Chapter 6 root town
#6 of Life as a Anthro
Chapter 6
Root town
Billy walked down the cold mountain path kicking some pebbles as he walked down it. Thinking back to 3 days ago back what happened in the temple.
"What did he mean. Who could possibly gain anything from the destruction of the Temple?" He said to himself. Then he heard a Wagon Behind him coming down the Road he got off to the side as an Elv with green hair in the wagon with two horses in the front pulling it along.
"Hey." He said greeting Billy.
"Need a lift?" he offered. Billy nodded happily and then climbed on next to him in the front. "My name's Alex. What's yours?" He started.
"Mine is Billy. I'm a Beginner white mage." He awnsered. "So I see you're not from root town either. Why are you going there?" Billy questioned.
"I'm. Looking for someone. He's a dark Elv that murdered my parents and my friends mother." He forcefully said.
" Maybe I could help you look for him?" Billy offered.
"Thanks." Alex said smiling. " It's not to often I run into people like you." He continued.
"Well I am a white mage. I'm supposed to help people." Billy said as he sighed. I'm a little tired I had been walking here for at least a whole day." He said yawning.
"Here. Take this it'll make you feel better." Alex said giving Billy some green tea. He drank it up the warm energizing drink helping him stay awake till they reach the town. "Were almost there." Alex announced as he some buildings.
"Good I cant wait to sleep in a warm bed for once." Billy said.
"I haven't slept in a warm bed in 5 years. My parents died when I was at a young age. Iv been sleeping in a old bus." Alex told him.
"Wow." Billy said not sure what to say. As they entered town they couldn't help but notice anyone outside. They went toward the Wagon station to put it up no one was working there and no one was outside.
"This is weird. No one appears to be here." Alex said.
"Why don't we look in the Inn?" Billy suggested as he pointed to the one across the street. They both walked over and into it to see a Skinny white werewolf and a Blue Scaled dragon.
"Hey are you guys from around here?" Alex asked.
"No. I was about to ask you the same question I just got here a minute ago and no one was here. Hey the name is Jake and this guy is my best friend Geoff." Introduced the werewolf.
"I'm Billy." Said bill. "And I'm Alex." Continued Alex. " We Just got here and didn't see anyone here at all." Alex commented.
" Yea same here. Weird huh?" Jake told him. Geoff took a sip of some Vodka.
"Yeah, but we did find some blood on the ground on way here. That was even weirder." Geoff sighed.
"Don't mind him he's hammered right now." Jake laughed.
"Well something is going on here. I'm going to go look for someone. I'll be back Soon." Alex said as he started for the door.
" Wait don't you want someone to go with you?" Billy asked.
"No, I can take of myself I'll be back in 10 minutes." He said as he left. Billy sighed and then walked over to the bar next to Jake and poured himself some Water.
"So what are the two of you doing here?" Bill asked.
"Well um...." Jake said trying to think of a lie. He couldn't tell bill that him and Geoff were actually lovers. " We were tired of hearing crap about a dragon and a werewolf hanging out. We heard this place is less racist." Jake lied. "What about you."
Jake asked.
"A friend told me I should come here. I have no idea why." He said as he took a Drink of the water.
"He didn't tell you why? And you just came?" Geoff joked.
"He died after that. A Demon had killed him. I came here because I believe in fate. Obviously I was meant to come here." Billy said smiling.
" I hope you're right, I need something to believe in now and it might as well be fate." Jake said as Geoff mumbled.
Meanwhile with Alex.
Alex walked down the street not seeing a sole wandering what happened here. " Nosantee did you do this?" Alex said to himself as he heard someone behind him Approach him. He turned around quickly Blade drawn to see a big muscular looking werewolf. "Who are you? Do you know what happened here?" Alex questioned him.
"No sorry. I don't know what happened here. I just got here. My Name is val." He says using telepathic powers. Alex was startled a little until he saw val's mouth was sown shut.
"Ok come with me, I know of some newcomers like me that just got here. Were all in a Inn." Alex says as he walks down the street toward the inn. "Val, I'm Alex." Alex Said.
Meanwhile back at the inn.
Billy and Jake were Arm wrestling Jake was winning barely and Geoff was watching cheering him on. Jake then Smashes Billy's hand into the table.
"Damnit." Billy sighs.
"Ha. What I thought. What's a Matter? You have tiny little human Muscles Billy?" Jake Teases. Billy stands up feeling a little disrespected.
"Actually, yes. I'm half-human. Yes, I am a Half-breed and I hope that wont be a problem for you." Billy says Sarcastically.
