you get two plates and two of every silverware please. Natsu doesn't know the anything about proper etiquette.* * You can communicate like this to?* Natsu's voice rang out in Nathaniel's and Geoff's head. * You can pick up what we're saying? How?* Geoff sounded shocked. * I'm sorry was I not supposed to? I am deeply sorry i won't interrupt anything like this again.* * No its fine. We were surprised that's all." Natsu looked happy with that, knowing he wasn't going to get a beating. * Any way please Geoff get the stuff.* * Sure thing. Want me to bring it downstairs?.* * yeah that's fine. Oh and Geoff He likes the name you picked out for him.** Really that's awesome that's good to hear.** Wait Geoff picked it out. T-thank you so much.* Natsu started blushing furiously until Nathaniel started laughing. A moment later had brought down the stuff and eyed Natsu which Natsu blushed even worse. "Well shall we begin?".