"Hey Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. God I'm Such an Ass." Jake said scratching the back of his head.
"I guess your somewhat like your father then, Jake." Snarls Geoff. Jake Gives Geoff the Finger.
" Your so Annoying when you get drunk." Jake said as he sat down. Billy sat down as well also secretly observing the two. They Seemed like Close friends but Geoff seemed Stressed out by something and why did Jake Seem surprised when he asked why they were here. He kept thinking of these questions in his mind until the door opened.
Alex walked in Followed by a rather large werewolf in Plate armor. "Hello, who's this?" Billy asked. " This is Val, I found him in the city he seems to have just arrived like us." Alex Explained. Just then another wagon pulled into the Station.
"Looks like we got some more company." Jake said sarcastically. Val sat down his stomach grumbling.
"Hey is anyone hungry? I could make us something." Bill offered. Val slowly raised his paw.
"Sure could you make me a hamburger?" Alex asked.
"Sure. You want anything special Val?" bill asked and Val shook his head. A female fox walked in and asked Alex to help her get her friend upstairs because he was injured. Bill turned around to look at her while he was flipping the patties. As soon as he saw her, he thought she was absolutely gorgeous with her soft orange fur and slender form. He forgot what he was doing and a patty Flipped up to high and Landed on his left horn. Jake saw this and laughed and the fox and Alex left for the Wagon.
Billy took the patty off of his horn embarrassed for more then one reason. His mind then went back to making burgers and what is going on in this ghost town. If it was a mass murder, where were the bodies? The fox and Alex came back in helping a Raven Anthro walk and go up the stairs they both put him in one of the rooms and then made there way downstairs.
"So what's your name?" bill asked the fox somewhat nervously.
"My name is Julianna, but you all can call me Juli. Where is everyone?" Julianna asked.
"We don't know, we just came here to. Hey what happened to your friend? Maybe I can heal him. I'm a white mage." Bill asked.
"You cant he's sick. A demon had thrown a Fireball in his face. Then the day after he became sick." Juli explained. Bill nodded and put a Plate with a bunch of hamburgers on it. Jake took one and took a bite out of it. It was mild, didn't taste good or bad. It was also kind of rubbery.
"So you like it?" Bill asked Jake. Jake nodded lying as he decided not to have another burger.
Val looked at the burger then at bill his ears going back. "Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to put it in a blender so you can drink it?" Bill said feeling like an ass.
"Hey, why is your mouth sown shut anyway?" Bill asked.
"I don't wish to talk about it right now." Val said telepathically. Bill put the burger in a blender and began to shred it in the blender as he got a cup out and a straw.
"So why did you come here?" Alex asks him sitting down next to him and getting a hamburger.
"To protect someone." He said. " I had to leave because a people there didn't like wolves." He said lying.
"I would have left to." Jake added. Bill starts to sense an evil presence he acts like he doesn't as to not arouse suspension.
"Hey Do you any of you have any enemies that could have followed you here?" Bill asked while Nudging his head toward the windows. "Because I'm sensing something funny." He continued.
"Well I came here on the trail of a serial killer. So maybe it's him." Alex whispered loading his bow. Just then a Fireball came charging through the window aiming at bill he quickly ducks and the fireball hits a wall setting it ablaze.
"That wasn't him! He doesn't have any fire attacks!" Alex shouted.
" Geoff go help Julianna get chivy out of the building. Jake, Alex and Val lets go find out who this is." Bill ordered.
" Ok BOSS!" Jake said sarcastically. The foursome charged out of the Tavern to see a Demon Anthro standing on a Fence. He had black leather pants on and red skin his eyes were a light orange color. Bill looked at his eyes and saw nothing, no emotion yet a hint of pain.
" Who are you?" Jake shouted.
" Why should I tell you mutt!" he said in an evil voice. " Heh, whatever You should know the names of the people that are responsible for your deaths." He giggled.
" People?" Alex whispered. Just then a Green beam of light almost his bill from behind. They all turn around and on top of the burning Tavern was a Orc dressed in a Black Cloak and Pants. He had a Long Bone staff with a Skull of an Unknown Race on it. " The names Vince." He said. He jumped onto the fence next to the demon.
"And my names Bud." Said the demon then Alex heard a gun go off and quickly ducked evading a bullet. Then a Dark Elv Jumped onto the fence on the other side of the Demon.
"And I'm Nosantee. Long time no see Alex. I forgot to mention how much you've grown." He said evilly.
" When we are together people like to call us the unholy trinity." Bud explained. " You just got here in time after we killed off the last villager." He smiled while saying the dreadful sentence. Bill glared at him with disgust.
"You... killed everyone! Even the women and children!" He said with anger.
" Children make the funniest sound before they die. Their Screams and whines for their already dead mothers are like music to my Ears." He said with a smile. Just then Julianna and Geoff come out with Chivy and they set him down against a wall by a neighboring House.
" So then I guess your going to kill us next?" Jake asked growling.
"Everyone but The big bad wolf over there. Our Boss wants him alive." He said Pointing at val. Val's expression grew from anger to serious. He knew what they wanted. But why and how and everything else was still unknown. Bill then stepped in front of him and readied his staff.
" You Wont get him. You sick bastereds." He said seriously.
"We'll see." Bud smiled. Nosantee Jumped off the fence and in front of Alex. Julianna ran up as Nosantee pointed the gun in Alex's face. She grabbed the gun and kicked him in the gut then she tripped him and pushed him back. He did a Back flip, landing on his feet he pulled out a knife and charged Julianna Alex got in-between The two of them and blocked his knife with his sword.
Bud Jumped off in front of bill and punched him in the face sending him fling back on the dirt ground Val ran up to the demon to tackle him. Bud took out a small knife jumped up and cut Val on his forehead. When he landed on the ground he licked the blade. Val turned around Pissed as his wound Healed Slowly.
"That must be the demons powers inside of you." Bud said with a smirk. Bill got up behind him and smacked him in the head with his staff. Meanwhile Geoff and Jake had their Hands full with Vince he hit Geoff in the face with his staff sending him into the fence breaking it. Bud got up and charged for bill punched him in the face twice and threw him by the arm into Val and then took out a Knife and threw it at bill. Val Shielded bill with his arms as the knife stuck in his arm he pulled it out as if it was nothing. Bill Raised his staff and Threw a Lightning bolt at him, bud shielded his Body with his arms all it managed to do was push him back it didn't even lay a scratch on him.
"What the." Bill whispered. Bud just smiled and then Tripped Jake who was behind him and then punched him in the stomach sending him threw the taverns Windows and into the smoke.
"One down, four to go." He smiled. Geoff got up and looked at Bud angrily he got up and ran for bud and tried to punch him bud blocked him and then countered with a kick. They both began to fight angrily. Jake Managed to climb out of the window with slightly burnt fur he got out and aimed his Gun at Bud and fired, He was so close to hitting him bud sees him and runs over and Slams his head against a wooden pole. He then raises his fist as Jake hits the ground.
The claws on his fist growing he yells out " DEMON FANG!" and as he throws his punch. Geoff gets in-between Jake and bud and takes the fatal blow. The demons punch was too much for the fragile dragons body and goes through it the claw coming out of his stomach as his back was turned to the demon. The Blood of his mate showering Jake's face Jake loses his breath as he looks at his lovers face who was crying and yet smiling at the same time.
" I'm sorry. I. Didn't get a to make love to you." Geoff says weakly. Jake looks at geoffs stomach again as the demon claws slowly squirm around as the begins to withdraw out of his lovers body then Geoff falls on Jake his blood getting into Jake's Burnt fur. All of a sudden Time slows down and Jake's World begins to crumble as he holds his mates body close to him not wanting him to die.
Bill looks over to see the tragedy and becomes furious. " NOOOO!" He shouts as he charges the demon. Bud pulls out an Anti- healing Talisman and turns to smile at bill as he places it on Geoff. Bill takes out his golden sword and Swings the demon quickly ducking as he notices the sword he kicks bill in the face.
"That sword, where did you get it?" He asked.
" None of your business you murderer!" Bill said with anger. Val Gets an idea and sneaks up behind Vince and Holds him down. Val is too strong for the weak Necromancer. He singles for Julianna who runs over with her shotgun and Aims it at his head and fires blowing his Face away. Nosantee and Bud look at their fallen comrade and then laugh.
"Thanks for killing him Vixen, He was weak. We were wondering of how to dispose of him anyway." Bud laughed. Then A radio on his belt began to ring he got it and then awnsered it.
" Yes, we got one of them." He awnsered.
" Are you sure?" He asked into it.
Everyone stared at him wandering who was on the other end and what were they discussing.
"OK." He replied as he hung up. " Nosantee, We have new orders. Let's go." He told him. Hey began to run down the street insanely fast. Within 14 seconds they are gone.
Jake sobs quietly as Geoff slowly Dies. " I love you Geoff, Please. Don't go there is still so much I want to tell you and do with you! I can't imagine my life without you." Jake pleaded with tears flowing down his furry face his throat becoming dry as Geoff takes his last breathe and sadly dies embracing his lover.